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A member registered Aug 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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I was really struggling with a lot things using gbstudio. Maybe if I had more time I could have fixed a lot of the collision issues, but most were problems with my engine not having the best support of collisions in platformer mode. I'm glad you didn't give up on it right away despite it not working right off the bat however. Thank you for play it!

thanks, I definitely had metroid in mind while designing this game and wish I was better at making some more.

I know what you mean. You actually can still attack, but it becomes invisible in that last room. After submissions close I'll try to update it and get rid of that bug cause it is really annoying when that happens. Maybe I should have left it as an hp bar as your attack lol. I believe if you load a save it works properly, but I'm not sure why that fixes it.

I've been having this issue as well...

Thank you so much! I was intending on joining another jam this week, but I was so adamant on learning unity for it that there ended up not being enough time, since not only would I have to learn a handful of C# operations, but the Unity UI alone is a bit much for me to handle.

I'm sorry that it glitched out for you, but thank you for the compliment!

Cute and fun! I was just a little confused as to why the b button, but figured it out eventually

Really good game! I'm really impressed that you were able to achieve this all on your own and it shows me how much I can be able to grow. I adored everything in this game/ The visuals were fantastic and the music really helped me feel like I was part of the environment. The giant monster also helped add more suspense and weight to each mission besides the time limit slowly ticking away. 

Thank you so much! I was going for the JP visual novel aesthetic because I have been reading a lot of manga recently, including a lot of rom coms. In the end though I feel like Persona was the biggest influence on the game.

It was cute, and mechanically, it was simple enough for me to enjoy especially cause the relaxing music helped when I wasn't catchin' anything. Nice game.

Really fun! The appeal is there and the rng didn't feel against me like in other games. I thought the music was great and the character designs were good as well. The boss was creative although I feel like I had to brute force him with health since it was hard to dodge his shots. Overall a really good game that felt complete.

Really cool concept. Needing to lug a key around while also being able to take out enemies with it was nice. Alas, audio and more levels would be great, but I understand the time constaint hindering both of those.

The art and music was great. I liked the hack and slashing, but the depth of the mechanics felt off, and it was annoying only being able to dash left and right. I didn't try different difficulties but mrs. cubichead was really tough. Great game overall though and it has a lot of potential if developed further.

Really fun and cute and the music was really good too. I was little confused by controls, but it all worked out in the end. Great rng, I never really felt cheated because when was in my favor it worked really well. Missed out on a few skins but still fun.

Very well made. Everything fits together really well and creates a nice image. Throughout the game I was completely immersed. 

I can understand, this isn't my favorite type of game either, just the one I felt was right to make at the time. Among the grammar mistakes I'm sorry for not catching them I was rushing a lot in the dialogue department focusing a lot more time on the visuals of the project. Also "grapeful" was on purpose, just couldn't fit in more food puns for that particular character. Thank you for the feed back!

This game in really fun and cute. It's a really good arcady game to just pick up when you don't want a narrative or grinding slapped in your face. I'm sure I've played something with similar gameplay before but this game caught me off guard. It's challenging but learning the patterns isn't to difficult. Overall a great game, especially for on the go if you only have a few minutes to play it.

I honestly really loved this game. It reminded me a lot of Zelda which was part of the reason I decided to download a file. I thought the controls were fine and found the health system interesting. Was a little bit confused when the rabbit went down because I kind of skimmed the text and didn't realize he was Bruce (was kind of expecting an item drop). It was a really x15 good game though. I wish the game boy had more games in this format besides link's awakening final fantasy adventure.

This game was really nice! Great music in the back ground and stellar visuals. I only got annoyed at the end around 8 minutes in. I was convinced it was impossible or maybe it was a puzzle aspect so I went to watch your video play through and noticed I knew the answer and just couldn't execute. Memories of Celeste however and now knowing it was possible caused to persevere and finish the game in 15 minutes. Fantastic puzzle plat-former, although it did feel a little heavy on the platforming.

