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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Weirdly compelling - really nice concept!

Cool little game, I like the art style and how you can kinda control what value you'll get from a dice roll! If you had more time, I would have loved to seen a few more levels! Good luck!

Interesting concept! Not sure if you've implemented a weighting to the RNG which makes it more likely to roll a given number if that zombie is getting too close the dice, but several times I was so close to losing and by some miracle rolled the right number! :) It would be cool to maybe add some strategic mechanics to game, perhaps something as simple as being able to build blockades every so often that slow the zombies down for a little bit. Well done!

Interesting concept and cute art style! If it was more obvious what moves succeeded and failed when you roll the die, it would be more useful, but other than that, well done!

I think given more time this game could be a really good game! The music and art style is great, and I can definitely see it being tricky when you've got the fields and bullets working, which I love! Good job!

This game is amazing! Music fits really well, art is good, and game mechanics are incredibly refreshing! Incorporating blackjack into your game was a very clever idea. Only tiny thing that could be improved is the balancing: my first go I really struggled, but by second try, as soon as I had upgraded one snake fully, there was no stopping me :) Good luck!

I like your concept, and the game is enjoyable albeit quite easy; maybe if you added a third universe where you can only switch through them in a set order (i.e. not in any order the user chooses) then I imagine this could add more complexity. Good luck!  

Nice concept! Perhaps the speed of the game could have increased over time (e.g. enemies getting faster)

Loved the art and music! Concept is a really unique take on the jam's theme, although it took me a little while to figure out what was going on :) Great work!

Thanks for your comment. I know it's not really clear how it fits the theme, but the idea was that the left side of the screen is forwards motion through time, and the right side was the reverse of it

I had loads of fun with this game, and the graphics are really cool! I found that the player could move much faster than the enemies so you could basically outrun them and not have to deal with them. I don't know how you've coded the spawning mechanic, but perhaps it could be cool if the program predicted where the player was going and spawned some pre-emptively, to stop the player being able to cheese the game :-) Good job!

This has a really cool concept and brilliant execution of the theme! And the fact that you made a minigame as well is amazing! 

Nice, brain-teaser that fits the theme well! The audio and graphics feel very appropriate to your style as well. Well done!

Great game with just the right amount of difficulty! You can really tell how well-thought out each obstacle is, and its great how there is a timing pattern to each one so that the player can eventually learn how to get through it, rather than it all being a bit random and down to sheer luck. Nice job!

Cool! I think that could fix part of the problem, I know sometimes the stars end up inside the obstacles because they are a bit faster than the obstacles, but it could be that your idea fixes it enough so it happens so rarely it doesn't matter. I'll have to implement it into the game and see how it goes. Thank you! 

Thanks for your response! I agree that some bugs were left unsolved. I tried weighting the spawning system for the obstacles a bit so they would appear more regularly on the bottom, but I completely get what you're saying and I probably could've done with weighting it a little heavier on the bottom. I also struggled to come up with a solution for the diamond, so if you've got any ideas for that, that would be much appreciated :-) Thanks! 

This game definitely feels well-thought out, I like how the enemies are part of the puzzle and can also be rewound ... not to mention the amazing graphics! Good job!

The graphics are really cool! They're not too distracting but they certainly intrigue the player. The bounce felt good as well and it gave you just enough height that sometimes you would wonder whether you were gonna make the jump which I think gave it a bit of a 'just one more go...' sense. Well done!

This has a cool concept, and the controls feel pretty good too! It would have been cool if it was a bit longer, so keep up the good work!

Nice game, and pretty hard too! The rewind mechanic could sometimes be a blessing or a curse, either removing you from danger, and putting you right in the middle of it - I think it was a good call adding a second long immunity when you touched the pillow and it removed any monotony, so good job! It could've been cool if there was a highscore mechanic or something like that which would give the player something to aim towards

One of the first things that caught my eye was the trail behind the cube :-) other than that, I liked how easy it was to restart so that it didn't feel like you were being punished for not figuring out how to do it first time round - I think it added a lot to the sense of wanting to play more. Brilliant puzzle game! 

The attention to detail in this game is great (like how you jump higher in space) and really adds a heap to this game. Well done!

I really like this game - the graphics are very stylised and I think it works well, there is a nice, balanced mix of puzzle and action, and the rewinding and ghost are executed really well! Nice job! 

This concept is really intriguing and a nice spin on the theme. The music is well-matched to the game as well, and, overall, it is really well-made! 

Thanks for your feedback -really appreciated! The game does actually have variable jump heights (just tap the keys lightly for a small jump that makes it easy to fit through the small gaps) but I agree that I didn't do a great job of signposting it. Thanks for playing!

I really like the audio and graphics in this game - the differences in audio between each level makes me panic a bit every time whilst I adjust to them :-) but that means when I, inevitably, fail, I just need one more go... and one more after that. Perhaps it would cool if there was some sort of health pickup so the player can get a bit of a second chance, particularly towards the end of the level. Really well done!

This game is really cool! The addition of the projectiles part way through stop it becoming too predictable and forces you to be a bit more careful with figuring out which buttons do what, which adds a whole lot more to the game

This is great! I really like the art style and music - both add a massive amount to the feel of the game. The core concept of the game is a really unique take on the theme, and works very well!

(1 edit)

Hi, it would be great if you could include mine, show me how good you are and i'll be watching :-)

Browser based, submission number 722781

I really like this concept - there's a real sense of urgency with every move you make! It's not 100% obvious how you're supposed to stop the corruption, but other than that, well done!

Nice game! It really does challenge you to think and plan your moves before you make them, or you'll find you've got a block stuck in a corner. A cool, little brain-teaser!

Nice idea, quick restarts avoid frustration building up, maybe some hints after a couple of fails could be useful? (and yes, I failed.... alot! :-))

Fun game, nice animation!

Cool game! In some strange way, when you can effectively manage the mob of enemies in a room, it's really satisfying, and creates a sense of wanting to try it again in a new room. Well done!

This game is really cool! Flipping the level really puts a unique spin on the theme rewind. It's great how the game encourages you to learn by trial and error, and applies what you have just learnt to the next level - it really gives the player a sense of achievement when they finally get through the level 

This game is great! I love the concept- it is so original. Throwing the yoyo feels really good