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Black Hole Collective

A member registered Apr 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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You mentioned GameMaker Studio auto-tiling, but loading in the provided file only shows rooms with a prebuilt level, not any auto-tiling brushes. I'm trying to get this into LDtk and was hoping that would show which is corners and such, but it's not there. 

hope you enjoy!

I was going that during development with the simulator. Octavio is a magician.

beautiful <3 ill update my special thanks credits on the next build I do :)

Just confirmed we are working just fine on device now! Thank you so much for your help debugging

new version works on device :)

Thank you! I just moved ldtk.load to the title screen, having our tester check now

Thank you! it is our first game developed for playdate, but we've worked as a team for a few years. This will be our 4th game jam together.

Working on it now! I dont have a playdate, so i wasnt able to get error logs. Looks like ltdk loading is taking too long. Should have it up soon :)

(1 edit)

hmm my buddy is still not able to get it working on device. might be another issue as well, how would he get the crash logs? (I don't own a playdate)

hi, this should be fixed now with a new download

uploaded the same version without the name change. Let me know if that works

wow… so that was the issue haha I spent hours trying to figure out why it wouldn’t build to device

The voice lines were a nice tough. Had fun with it! Reminded me of those fish eating games with more of a stealth feel. It would be nice to be able to influence the pirates in some ways, either redirecting them or being able to sneak past unseen. Good work!

I dont know that i ever really understood what to do. It said to push items around, but there was nothing there. Then in the battle phase switching enemies felt really clunky. would like to try again later.

Really creative idea, good music. 

Unique concept! definitely difficult to get the hang of, but i like the flip on the bullet hell experience.

Quite the sad story. Creative concept for the jam, good job!

Couldn't get the browser version working. I wouldn't recommend requiring people to download an emulator to play it. Its a creative idea, but in a jam like this just lowers the playability. Even after downloading the game, none of the buttons did anything so i dont know if i really experienced it or not.

Almost blew out my eardrums when i got the egg in the frying pan

Really liked the art. It was simple and clean. The bombs were a bit too much of a negative imo, but i get that it's the game. I think making bombs passable, but fire causing damage would be a simpler system. Had fun!

This game was incredibly well thought out and polished. Visuals were impressive, mechanics all felt balanced and intentional. I did find it a little hard to lose. I think having the enemy have a health bar like we do and having a win condition to move onto a harder opponent would be fun. At later stages the enemy could also have access to the swap cards like we do. Very good work.

I liked the character art, but the roles could be more defined. a better visual and audio indication of what role they're in would make the gameplay feel better. The walls also feel very strong since your attacks go through, but theirs don't. Good work!

Had fun playing, but some of the controls seemed tough to hit. Z and K are a little awkward. Q, E, F, R are quite a bit closer to where your hands are.

Very fun, I liked the how the units had different strengths and weaknesses. Setting up a good capture felt good. Would love to see some more unit types as it develops further.

escape key!

if you finish the game with your reputation all the way there is :)

Looking forward to seeing this one in the recap review!

Thanks! We're working on a tutorial to help prevent that.

Thank you! The art team worked really hard on it.

Really good aesthetics. I liked the camera shots and the visual grain. I did get stuck once between rooms. Would love to see it with some sound effects and for the animations to line up a bit closer with the zombie movement. Felt like i was on heelies :p

good concept, but needed a little more interaction for the player. The art assets also all seemed to clash with each other.  I liked the choice at the end.

It was fun! I think the ship was a bit too powerful. I think it would be nice if there were levels where the ship got increasingly more powerful and obtained better powerups and stuff.

I adore card games so this one hit my fancy right away. I really liked the puzzle aspect of setting up a room and the AI seemed to do a good job of pathing how you'd expect. I did run into a few bugs that made the level unfinishable, but it was pretty rare. 

Cool premise, but it needs some more game feel when possessing enemies and when you die or kill them. Getting the possession over them felt a little rough and then the game would end pretty abruptly. Had fun with it!

The art and music were really cute and the mechanics were really fun once i figured them out. i will say it felt less like i was controlling a sword and more like i was just throwing the guy around. Had a lot of fun with it especially in the later levels! I got to around 26, might go back and try to beat some more. 

Great that you had a tutorial, although some of the mechanics weren't explained well. i didn't realize i had to switch views to drag the cursor or click the green infect things. I liked it overall! (also if you force full screen, have a exit game button)

The art was great, i wish the game was  a bit more zoomed in so i could appreciate it more. The mechanics were really fun to play around with.

Definitely a novel idea, but far too much text to read through. I felt like i was going through a novel. I think theres a good idea here for the right person, but i'm definitely not the target audience.

Thank you!