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A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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a short countdown before the level starts (even one second) would be appreciated
otherwise good controls and fun to play

The third tower type seems to not have any graphical effects?, enemies just die around it.

Impressed with the black and white graphics, everything is well discernable and good looking.
Nice freezing poses as well.

At least one typo in Steve’s description (buit -> built), and the intro text says unfreeze with ‘up’, which should be ‘down’.

This was quite enjoyable to play.
The view controls really helped to take it slow.

Could do with some anti aliasing though, the grass is especially affected by missing AA. After some time wandering around the music loop ends and doesn’t restart

Super hard game, my score was many millions in the negative.
Quite fun though. 👍

Thanks for the feedback.

Keybinding text is now adjusted.
I’ll keep the gamepad/keyboard menu controls in mind for the next game. 🙂

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Thanks for the feedback.

An in-game timer and a more complex scoring/medal system was planned, though due to time constraints didn’t get done.
(feels like half the time I put in was on the last day; need to improve planning and motivation)

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Took me a bit to figure out the control scheme;
but after that it was very enjoyable to think about the puzzles :)

Really good looking models, effects and animations.
Great combo mechanics.

There doesn’t seem to be a way to return to the menu after starting the game?
Also the audio settings page is a bit too much and gets cut off 🙃

Thanks for the feedback on the lore; I’m happy to hear it is being read :)

Well executed concept.

The long slowdown/bullet-time when an enemy is destroyed took me out of the flow of movement every time; it felt a bit like being punished for hitting targets.

Target spawned right on top of me multiple times, would prefer them to have a bit of distance.

Ahhh, autoplay and loud music on startup.

Otherwise solid base game mechanics.

Congrats on your first game on itch.

It is a bit hard to gauge distances when jumping and moving; adding shadows might help here.

I’m not sure how to improve it, but whenever I wanted to focus on my mirror image I kind of lost track of where I was and got hit; so to get a high score I just solely focused on my player character, completely ignoring the upper half of the screen.

Thanks for checking it out. We definitely need to get the gameplay done sooner next time to have time to test and refine it.

Love the concept.
Would be cool to be able to rotate independently of the current main thrusters, this might give some more control to perform maneuvers.

Pretty neat.
The bubble effect seemed to move with the character/camera though; pinning this to the background would likely increase orientation and the feeling of speeding upwards.

Very polished overall.
Occasionally, I would take the wrong path and was unable to make the fish backtrack slightly to navigate around the obstacle.

I was unable to pay rent; my performance as a clerk is definitely subpar.
Am I a ghost going through doors or are they just illusions?

Why does the otter want the orange rocks? I need to know.
I didn’t recognize that some of the fish can hurt you; until it was too late and I died. Maybe some more visual separation would have helped me.

Would love to have some feedback if you are actually hitting anything. It’s not really obvious if or what you are hitting.
I feel it would have been beneficial to separate the walking and shooting directions; make it a dual stick shooter.

Weirdly captivating and memorable game.

That is great to hear.
I aimed to capture the essence of a relaxing, warm spring day. The return of the sun and warmth after a chilly winter.
As this is how I felt when the jam began.

Very atmospheric.
However, there are moments when predators are absent for minutes, which can be less thrilling.

Got into the water at 46s; was wondering what the fastest possible time is?

Swimming in the clouds is a nice idea.
Though I didn’t know where to go next, as I couldn’t see the next cloud … until I fell to my death.

Died a lot getting used to the controls, but kept starting a new round regardless.
Well done.

I got eaten so many times.
When not looking at the screen the swimming sound turned into a steam engine train in my head.

The minimalist visuals work really well on this one.

For me it’s sometimes quite hard to judge what ‘lane’ the oncoming traffic is in.
Is there no audio or am I just missing something.

Good fun.
Would love to see some background art on this.

The bot behaves as if it has no desire to win though.^^

Thanks for the kind words.
It did take long hours and nights to get this done in a week; the project, source code and blend files look accordingly chaotic.

Got a possible fix for the web crash ready, but haven’t gotten a response to the request to update it yet.

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Great to know that you had a good experience.
My learning objective was focused on creating and utilizing 3D assets, which may have led to the oversight and lack of time for other aspects.

The web version (Firefox and MSEdge), as well as the downloaded version don’t let me press start.

Button mashing wins; the only technique I know in fighter games.
Some more movement patterns on the enemy would be great though.

This was enjoyable.
The cover art is spot-on.

Thanks for the feedback.
Will see that I add some in-game instructions when I get to updating this.

Basically, when you start out, you can only get to the mid range islands.
After completing the first few missions you will get access to upgrades, which allow you to go higher and lower, as well as a harpoon in the end.

Nicely done.

I found the interaction prompt for the flashlight to be a bit hard to get.

Well done. It gets difficult pretty fast after about a minute.

Nicely done.

Only issue I had was that the listed gamepad controls didn’t seem to work correctly.
I could not select any menu entries with my xbox controller, navigation worked fine.

I was really missing some punching sounds, in line with how the character animates.
Interesting concept having to balance the life of parasite and host. Well done.