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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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After the cutscene in Y's route, I got this black screen. The filter still loops but there's no music. I can't tell if it's intentional or a bug? There were no credits.

After checking my previous footage and considering the other conditions that might've caused it, I think I misidentified the cause and it's actually an issue with how the front door is handled. If you walk up to the door, leave, and then hit the enter key anywhere, it takes you to the next level even without checking if you're in range of the door. For context, I happened to be at low health at the time because I was trying to see if I could kill all the monsters before trying the door (I was really desperate at the time) so I had walked into range of the front doors, left to clear out other sections, and then decided to double-check a room to see if it was clear, and the only reason it appeared to reset was because the door was broken at the time. I tried reproducing the bug with the new build and it takes me to the next level. Sorry about the misidentification.

The door in section 8's nighttime part (the branch if you pick "Trust Y") keeps taking me back to the beginning of the section. Also, the retry button if you die to monsters in that section doesn't work. I've also encountered some erratic behavior where sometimes, at low health, it just automatically kicks me back to the start of the section.

this door makes me very sad

picture of said door


I love the writing in this game- it hits hard exactly when it needs to and the comedic parts really make for a good contrast with the later half of the visual novel. The art is also super pretty. The only suggestion I'd make is to maybe improve the music or use copyright-free tracks (I think a lot of people use DOVA-SYNDROME?) instead. It's a good attempt, but I think it lacks some structure. Here's some fanart I made (I can also send the PSD if you want it for any reason).
Anyway, good luck on whatever you work on next!

Played it for a bit, but the game crashed on me twice so that's nice. Possibly because I got impatient and spammed the interact button in hopes that things will happen faster, so probably my fault. I wouldn't worry about it too much because anything I touch has a tendency to break somehow. Some notes on what I did see in the tutorial and the main game (btw i haven't played VOTV or among us for that matter):
- The black text for printed player input in the terminal is barely readable.
- could add up arrow to autofill with last command in terminal
- I wish the options menu was selectable using WASD because my mouse scrolls too fast
- It was kind of annoying to move my hand off my mouse just to hit enter
- controlling the jet ski gets really weird once it turns around too much, but maybe that's intentional
- it would be nice to be able to grab things before getting on the ladder instead of dropping items on the floor, getting on the ladder, and hoping you don't fall off the ladder before you grab the item
-I lost my jet ski after getting off of it, watching it flip over, having the terrible idea to get back on it, getting a good look at the inside of it, and then getting off and having no idea where i was. Granted, the average player probably wouldn't make such choices, but it would be nice to have a recall button or be able to ping it for some hope?
I was hoping to see more fish but it's still pretty cool. Good luck with development.

This was pretty cool. The background was somewhat blinding, since it was a bright saturated blue, but other than that, I thought the visuals were pretty charming. Bright, saturated background colors have a tendency to cause visual fatigue, and when you factor in the playtime of the player, it's more likely than not that it'll have an effect. The hitboxes for the chest and bubbles could've also been closer to their sprites. The game could've used a level progress indicator to motivate the player. Overall, it was a satisfying game to beat, despite the difficulty. I played it in a call with my friend, and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed watching me suffer... lol.

The platforming was very slippery. You might want to spend more time looking for assets that look similar to each other. Good luck with your next game.

Cool game.  Thought the pufferfish were a little too fast, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Insanely good for the timeframe given. Would've liked visual indicators of keys. Also, it was a bit silly to get a key and then proceed to use that key... only to get another key.

The writing was cool, but I feel like this is missing a lot of context to be able to understand which are typos and which are in-universe greetings, as well as normal, everyday occurring events and email domains. In addition to this, the definition of phishing in this game is much broader than the actual definition, which is deceptive emails sent to steal credentials. A lot of these seemed to be just unfortunate coworkers who got their account already stolen and are now sending out malware and links to malware and plugging in terrible USBs and telling people about them, to be completely honest. At this rate, the network has already been compromised.

I feel like this has a lot of potential. It would be better if there was UI showing what day it was and if it was easier to keep track of who was at which locations. Character scenes were also very disjointed because they assumed you were following just one route, but it's hard to follow a route when you don't know where to go. Yes, it was indicated in the letters, but there's no log function so it's not that helpful. I was also somewhat disappointed in the portrayal of the sturgeon. He looked like a lizardman :(

It was an interesting story, and I liked the minigame. I thought the music resetting on every scene change was a little annoying, and I wish we got to know the characters' personalities a bit more. The fishfest logo was a fun touch. Overall, it was a good game.

