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A member registered Nov 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks alot for the indepth review and the nice words <3

This was the most FUN game to play and the most balanced yet so far in terms of enjoyment vs challenge, though there should have been a penalty for fire spamming, otherwise I love this!

Awesome graphics, sounds, music fits well, gameplay is precise and responsive; I know you were short on time to add in more levels but this is a very satisfying result you should be proud of!
Ultimately the way the game is now is more about optimizing your run to get a perfect accuracy score.

However I don't get why the keybindings to play the game are not more visible in the about section, it was abit confusing playing the game at first, better yet, make the keybindings permanently visible in the menu screen, otherwise I enjoyed this one alot.

Excellent game, my personal winner👏

Everything is great, from the visuals to the gameplay to the piano music that accompanies the puzzles, my only gripe is that rotating the mirrors can be a little rough at times and maybe the puzzle could have been a little bit more challenging, but everything else is smooth sailing, goood job you guys <3

This one has the the best 2D atmosphere for me, with the melancholy created by the music and the dark skies, well done on that :>
Gameplay needs balancing as it (seems?) to be impossible to perfectly protect all 3 flowers at the same time, so you need to sacrifice one or two to not get a gameover and then get the "dead" ones back in action.
As preu said, thank you for adding a tutorial, some other games were very confusing to play for me.

hoho I liked the concept of this one, it was fun to play!
But it's too easy, maybe a timing of attacks system could help it out or just introducing variation to speed of enemies and additional items and buffs.

Cute art style and the animations on the character are nice as well.
As everyone has said the character's speed is too slow and the game could use an additional mechanic or two, otherwise, seeing the flower bloom in the middle is indeed satisfying :) well done!

Very enjoyable, the puzzles in order of difficulty should be rearranged abit and I couldn't figure out the last one for the life of me x)
Artstyle is cute and the music goes well with it, well done!

Indeed, we were planning on better/different effects in gameplay and visuals but sadly didn't have the time to get there, thank you very much for playing!

The bloom effect added alot to the artstyle, it's very nice to look at!

I like the balance of sleep vs energy and buying seeds, if this was to be balanced more you would get an addicting loop.

There's abit of an issue with the visibility of which seeds you have selected, as well as general performance but once you get used to it it's not a problem because of the nature of the game.

The ending was really nicely executed, the characters are charming and the art style is great!

Gameplay and movement feels really smooth, the burrowing is quite addicting, this can probably be taken further.