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A member registered Aug 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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10/10 would play with trackpad again.

a lot of genuine fun. I couldn't put it down for a while. I think the premise is pretty interesting, and definitely makes for a fun time, but there are a few design decisions that feel like that are mostly to the game's detriment. For instance having the mine dog being impossible to outrun makes trying to kill them really frustrating, and once they get within range of my gun (which happens a lot) I'm pretty much dead.

Really fun game. Super creative and well executed. You can never really go wrong with tetris. I loved that you put the ammo inside of the tetris blocks as a way to make clearing lines feel more rewarding. I loved saving my ammo up to then go on a rampage and clear all the blocks. Super fun, you somehow made tetris even more addicting for players like me. 

That being said i do wish the shooting mode was a bit more engaging. More of a personal gripe, but the shooting wasn't super enjoyable, and I found it to be a bit too easy and clunky.

The amount of polish for this game is phenomenal, and your team should absolutely be commended for this. The game is very well put together, and everything feels really nice. there's good feedback for all of the player's action and in most cases what something does is immediately clear, which is always super appreciated and helps a lot with reinforcing skills.  I love  roguelike games and being given random tools to solve the same problem, so the premise for this game is super cool to me. That being said I do feel like most of the modes feel almost impossible to actually complete the game with. The only mode that allowed for me to consistently progress was the standard mode, or the jetpack mode, which i feel is a bit of a problem. When the most rewarding mode is the default one, and the rest of the modes feel frustrating in contrast, you end up with a player that is frustrated or bored for most of the experience, as they feel like in some way their progression is restricted by a dice roll.  All the modes don't feel super great to use, as they limit the players movement more than they add onto it. You've got a good idea here though, and I think if you were able to rework how the modes work to make them add more movement than they take away, you'd have a really fun experience.

I love this game. The game play just feels really soothing and charming in conjunction with the music, it just makes for such a 'smooth' experience. The premise is also fun and really creative. I never could have thought of something like this. Really good job.


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I liked all the different modes, they added a lot of flavor and variety, and having new modes be added every time i died was really interesting. It's what kept me playing for so long was wanting to see what new fun  way of playing the game could be unlocked. That being said, some modes are definitely a lot more interesting  or powerful/rewarding than others, and the game controls feel a bit clunky. Having health as a mechanic is an interesting idea, but in practice I wasn't motivated to ever use my attack because i felt like the number of enemies I would kill in exchange for weakening myself was never worth it. Overall the game was still fun though, and like I said, i found myself playing this game for a surprisingly long time and enjoying myself, so good job. Also the art and polish is top-notch. everything feels and looks really good.

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Thank You!! our process for making the game included a lot of play testing and having solid design goals. Nearly every mechanic we wanted to implement started as a loose idea, and through play testing we were able to iterate on it to make it more closely align to our design goals. 

Thank you for the feedback! Having more input around the mouse controls is always super helpful, as we're still always looking for ways to refine it more and make the game feel as good as possible. Something interesting we noticed is that different players already come into the game and try to use the mouse in different ways to do the same thing (some players drag the mouse away when using the push, or try holding the mouse as close to granny as possible, etc...). So we definitely want to try and make this more consistent for all players. 

(also I worked on almost all of pixel art, so super happy that you liked it a lot, Thank You!!)

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The controls are a little tricky at first, but zooming around is a lot of fun, and I think it's fun to bounce off of a wall at 200mph. I did notice that there were a few times that i just barely wasn't able to jump over a ledge, but I think with some tuning of the controls and a bit better level design you could have a really fun experience. Nicely Done

This one is so much fun. I love how chaotic it becomes, and I really love that there are non murder related objectives. It makes everything work so well together. I can't quite emphasize enough just how much I love the chaos created simply from interacting with previous versions of yourself. I'd love to see this idea developed further.

Awesome game. really funny. The premise is really simple, but it's executed so well, and having all the game's systems interconnected (the mushrooms growing from the fire, and needing to split mushrooms between yourself and selling for money) added a lot of depth to something so simple.  Really good job.

I like the style and what you're going for. The music is really nice, and I like the art and feel overall. I just wish the the bosses were choreographed a bit better, as i found myself taking a lot of damage from attacks i had no idea where coming.

Doesn't run super well on browser, but it's a cute little game. wish there were more sound effects or some cool geometry to do stuff on, but it's nice overall.

Love the polish and art for this game. I can't speak much to the quality of the puzzles, as im not someone who enjoys puzzle games a whole lot, but from what i saw it was pretty good. Excellent Job on the polish and art. 

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this games gameplay isn't super great. I understand what its trying to go for, but It just controls very poorly and feels clunky. Also felt really frustrating as i kept dying to enemies and I had no idea how to get around that. 

