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A member registered Oct 30, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing, and for the kind words! Yeah I will need to do a lot of work around controls/difficulty/UI before I get another playable version out, seems to be a common complaint. Gives me a good list of tasks to do next!

I appreciate you taking the time to try it out and leave feedback!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Yeah I agree the difficulty is tuned way too high right now, I had an easier enemy type made but it had a bug I found right before submitting so I ended up just removing  it for now, I also need to probably start spawning slower and ramp up over time/have bigger waves at certain times. Also need to do some more polish on the customization screen, that is on my list!

Haha got it, yeah I tried again and was able to see much more of the game, got a more 'real' ending I think! I enjoyed the speed of it, I would might have liked some sort of overview so I knew how many battles were left before going to a town/inn, but not knowing also built in some tension so it could go either way IMO. Looks great (I enjoyed all of the enemy art, the zombies and slimes especially) and plays well with a solid small but well defined scope, well done!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad to hear you like the momentum and definitely taking note about the controls, and yeah the difficulty is not tuned right at all yet. I'll get the customization screen more polished and communicative, showing the fire patterns is a great idea!

Thank you for the feedback and for trying out my game, really appreciated!

(1 edit)

I have no idea what I am doing wrong here but pretty much every time I end up fighting a landlord pretty much right away and the game ends. Love it! Once I managed to get to the town, but then when I left I found the landlord again lol. I honestly couldn't tell if that was the whole joke, a bug, or me messing something up. Maybe I am a dummy but could use a little bit of direction, or if that is the point then well played! Favorite class is monk I guess since that is what I got to the town with?

I enjoyed it either way and it gave me a few good laughs, I will check out your other work!

The art looks pretty good! I would try to differentiate the building styles a bit more if they are supposed to be really different, but they all seem to be from the same place for now so that could be intentional. I liked the main characters portrait art. It is all a bit 'generic fantasy' but that also could come from not having much of the story yet. I found the destroyed house in the capitol and I liked that! Made me curious about it. Overall pretty good looking, but I would recommend trying to find some kind of style or flavor to add to help differentiate it from other fantasy games.

I absolutely love Devil Daggers so I was excited to try this one! The gameplay is definitely solid, the powerups were a great addition to it I would highly recommend giving that part of the game extra time. I don't think the map was too small, but I was having trouble staying on it because of the lack of audio/visual feedback I think. Maybe add some footstep sounds, and have a different floor material on the edges so it makes a slightly different sound while walking there. I also wished the jump had a little more 'oomph', I was having trouble even telling if I was jumping most of the time. I also had the 'quit' bug when I fell off the map, it would bring me to a black room with a single enemy spawner in it, I had to just hit X on the window to close it.

As others have said you the visuals have a really good style, keep building and polishing that and you will have a really great looking game on your hands! Audio would also be a huge help, even just some basic placeholder stuff would help with getting feedback. I hope you keep working on it, with a bit more polish this could be an awesome game!

Also I appreciated how detailed your dev log was, I need to up my game on specific patch notes!

Just updated, I think that will fix it for you, if it still has a problem let me know and I can try uploading the .exe directly. Thank you for playing!

Thank you for the feedback! Yeah I agree with you on the UI and text/audio stuff, it was definitely a bit rushed here and is not communicating super clearly. It sounds like I need to also do some more testing around the controls, possibly try another method. I really appreciate you taking the time to play and write this out, thank you again!

Thank you for the music praise! With the controls that is interesting, I had experimented with the 'tank style' controls but I thought it felt less intuitive myself 🤔I will do some more testing with that, it seems to be a common complaint! Thanks a ton for playing and leaving feedback, very appreciated!

I saved Christmas! Haha fun little game, I was trying to time the drops at first I didn't realize they automatically aimed at the next available NPC. I would maybe try to make that a little more clear. I also didn't understand what the top right 'gift' bar was at first, but might be on me. It started pretty slow which is understandable, but I didn't know it was going to speed up and almost quit out early. IMO you should try speeding it up a little sooner to the start of the game. Just my opinion but the NPC explosion animation was a little grim lol, some tonal whiplash between that and the super cute Santa animation, but that is probably the point I guess.

Honestly I would speed it up a little, maybe a bit more polish on the NPC's and differentiate the Naughty vs Nice ones (Give the naughty ones stereotypical leather jackets and smoking or something? Make it a little more absurd :D) and maybe add some alternate xmas songs. The Santa sleigh animation was really cute, I liked that!

Ran into a few bugs, the red enemy bullets seem to collide with my own bullets so spamming at them would block their attacks, the cylinder bomb seems to always float up to the top right when dropped, pressing the 'S4' button on UI doesn't seem to do anything. Also not sure if it is a bug, but you can hold 'E' and drag the gravity field thing around wherever you want, this is actually cool if its a bug I would suggest trying to make it a feature :D Also the UI seemed to not scale to full screen.