The concept is cool but there are some pacing issues. The endless-runner-like section before the boss felt kind of drawn out with no real direction or progression since it felt like I was just being hit over and over again with random spawns out of three different enemy types. The semi-transparent boss projectiles were somewhat hard to see and sometimes, I was just shooting offscreen and hoping I was actually hitting something. Consider adding impact sounds upon bullets making contact with enemies. The combat was also somewhat slow, considering how many shots enemies take to die. I would've enjoyed the combat more if I felt like my actions had some impact to them and the gameplay didn't mainly consist of circling around enemies until they died. Overall, it's not a bad game. I think it would be fun once the pacing issues are fixed so that the player is reacting to the game rather than waiting for the game to react to them.

It was pretty fun for what I played. I liked the second boss (I think I beat it on my second try), but I gave up at the third boss after dying once because I honestly didn't want to go through the first boss too many times. I rarely play bullet hell so I assumed it would've taken some time to learn the patterns. Some notes I have on the bosses is that the first boss isn't very fun due to the short time frame for counterattacks (partially because of the timer and partially because of how attacks linger for a long time), making it a drawn out fight unless you counterattack during enemy attacks, and there's basically only one attack pattern that won't just end you if you dash into the enemy during that time. One minor note here: I would suggest changing the bullet sprite for the bouncing spread attack because it took me some time to notice that the nondirectional spread attack bullets don't bounce. The third boss bullets are a little bit hard to view against the background and the boss blocking the view of them doesn't help, though I get the feeling that this is purposeful. As for enemy attack choreography, I would've appreciated longer windup animations instead of only having the stamina bar to rely on for any indication an attack is coming, but this mainly only impacts boss 1 because of its lingering attacks causing my focus to be divided. Overall, I enjoyed it. Honestly, beating this game seems more achievable to me than normal difficulties in Touhou games (that's how bad I am lol). Although I will say I don't have as good as a feel for the hitbox in this game. I'm assuming it's probably a circle around the point that the cursor is over when you're not moving, but it's a little hard to keep track of once you start moving.

It was a cool concept, but I felt that the player experience was lacking. I collected the last items on the last level, but nothing seemed to happen. The walls are really tall compared to the player character, making it hard to see the beams of light in the sky, although they are viewable from the reflections in levels 2 and 3. It is also really hard to differentiate breakable and unbreakable walls, especially on level 3, where I didn't see any ruins textures. The lighting is also iffy, because smacking face-first into walls when trying to break them also causes your vision to go dark, making it hard to tell where you are. I wish there was an option to turn off the snarky commentary because it was demotivating. I thought the enemy models were very nice, though. It was kind of weird that they moved like roombas (especially the jellyfish) but I liked the use of lighting on them.

The animations are really nice and the art is very clean. I couldn't really get a feel for how to eat the bait without getting hooked. Maybe there could be a sprite change for the progress bar to indicate whenever it's possible to eat the bait. Also noticed that you can just ascend into the sky... there's nothing preventing this fish from flying, I guess. Or swimming off screen in general. I think it also might be possible to get locked into place if fish hooks keep spawning in the same location you're in. But it's not too much of an issue unless the player has extremely bad luck.

in a weird way it's really pretty to see the fish biomass collective increase and spread out to conquer the ocean
also gotta love the irony and horrible implications of the popup achievements, very funny

Fun concept. Poison seems a bit overpowered though. It took me a while to understand how the inventory relates to the autobattle section because I didn't realize it was one attack per occupied slot. Would be nice to able to rotate fish.

It felt kind of weird that the spawn indicators have collision. I got caught on them quite a lot and it turns out that after you die and restart the game it just brings you back to the wave that you were on. I did like the electricity field. It was very satisfying to use.

I thought the goal of the game was kind of unclear. I wasn't sure what the form switching was for, but I thought it was cool. I'm guessing it affects the amount of points you get from eating fish but I don't really know. The tutorial didn't explain it. On one occasion, I died in the middle of sharks and it kept respawning me there to get eaten by sharks again until I finally got far away enough. Seems cool though.

Cool beginner game. The map design could use some more direction like landmarks and unique shapes. I liked that you could bump into other fish and cause them to spin rapidly at the very end.

I really like the animations for the pirate and I thought it was pretty fun. Only minor note is that I died just as the pirate died, and now the retry button doesn't work anymore, lol.

