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A member registered Aug 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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very fun, needed more instruction at the beginning, even just a simple wall of text saying how to start maybe?

hey i was trying to upload screenshots and a cover image for a little project but they are not loading, and come up as broken links when viewing the page.  I know the image server has borked itself in the past, and i think it is borking itself again now.  is it known when it will be back up?

bonus points for the eye destroying colors and font selection on the games page...  that took some thought

very detailed feedback, thank you for playing, and we're glad you enjoyed it.  there were a lot of things that were planned that got cut, and things that needed fixing, the difficulty was lowered at the last second due to play testing coming back that it was way too brutal, maybe went too far, but the nature of a jam when times up its in the state its in.. there are definitely things that could get polished up were we to carry the project forward.  again thanks :)

Very glad you enjoyed playing it.  It was “supposed” to be a shark as the last boss but i guess its kind of ambiguous

very cool idea I don't understand what all I am supposed to be doing a good tutorial would work wonders laying out your tasks one by one until you get  used to all you are supposed to be taking care of

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


very nice game overall i liked the puzzle elements felt well thought out.  i got stuck on level 8, crush.. i knew WHAT i  needed to do but the platforming jump to push the block closer to the cannon was very frustratingly difficult .  overall very well polished and well done good job.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


i likes the concept of having to re-navigate the levels in the dark but the hit boxes on the spikes seemed a little unfair to be honest.  maybe i was just not used to them.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


super fun gameplay the hit box was WAY forgiving on gettng shot by the miners i had to try really hard and sit in the line of fire for a while to register a hit on me.  very much reminds me of solar jetman.  cool overall would have liked sound but I understand the limitations.  awesome job man.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


super fun hacking mechanic but i felt the lack of reseting mechanics when the hacking missed too may keystrokes, forcing the whole game to reset was kinda harsh. visually the graphics worked well within the 64 pixel limitation.  the audio was spot on.  I would have liked to see the cursor show the underlying character when its blinking the whole time, like just reversing the two colors so its lit up with a dark character, then dark with a lit up character so it can be seen.  although the hacking didn't really need any additional difficulty maybe having a time limit that is you hacked it quickly enough you could get some kind of bonus to encourage players to try and go quickly

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


(1 edit)

even once the game loaded it wasn't really playable unfortunately  i could walk around and "hit" at the zombies which let out a little blood spray but they never died and there was not anything else to do

impressive overall, very competent graphics despite the 64 pixel resolution, nothing happened when the enemy ships were eliminated just continued to fly around i'm guessing time limitations didn't let you add it.  very cool that the atmosphere shows up when you fly lower it was a nice touch.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


interesting simple game.  the graphics work well within the resolution.. the hit boxes seemed a little touchy and I died a few times i thought i shouldn't have.  overall good job though

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


the game play was fun and the characters looked low resolution, but the requirement in the jam was the entire game was rendered at 64x64 resolution, its too bad though it haad a cool paper mario vibe to it.  good job on it.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


Yeah we could have spelled it out better in game,  in general the exits to each area are in the north, one of the levels has a dead end you have to backtrack from if you go that way

while the game was fairly fun, and was "low resolution" it wasn't restricted to the 64x64 pixel size specified in the rules.  other than that, pretty fun, i felt when i got the power up that split my shots in two it was a detriment to hitting enemies, i would rather have 2 shots in line until i got 3, then it could have center left and right, so as to not mess up aiming.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


very nice would have liked some bgm as well but the sfx that were there were spot on.  overall very impressive. 

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


really ambitious game for 64pixels, i had trouble understanding why buildings would or wouldn't place cause I was zoomed out too far, and zooming was scrolling the whole webpage up and down  would have been much better without the resolution so i don't think it was the best type of game to go with, however it may have just been control issues that I had...

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)



I wasn't a fan of the dithered filter i felt it made it almost unplayable,  also i don't understand how to get into the desk, it won't let me interact with the drawer, and I couldn't find a key lying around anywhere so i was kinda stuck (had to play without the filter, it was pretty much impossible to play with it on unless you knew everything ahead of time.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


nice simple hack and slash, i feel the hitbox on the boss a bit unforgiving and too big, but other than that solid effort :)

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


absolutely loved the control and game style... reminded me a lot of a game called solar jetman on NES that i LOVED as a kid.  I did leave it alone for a bit as i went and did something else and the java crashed so i lost my game :( but I don't think its anything you could do about it.. amazing job.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


cool gameplay.  the music and sound effects fit perfectly.  there seemed to be a lot of slowdown when you killed an enemy ship.  I felt the game was kinda trying to hide the 64x64 resolution rather than embracing it, overall good job, and much better explaining the boost and other stuff with dialog on screen :)

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


got stuck in a level where the blue spot has to navigate a maze, the yellow one has like a one way trap door that it gets stuck inside of and i couldn't get the blue to navigate without trapping the yellow

your controlls mentioned "s" to mute sounds but i didn't hear any sound or music anyway? unless i was missing something  interesting concept overall