I did have a fun time with the skills though! They could use some more feedback so I know what is happening, and I can't tell if they are on a cooldown or use mana of some kind, having that displayed on the UI would be helpful too. The gravity well, and rewind time ones are especially cool. I would have preferred being able to hold down the mouse button to shoot though, clicking a ton of times isn't ideal. You could try shooting while the button is held down, and have a reload time or something after X amount of shots or something like that.

I think adding some more polished UI, and better spell graphical/audio effects would go a long way!

(1 edit)

Fun little game, moves very quickly from the start, could possibly try starting slower and ramping the speed up as the player lives longer? The laser sound was a little grating, it might need some variation to it or something if its going to be repeating super often. The 'Time' and 'Points' UI in the top corners was pretty hard for me to see, I think the text color should be updated to give it a bit more pop

The 'lane' movement without clicking the mouse was a bit weird to get used to, but after a while it wasn't too bad. Is that a limitation of the engine or a specific design choice? Either way I think it could lead to interesting gameplay, might be worth experimenting with that a bit!

EDIT: Sorry for the spam comments there it was saving but not loading a new page!

Overall I enjoyed the game, especially the last level! Ran into a couple bugs (floating building on last level on the left side of the map, it seemed like my guys were going into a building I did not click on because it was directly in the path on the mountain level but would need to double check) but nothing major.

I would add some kind of customization so it doesn't feel random every start, also maybe give the player a chance to see the map before the game begins. A bit more feedback when you are in 'select mode' would also be good, I think clicking the buildings to upgrade also selected them to change targets? Not sure exactly, but something felt off.

I liked the idea and was really liking the later levels, I hope you keep working on this! Well done

This is cool as hell, looking forward to your future projects!

this tool is really great, thank you for making it!

I liked the explosions when you killed an enemy, good choice! Also good choice on the BGM. With the camera a little more zoomed out and a bit more variety could be a fun little platformer!

I really like this idea for a game, small scale real time battles were cool! It was very hard lol, could use some balancing, but after a couple tries I was able to beat a few levels at least. Would have enjoyed it if it was a little slower paced I think, and the mechs didn't die quite so quick. Maybe some other weapons as well. I enjoyed it, I hope you keep working on it!

The medieval mechs thing is really cool, would like to see more of that world! Could use some polishing, feedback on when I was getting hit or hitting the enemy wasn't great, but I like idea of a mech fighting game like this!

Really impressive game, done in only 2 weeks! Would love to see a more polished version, some more differences between characters, maybe a minimap or indicator towards next objective. Flying/dashing might be cool as well and help break up the running. Overall great job, I hope you keep working on this!

Thank you! Yeah I was swapping the images out on the last day and didn't test enough with it, will need to improve the art a bit to make everything more readable.

Thank you for playing! Glad to hear the weapon selection is being received well, that was something I hadn't done before and wanted to learn. I am thinking about building on the prototype and will be sure to focus time around the customization. That hack is actually a great idea that I hadn't thought of! Also something I will look into expanding, using the weapons in different ways.

Thank you for playing!

I wasn't able to figure out how to get very far, but I liked the graphic and music style. Could have used a little tutorial to tell me what I should be doing besides walking and finding more energy. 

I liked the look with the pixelated filter actually, but it seemed to make enemy health bars disappear. With a bit more polish on the gameplay and audio could be a fun little game!

Really intrigued by the idea here, but wasn't able to really play it. Couldn't figure out how to make my mechs attack the enemy, and they didn't seem to be attacking me much either. Would to try a fixed up version!

I really liked the writing and was interested in the world, bummed it ended when it did! After getting all the details at the front I was hoping for a little more interactivity as well.

First thing I did was walk off the side of the map, didn't understand I needed to mine down haha. Would like it if the mech was only 1 tile wide so you didn't have to dig twice, or you could dig 2 tiles at a time. With some more goals/obstacles could be a nice little game!

I really liked it! The 3 buttons were a little confusing I couldn't figure out what exactly was going on there, but I liked the mix of sci-fi and fantasy! Would be interested in hearing more from this world

I must have missed that, my mistake!

I liked the concept and story, some editing and tuning should be done. I would have liked a fastforward option so I could read at my own pace during the dialogue sections. Sound seemed to only play intermittently, the first few screens were silent for me.

Thank you for playing, appreciate it!

Thank you for playing, and thanks for hosting the jam!

I liked the idea, but was pretty buggy and difficult to aim. Would love to see an updated version that is a bit smoother!

Fun concept and I got a good chuckle out of the intro story, humanity on the brink of collapse but everyone would rather watch giant mech fights is on point! With some balance tuning and bug fixing could be a fun fighter.

I like the look and general idea, weapon info when swapping could be more clear and the balance was off. I was a bit confused on where to go and what to do exactly at first, could maybe use some clearer explanation. If polished up I could see this being really fun, keep at it!