thank you, that worked perfectly
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Hey no problem, it's probably something I'm doing wrong. So I'm using Unity, I just deleted, redownloaded, re-imported, it looks more pixelated than it should and the foot is slightly going over the line. The funny thing is that the player attack sprite sheet's quality is fine. I have the inspector for the texture 2D attached. It's important to note that the player attack sprite sheet has the same settings in the inspector.
I feel like this will be underrated because of the graphics. It's hard to put into words how well the atmosphere is: I noticed the `EditorModeHotReload.dll` in your controls and I thought that was a mistake left there; The jumping at the same time the dialogue was happening, I thought that was just an oversight. When the dialogue and gameplay revealed these things as intentional, I was caught off guard and was pleasantly surprised, very well done.
Not the creator, but maybe I can give you some insight.
First row is sword strike.
Second row idle.
Third row running.
Last row, the 3 frames:
1st frame is press down or ducking.
2nd frame is pressing up or raising your head
3rd frame is mid air jump. It could also be fallen down, on the ground, shooting forward as if you're flying, or maybe a ghost form if you shade it lighter, depends on what you want to do with it.