I'm assuming the starting money is probably for ease of access or debug purposes. After catching one fish, I checked the shop and I had 8 different copies of it somehow. Respawning is also kind of weird. Sometimes you respawn in front of the last place you were at, sometimes you respawn in front of the house. One time I respawned inside the pier and just fell through the map for the 3rd, maybe 4th time. I also didn't really see any way to catch more than one fish per boat trip. I didn't really like the spearfishing too much, because it shoots at a weird angle, so I would often miss and then have to restart. Shooting fish sounds fun though. I wish I got to do more of that in this game.

The hint arrows were very helpful... I've been staring at too many fish to identify them correctly. Would've liked some more audio feedback when flipping fish based on good flips and bad flips. It's a very cool concept for a puzzle game.

There's no real incentive to make any noise for the player to actually trigger the monsters to come. If they actually swam around under your boat I'd at least feel some kind of tension. If there were jumpscares or audio scares, maybe the player might scream? The only category of players actually affected by this mechanic, if we ignore hardware limitations, would be people talking over the game, so not your average player. It would also be nice for it to clarify that it's actual user volume and not in-game volume because I thought at first that the noise level was based on the fish-catching noise and not me making noise, so I sat there thinking "why is nothing happening besides fish". Funnily enough, my earbuds' mic is broken so I had to plug in my actual mic for this to actually view the game over screen by pspspspsps-ing the spooky fish for an extended period of time like it was a cat. I think it was worth it- the monster fish designs are nice. Overall, the concept's there, just not very well executed.

Pretty fun game. Thought the enemies could've been introduced earlier on and the star bullet trails could've had a different coloring to convey to the player that the trails are harmless (i have trauma from terraria empress of light star trails dealing damage)

Seems fun conceptually, and the environmental design is solid. Some notes: getting the speed-up booster was a little scary and seemed more disadvantageous than advantageous. I was sad when the bait can only gave me one bait. I wasn't really sure if the enemy was really tanky or the spear fish I was using was just weak. Lastly, you might want to implement invincibility frames because the enemy can almost one-shot you within one second of touching.

Great game! I played through it until I got all the shop items and saw probably all of the ingredient items. Some things I think could be added or changed are:
- adding a clear all button for ingredients at a cooking station
- making it possible to mass produce a recipe
- immediately displaying recipe availability upon placing ingredients in instead of having to click
- being able to grow staple foods like rice and seaweed to decrease the reliance on RNG for getting needed ingredients... RNG hit me pretty hard early on when I kept getting ingredients I couldn't do anything with
- maybe make it possible to sell currently useless ingredients for $1-5 dollars? I'm playing it like any good exploration resource-collecting game and just dumping literally everything on the floor instead of using the fridge... it gets hard to grab things
- a lot of rebalancing for sell prices: it's more efficient (in terms of inventory space) to just make rice congee than it is to make mochi; the 3 item recipe Masago Gunkan (fish roe + seaweed + rice) is the same price as ocean broth even though Masago Gunkan requires rice in addition to two upper-layer ingredients, making it less efficient
- making it possible to interact with items and cooking stations using mouse
- the house layout doesn't make much sense for a fish to live in... maybe half of the house being submerged in water and the upper floor with all the cooking stations being dry would be better?
- ocean music is currently louder than home music
As is, it's still pretty fun, just a bit tedious.

I really enjoyed this game, despite probably not playing this in the intended way. I get this feeling that this was never really tested with max mouse DPI (I could circle the entire map just by drawing a 1-inch diameter circle with my mouse) so it was a bit of a learning curve not to get immediately eaten by bigger fish. Eventually I got good at dodging between fish, enough that I never really used the dash, since just doing it with the mouse meant more control. I assume that the presence of the left-click to dodge mechanic means that doing precision dodges with the mouse is unintended. I did actually use the dash a few times though and it was fun. The other explicitly stated mechanic, right-click to inhale, felt kind of weak enough that it was the main cause of my death (due to the length of the animation and the vulnerability of the player character during this animation) until I stopped trying to use it. I'd also suggest having a toggle for cursor visibility during gameplay because I had no idea what direction I was going at first.

As for the music, it's very well composed. My only nitpick with it is that there's nothing particular about it that says "this is music from a fish-related game" to me, only that it is good arcade game music (side note, you forgot to import as loop). I noticed that the main theming of the game is tropical reefs- there's tropical reef backgrounds, it's a bunch of islands, there's tropical fish. It'd be nice if the composer had used instruments like steel drums, the xylophone, or certain synths typically associated with island levels or water levels to invoke that kind of "oh, this is a water level" feel. I personally (when I'm not scrambling to compose something) like to listen to compilations of music related to the theme before deciding what and how to compose something, with the goal of gaining some inspiration as well as getting an idea of the overall feel of what components contribute to this feel, such as what instruments are used, the level of complexity, the type of scale (major, minor, pentatonic, etc.), and the time signature. Of course, the goal isn't to just take all the best parts of those songs, but to understand what works, and either building upon that or subverting expectations for a unique twist.