I really liked this little game. It may have not been the most attention seeking game out there, but it did what it did really well. I know this may come across like a broken record, but I really liked the fact you didn't get insta-killed when touching spikes. It let me know that this was more than just flappy bird. This shows you have potential and I will like to see what you make in the future!

This game was a lot of fun and I feel like you hit some of the metroidvania stuff you were striving for. Honestly I'm impressed by how much you got done in a week, I could probably play this over and over for a while. The bosses were also fun nitbits to come across and impressively sized for a game boy game.

It was really fun and cute in concept. I feel like some audio would have helped it feel even better. Kicking down cultists and living the rpg dream of trespassing was cool though.

Honestly this game is just incredible. It's really difficult, but it fits the game's mechanics really well. For people who love optimizing their play, this game will feel right at home. The gorgeous visuals and amazing the sound track go along great as well drawing in more casual individuals who enjoy slow improvement after frustration like in games such as flappy bird. My biggest gripe is probably sound effects being a little bit loud (especially during boss fights) and the weapons the bosses drop although powerful, feel much more difficult to handle which makes learning them also difficult since you unlock a different weapon depending on bosss. Overall a really good game that is tons of fun to play over and over again.

I really loved this game. The level of polish is phenomenal. For being done in 8 days, everything was layed out really well and the game flowed smoothly while telling a relatable story, even for those who didn't grow up with game boy games. The music was also really good as well and I could see myself laying down listening to it for hours. Good luck to you and your musician for future projects!

Really cool game. Was really fun and had really good progression in the bit I played. 

Thank you so much, I love the world so I would be glad to add more chapters in the future. Not any time soon, but after I have more experience in GB Studio and have better plan out the individual days. I had originally planned out seven days before realizing the scope was way to big.

Great tool! I had a few issues with dialogue, and making music wasn't the easiest, but the engine was easy to use and it simplified a lot of other commonly used parameters like collisions. Although there are a few features in particular I would like to see, this Engine makes games that can run on original hardware so it makes up for most the downsides. Great engine and I'm glad I was able to use it for my first game in the GB JAM 8 this past weekend.

The game reminds me of witch and hero. Cool concept!

It was really nice. It took me a while to find Maxwell Sr but from there I was able to figure the rest out. Hope you continue with game creation, I made my first game for this jam too!

I liked the Pokémon sprites, they looked good. The character animations however were lackluster. I didn't mind the fact that the goal was to catch was just to catch Pokémon, but I feel like establishing some reasoning for why would help. Whearas Pokémon snap takes you on a course and gives you a camera, it isn't as clear here why you're catching Pokémon since there is very little direction in the game.

I totally understand, great game even without saving. I might snag it for my calculator (ti-84ce) where I've been playing a lot of gb games recently.

Really good! It's nice and simplistic so it's easy to focus on the game as whole.

Than you so much! I really wanted to explore the characters more myself and wish I had more time to make their  dialogue more consistent and thought out. Not sure if you explored all possible routes, but in case you missed it, try not going through the gate before it closes :)

I know about the hero's journey because of how common it is but the book sounds interesting! Thanks for the tips.

I really enjoyed the game's aesthetics. My only problem is how unfair the rng could feel at times, but tis the way rpg games work. Saving would help remedy the issues so I could play it in chunks instead of devoting a long time since the game's premise is just too charming not to fall in love with it. I'll definitely come back to it once I have more time.

I really loved the art! I'm also really impressed with how well the dialogue was written and wonder if GBStudio ever gave you a hard time with randomly shifting lines down after you finished typing them. I know I had to go back through a lot of dialogue to make sure it was being displayed properly. Great game either way!

I'm amazed by how well you were able to recreate the Binding of Issac even with gameboy limitations considered. This is a really impressive demake and I only wish you had been able to find ways just to squeeze a little bit more onto the cartridge. Lots of fun.

Really fun and cute premise.  I just a little overwhelmed towards the end.

I definitely took inspiration from Persona visual novel aspect. I wanted to include a fusion with other genres but I completely underestimated how long the art and audio would take, not even mentioning how much I underestimated dialogue, I cut out a lot of that.