This game is so sick. The puzzles are super well designed, and make me feel really smart for completing them, which is exactly what you want out of a puzzle game like this. Also the narrative elements being told without a lick of dialogue was super cool. A really tight and concise experience. you guys should be super happy with what you got done. One complaint i have is that the final sequence was a little tight, and a bit frustrating, but otherwise a really fun and cool way to end the game.

I love how much depth the pogo-unicycle has. There's a lot of interesting interaction you can get from just 3 input keys. It does feel a little difficult to control, and I did find myself struggling a bit with some of the level geometry, but a really cool idea overall.

A really fun game. the concept is a lot of fun, and i love just how fast you feel on the track.  Being encouraged to skip segments by applying some amount of skill is super fun, and kind of makes me feel like a speed runner.  It would be kinda nice to have a map or indicator of where you are at certain points, because i wasn't able to really strategize where and when i should skip very well at first. some way to create a good mental model of such a complex map. Overall a lot of fun though. good job.

This is my favorite game i've seen so far. the polish is really good, and the core mechanics and premise is just a lot of fun. I honestly have very few criticisms with this game.  Well done.

This game is really sweet and to the point. The premise is simple and I think it carries it a long way. Having your existing troops level up as you go along is a really nice touch too. In practice it didn't influence my decision making very much, but made me really invested in my troops. I just wish there was more depth to the strategy as it felt really hard to actually lose.

I killed steven

Really fun idea. I love the trampoline. It is possible to get soft-locked after encountering the 3rd robot, which was a bit frustrating, but being able to control different robots to set up for puzzles is really fun. I just wish there was an easier way to manage a bunch of robots at once.

Fun animations. I think with a lot more tuning and variety of enemies/challenges you could have something great. The movement overall felt really slow, which isn't innately a bad thing, but with how large the levels are, I think the player character could definitely use a heavy increase in speed.  also what the bombs do and how they're supposed to be used was pretty unclear, but I do like the concept from what i was able to pick up.  Having a bomb that pushes yourself and enemies away could be super fun, i think it just needs some tuning to make it more consistent.

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Why make the player slower when they have lower battery? it feels especially frustrating when I'm trying to recharge. Also the game's combat feels really weird, and it doesn't feel like i can apply much strategy or skill besides avoiding enemies entirely, which isn't super fun.  I do like the art and music however, and It has its own charm that i can appreciate.

really fun idea. There were certain parts of both levels that were a lot of fun, and others that i found to be a bit frustrating. For instance I really like the part in the cave where you had to switch in midair between platforms, and It felt extremely satisfying. Although in the same vain at the beginning of the cave level there was a blind drop onto spikes that i died to and it felt frustrating because i simply just didn't have enough time  to react. However these moments overall didn't take away from the game too much, and it's a cool idea.

amogus :)

The aesthetic and music is so nice. I love the music especially. I will say that i'm kind of bad at platforming, but the small amount of camera control made it feel especially frustrating. 

the idea is interesting, however I think it'd be good to be aware that the human brain doesn't have the capacity to remember more than a few distinct things at a time. At a certain point the game surpasses the brains ability to keep track of all this information, and the game turns into pure guessing.

Holy shit i love this idea so much.  The idea is really fun, and  constantly switching between strategy and platforming keeps the game really fresh. I could probably play this game for a couple hours if building obstacles wasn't so buggy and frustrating. I felt like i spent 90% of the building period just messing with janky physics instead of trying to build effective obstacles.

I love this game. I don't know why but i had a stupid grin on my face the entire time while playing. It's unfortunate that i got stumped on the 3rd puzzle and had no idea how i was supposed to solve it.  While its partly just because im not great at puzzle games, i feel like the game could have done a better job communicating what you're supposed to do. From what i've seen however, the concept is super original and I love having to drag the coins up in order to switch between modes.

Really love this concept. Really fun and interesting in execution too. It is really hard to find time to go back and repair your ship however. Even when i did, i found myself coming back to a wall of enemies and it felt a little bit frustrating. Otherwise this is a fun game.  Also worth noting that no player ever wants to read a wall of text in order to learn how to play a game.

really cute art. The premise is fun and I like how clean everything feels. I think this is an excellent implementation of the mode theme. Successfully executing a chain of inputs to get through a challenge is super satisfying. One criticism i do have is that the game's controls are very unconventional, and the levels are not very forgiving or aware of this. This makes the game feel very frustrating at times.

The style and feel of this game is really cool . There's certainly a lot of stuff happening, and it feels really good to barrel down the hill and slash through a bunch of guys. Really funny too. Overall presentation is good, and the game is very aware of what it is.  The only legitimate complaint i have is that there isn't really any feedback for what I'm doing right or wrong. I'm just barrelling through enemies, taking and dealing damage. Without good feedback i don't know how to react to what's happening or how to start forming a plan as to what it is that i need to do to survive longer.