Last note. The bonus room was kinda funny. Reminds me of oxygen bars.

keep fishing with the red lure or the yellow lure and answering all questions as best as you can
if you just want to see any ending you can always grind for a while with the red lure and then switch over to the blue lure for an easy ending
time is displayed on the top right corner of the phone
you can also just check the walkthrough (it's in the devlog)

Thank you. One of my goals when making this was for it to be the fishing dating-sim that nobody (knew they) needed, so I'm glad that got through.

This is basically a typing minigame for gacha addicts... 
10/10 would type again

Would be nice if there were stats on how many times each fish's been caught to see how lucky (or unlucky) you are. Gotta see how many dupes you roll after all... :(

The fish eye is funny to look at even after losing the 50/50 a second time. Very cool. It's like it's judging me for my cursed luck.

I uh, saw the end of the video... I'll probably just put in an event where he tells you to stop calling him because there's no alternative version of him (rip)... but there is time-specific dialogue. I apologize for your suffering.

Watching the commentary version right now, and I'm happy that you took the time to get all the endings. Also spotted a few bugs, but I was basically a walking husk of a person when I finished this, so that's to be expected. I feel your pain with the blue lure, but I never intended for players to chase an ending through using only one lure the entire run (which is addressed in the walkthrough), so I'll try to clarify that in the in-game dialogue to prevent future suffering in an inevitable post-jam build, as well as setting the correct value for NPC phone numbers upon restart. Unfortunately, the fishing minigame's basically slated for an overhaul so it's probably getting patched. Once again, thanks for playing, I really appreciate it!

I love how you can basically build your own attack squad of sawfish and that they sound like a fleet of fighter jets. I ended up losing wave 30 to the boss, but at least I got to put down as many sawfish as possible. I did see that occasionally I was in kelp debt somehow, which might be an issue with the price increase happening before the fish is purchased. It was really fun and I loved the creative fish abilities!

I thought it was a bit cruel to be killing sharks relatively unprovoked, but it was interesting how the game requires  you to observe their movement.

The fish is a little hard to control. I thought the clunkiness of the controls where it doesn't immediately turn diagonally was because of a tank control scheme initially, so I was surprised to hit the A key and see it go straight left. The rocks were also a bit annoying, since the fish easily gets caught on them and it forces a direction change, and there are also places where the gap is too narrow to pass. I enjoyed the game regardless, because it was fun to evade the enemies. And it was clearly worth it because of the weird fish mating ritual, of course.

Minor note, I don't think the continue button on level 4 works (it's grayed out) so I wasn't completely sure whether to play level 5 or not from the menu, since it was accessible there.

The game mechanics are fun to play around with, but the low leniency of the water storage and slow acceleration of the archerfish limits what you can do with them. I also thought it was funny you can flop around the fish with the mouse, which definitely saved my life a few times. The last segment, which I assume must be a reference to Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy and all its mountain climbing glory, is even more unforgiving than the segment for unlocking the elevator, being that both are aiming puzzles with a sharp turn to be made and targets off screen, making it, bluntly put, unfair, since the player is forced to aim towards something they don't even know the location of. It's like shooting in the dark. I did just realize there was a look around option, but I don't think it would help because the viewable part of the screen is based around the mouse location, and you have to aim in the opposite direction of the target. It took me about 4 minutes over an hour and more than 500 restarts to reach the top (because I kept hitting R whenever I was slightly off target to save time). I assume someone better than me would probably have taken half an hour, since I don't play platformers, but that would still be a lengthy chunk of time. For a game that takes around 30 to 60 minutes, I'd suggest a song length of at least 3 minutes, maybe 5 minutes if possible. It would also be helpful for the player if sections had their own music, so that they know when they've reached a checkpoint, because one assumes that every body of water is a checkpoint, but then they find out... it isn't...

it's not a bad game. the level design just needs some more consideration for the player and maybe an overhaul of the music.

It's interesting how the fish speed up when you click on them. I've never seen that mechanic in a clicker game before, but I haven't played many, so there's that. I also love how the fish are on fire, which is ironic, considering that fish live in the sea, but it's very cute.