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A member registered May 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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The issues of implementing this are understandable, but it is true that I don't think everybody had a chance to be judged. I am pretty sure the judges did not go through 655 submissions and only went with the top ones. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like popularity was the main criteria for even getting noticed. 

Hey guys. I wanna stay connected with you. You've been extremely supportive, and your compositions are fantastic. Lately, I've been using X to connect with people, so I'm hoping for those of you that use the app, we could connect as well. This is my profile:

If your profile doesn't show you are a composer or gamer, I might not follow back, so in that case please message me. Thank you! 

The replies to this are outrageous 🤣

Thanks for that! Ya, this competition was a confidence booster but at the same time, I learned a lot and got even more motivated to improve my skills, especially on the tech side of things

My answer is the same. Actually, there were some composers whose work I was blown away by that actually gave me super positive comments on my submission. Talk about a confidence booster!

Are there any beginners or lower level composers that feel this way:

A couple of weeks after submitting my project a found ways to make my mixes sound way cleaner and how to build my instrument racks way more effectively! 😫

I know it's a learning process, but it's frustrating trying to join jams and do actual projects when I'm still on the journey of trying to find my sound. There's so much back and forth and redoing things! 

very nice for only having 1 day. The balance was good overall, and it still came out pretty clean. Also love the melody and the sounds used to create the ambience! 

I didn't play fps games too much in the past, but this definitely matches the vibe very well with the ones I have played. The Sound design was very fitting for the theme you presented, as it gave me that creepy feeling that something not normal was lurking somewhere nearby. 

Big thanks for your feedback! I know the drums were a little jarring, but being a guy with a metal background I had to showcase my #1 skillset lol. 

I also think you're the first to like Transcendental Pathway, so that makes me very happy! 

Thanks for your feedback! Ya, I agree with your take. I probably should've done more to emphasize the underwater theme. 

Yes! 90% of my gaming life is sonic lol

Oh sorry! Pizzicato was what I meant to say. How embarrassing! I used that articulation in my own track 🤣

very well done! This definitely fits a horror game. I'm still not well versed with orchestra terminology, but I think the way you used the spicatto (?) articulation really added to that spooky vibe. Very nice! 

Thank you very much! Ya at the end I had to sneak in my metal influence. Haha. 

Absolutely right! 

barely making any out here in poor @ss Japan.  Lol

Agreed! It's very humbling to be around so many people that are way above my level. I have a new surge of motivation running through me to get better at mixing and to find a way to increase my income to upgrade my sound libraries. 

I just listened to your work, and to get such compliments from someone at your level is very encouraging. Also glad to get special notice for that harp bend. It took quite a few takes to get it right. Lol

Your advice is also very helpful. This was my first time working on a strict deadline, so I think I was probably focusing too much on speed that I forgot to put my all into the structure of the piece. Lesson learned! 

Once again, thank you!

This OST right here HAS to be in a game! I'm really blown away by what you did! The area exploration check was so effective in creative ambience that I actually felt like I was playing a JRPG. The battle theme also had an obvious Chrono Trigger influence, yet it was so unique i can't say it sounds like it. Perfect battle theme! 

The craziest thing is I listened before reading your description, and already knew that this was for a JRPG with some influence from Chrono Trigger, so you really did everything you had to do to convey what you wanted clearly. This is perfection right here! 

So, you said that you have the same issues as me, but i feel like your execution was actually much cleaner than mine! I did enjoy this composition so very nice on that. 

The mixing and mastering will definitely take some time to learn, but I know we got this!

Nice to come across a fellow newbie. Lol. 

But ya, let's keep pushing through. 💪🏼 


Ya, it's gonna take me a few more years to get that down. I'm pretty new to the world of music production, sample libraries, vsts, and all that. Lol. 

But I appreciate you checking this out! 

I honestly think you did perfect on this! It sticks to the theme very well. And I can't remember exactly which instruments you used, but the most impressionable part was when you doubled the melody with the basses and xylophone. So clean! 

Big thanks for listening! Your comments are encouraging! 

just to add to this: 

I'm really glad this community is so supportive. Even the most popular composers take time to view the newbies' tracks! The comments I've received have been massive confidence boosters, so I'm just ready to take my skills to the next level. 

Thanks to all who have made this such a great experience! 

Thanks for sharing! I honestly can't clearly remember the process I used for my composition. Lol. 

I only remember when I finally had a melody I liked, I changed the rhythm a little and put some variation in the chord progressions to create a second track based on that same melody. 

I also know I wanted to showcase my metal background, so I found a way to work in a drumset towards the end of one of my tracks. 

This is straight beauty here! I hope this doesn't upset you, but I feel like these are really awesome "event" tracks that you would hear in cut scenes. Ofc, depending on the type of game I could hear these being bgm for an actual stage, too. Either way, nice job on creating a fitting atmosphere. 

Absolutely beautiful! I am not good with words, but the best I can say is that the music mixes mystery, relaxation, and energy all at once. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Lol

That synth in One Friendly Intruder was so cool! This OST overall was really great! 

This was spot on with the theme! I'd definitely want music like this on a game. The ambience you created was genius level! 

Wow! To get a comment like this is a big confidence booster! Thank you very much! 

I also enjoyed what your team did on your work! You all killed it on your tracks! 

Appreciate you listening! 

Big thanks for that encouraging comment! 

Thank you very much! That bell sound interacting with the piano part is actually a preset in the TyrellN6 Synthesizer. I forgot which preset I used, but I can get back to you about that later. 

Thank you for that comment! That's perfect that it sounds like that because it's exactly what I need for the game I'm composing for! 

Great job on this. Our ideas for the type of game this is were very similar. You just happened to describe it better than I could. Haha

(1 edit)

Thanks to all who have left great comments on my work! I can't believe people are liking what I've done, even if the sound library is not the best. 

To hear how many of you have a great command of mixing and mastering is super impressive as well! Wishing everyone the best. 


Thank you so much! Ya I'm not a fan of this library either, but it's the best I have access to right now. I might have to mess with it more.  

Had to listen to this because my gf's name is Kyoko. Lol

Great job on this! 

Thank you very much. I'm not a fan of my sound library either, but it's all my computer and budget can handle now, and I'm glad you could still look past that to appreciate the composition itself. Haha. 

Brand new VGM composer here! Only been in the industry for about 2 months now, and I got chosen by an awesome game developer to write music for his side-scrolling Mecha beat-em up!

Also, I joined my first ever jam, the OST Composing Jam #7!

Looking to link with composers and share what I've learned as well as receive some tips from others.