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


yeah i only joined in the last 3 days or so, personally I did the heat shimmer (during the daytime), the damage overlay blood splatter, the tumbleweeds, leaving the footprint trail, some subtle lighting stuff, and playtesting :)

I was unsure how to rate the game, i mean you have no graphics at all which is bold, so i couldn't rate the graphics category...  but the use of resolution restriction... technically you are allowed a lower resolution and you chose a zero by zero resolution... so i guess good job there, its almost like an audio novel of a choose your own adventure.  its well done.  to skirt into the rules of 64 x 64 jam better, maybe have the opening scene before the explosion actual have graphics, and then go black or just maybe very dark and uselessly hazy so there are "graphics" in context but you are still playing by audio only for the most part.  bold choices would like to see where it could go further.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


interesting concept more of a logic puzzle game of how to keep the vamps alive long enough to kill the level 3 human square.  getting python installed to play was a but of a hassle, so you may wanna spell that out better for those that aren't up to hunting it down.. overall nice game for a first game... good job.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


(1 edit)

cool use of simple 3d, it fits well within the lo resolution and helps sell the designs.  i think the gameplay is a little slow for my taste for a jam game, especially with getting multiple characters to use and gaining experience.  very ambitious and pulled off well... how far does the actual game play get to in this version, I may have to come back and give it a bigger block of time to explore.  would be nice to have more text prompts around the game like in combat saying damage done and life and experience gained.  this it pretty cool though.  I didn't hear any audio or music, did that not make it in?

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


nice simplistic gameplay, may have been better to not have the arrow and force the player to explore more for the gems, rather than having them spawn literally where you just walked.  good job overall.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


interesting indirect control mechanic, the sheep kinda do what they want, i couldn't get past "color" under the timer.  I laughed at the "victory.txt"  the graphics work well within the low resolution without trying to hide it.   good job though.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


interesting concept and well executed.  not as much gameplay as I would like although I wasn't quite smart enough to figure out the whole placement to fully fill in the required graph at the top ;P  well done outside the box thinking

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


love the cuteness of the snakies even at the lower resolution.  would have liked if the enemies presented more of a booping threat, even the winged ones weren't really an issue.  and when you did get booped there wasn't any real penalty, also there was never really a need to use the tickle, if you were closes enough to tickle them you could just boop them instead and save time.  love the concept would have liked to see just a little more detail in the background

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


excellent simple RPG.  well laid out victory condition and map layout to get to each of the four stones, would have liked to see a larger map so it took more exploring to get to each of the stones.  combat could have been better, and once you had gained any ammount of levels the enemies were basically harmless very nice looking graphics for 64x64 pixels... good job

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


i like the throwback pre 8-bit type music like the OLD old PC games had.  the movement was real floaty feeling for lining up shots on the enemy planes.  overall nice attempt at a first game... keep going.  the graphics were simple but effective for the low resolution.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


i like the concept of having to match the shield to the bullet to bounce them back but the sheer quantity of bullets raining in means there is no way to match and reflect things back like 10 times a second...  it needs to start with a single type of ship with only one or two of them, then once the player gets used to deflecting, add a second type of ship, where there is only one each of them,  so the player can get used to switching to deflect the bullets...  the level of difficulty it starts out at is beyond final level difficulty, its just not humanly possible.  i like where it is going though.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


interesting concept but i think the build is broken a bit.  there is a console in the background complaining about invalid offsets at fast as it can scroll.  i think [CTRL] rewinds time or something but it causes errors on the console, and the only actions that work are the tilling the soil, then watering it, none of the other actions work right now.  the second page of the inventory i think a computer and a red thing, never did anything, and couldn't select any item other than the computer, the third page that had seeds on it never let  my plant them.  good concept just needs a little more play testing.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


(1 edit)

awesome shmup game play, the graphics work well within the 64 pixel restriction.  and the mechanic to switch the bullets from spread fire to concentrated fire was nice once you got a powerup.  would love to see more levels, maybe shrink the bullets down a litle it seemed like they hit me a few times but it didn't register the hit like the hit box was smaller than the visible bullet.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


the lack of any beat to get into in the higher difficulty makes it almost impossible. interesting dance dance type concept with typing, good job

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


got the first key, but there are no other doors or interactables that can be gotten to.  interesting concept but needs more work.

amazing game play and the graphics worked very well within the resolution without trying to hide it.  the controls were a bit awkward trying to get the recipe from the book.  there was no penalty for placing poop on the belt in front of customers, it have been funny for that to have been a bad move.  overall amazing job.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)


the timing starts to get a bit frantic, got to 125 coins before i fell.  good job, didn't really notice the low resolution so the simple graphics hid it well.  the game play was fun, may have been fun to have a key to switch directions as well so you have to choose which branch you jump to also there is no penalty for not chopping branches as you go past and just focus on jumping higher, and you still get paid for just jumping up.

I assisted on a game for this jam.  would love to hear your ideas on our game :)
