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That Guy

A member registered Apr 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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Good game! Very polished overall experience and a nice short mindless game to spend some time on.  The audio was very nice and the song was catchy. The controls and the design of the game were also pretty intuitive and easy to pick up without a tutorial. My main complaints would be:

  • The main game loop is incredibly short, you seem to get the main experience of the game after only a few minutes. Obviously, these semi-idle style of games aren't meant to have a ton of content in them, but I would've liked to see a bit more variety.
  • Some other people have mentioned it, but there is a bug with the upgrade menu closing after level up.
  • The comment below me mentioned this too but there's no indication when the suction ability is off cooldown
  • I still don't quite get what the gold coin upgrade does, maybe you could add some indication for its effect

Overall a very polished and well made game for only using Godot for a week. Great job!

Thank you! Looking back on it, I should’ve added a setting to tune the ghost speed, I guess it didn't really cross my mind.

Great game! Very simple, looks very nice, and has some nice audio. Was very short, but still pretty fun. I do have a couple of problems with the game:

  • Mainly, lack of variety. The game is 90 seconds of about the same thing, which works fine, but there's not really any reason to play again. You probably ran into time issues, but variety is a good tip to keep in mind if you happen to have extra time in future game jams.
  • The collisions felt a little weird. The player hit box was only at the bottom, so I got stuck a couple of times before realizing why. The people also got stuck a couple of times for a few seconds on their way out from being scared, which is a bit more of a pathfinding issue.

Honestly, very polished, short, and overall solid game that ends up being pretty fun. Good job!

Thank you! The clock was something I was contemplating on changing to only the last 10 seconds, but I ended up forgetting to actually change that before I submitted.

Thank you! I really tried to make the gameplay feel fun to play, so I’m glad to see so much positive feedback.

Thank you! I’m not really too sure about the help thing, I left it behind a button but I can see how you might’ve missed it if you just skimmed through or didn’t click it. I really tried to add as many accessibility features as I had time for this time, so I’m pretty proud of how much I could fit in.

Haha, yeah the floaty speed can be a little difficult at lower healths if you’re not used to it.

Thank you! I'm really proud of how the movement in this game turned out, I think it's my most fun of the games I've made so far.

Thank you! I wasn’t able to figure out how to get mouse rebinding for the controls to work before I ran out of time, so I wasn’t able to fix that unfortunately.

Thank you! I got the controls screen from a tutorial, and so I was going to tweak the code a bit to allow for mouse rebinding, but I ended up just running out of time before I could make the changes.

Thank you! I’m not the best at slash animations, so I’ll keep that in mind for the next time I something similar

Very good game! Incredibly polished, and has a very clean aesthetic and sound to it. The movement was very snappy and felt very fun to play with. The difficulty scales are also very nice, the harder levels get very challenging, while keeping it mostly fair. Unfortunately, I do have some problems with it:

  • Mainly, no restart or pause. A lot of times I would fall into the spike pits, and there just wouldn't be any fast way for me to get out of the pit or restart, forcing me to have to walk around and take damage 9 times until I die. This coupled with the bug where you need to walk around in spikes to take damage makes it pretty annoying to quickly retry.
  • This one's a bit more down to personal preference, but I feel like the stamina bar feels pretty slow. The dash is the most fun part of the game to me, and having to wait multiple seconds to dash in such a fast-paced game kills the momentum a bit.
  • A bit nitpicky, you don't really have to kill anything. The combat in this game is pretty standard, so I don't have a problem with that, but you can skip every enemy without even hitting them, as far as I know. I'm not sure whether this is intentional, and it didn't really make me enjoy the game any less, I just felt like it was a little weird.
  • Lastly, I kind of wish that there was some sort of timer. This one isn't a complaint, but the game feels and plays like a speedrun game, and so I would've liked if there was some sort of timer. Not having one didn't really take away from my enjoyement, I just wish that it was there.

Overall, despite the complaints, it's a very fun fast-paced game with some great movement. Fantastic job!

Just a quick tip buy you can right click to buy things instead of just clicking and dragging, it's mentioned in the description of the game, iirc

(1 edit)

Great game! I absolutely love how it looks, the pixel art is very detailed and fantastic. There's also some nice music to top off the very chill atmosphere. I also really liked the resource management aspect where you have to decide what to buy, and how to make an order without wasting everything. I ended up playing 2 runs, with my first ending at some spider dude, and the second getting to the end. I do have a couple of problems with how the game played:

  • My main problem is that it's pretty repetitive. The main gameplay loop is that you use your ingredients to get 2 different bars to specific spots. The problem with this is that there's not much variation in this loop. There's some extra ingredients involved, but with the game's short length, they don't matter much, and even if it was longer, there's not anything else done with it. This also goes between runs, where every run has the exact same people come in the same order and order the exact same colors every time, making it a bit of a chore to have to redo everything just to get a different ending, which is why I ended up not going for all 3.
  • I'm not sure if this was intended, but the colors that the customers order look very similar, making it a little hard to distinguish between some of the closer ones, especially for someone that's colorblind.
  • There's no real way to undo anything. If you put the wrong ingredient in or you realize afterwards that you didn't need it, there's no way to go back. It's not a problem I've encountered, so it's not really that bad of an issue, but it's just some food for thought.

Overall, while there was some issues with repetitiveness, it was pretty fun and looked very good. Great job!

Very good game! Right off the bat, I loved how the game look and sounded, just the whole atmosphere, and the small little extra mile you went for the lore. I also really liked the idea with the shells being extra lives. My main strategy was to buy a ton of aoe's and then just run around and destroy the enemy spawners. Unfortunately, I do have some problems with the game:

  • Mainly, I had a very bad issue with lag. This is probably on my end, since I don't see anyone else encountering this problem, but this is the main thing that took away from the game for me, although I didn't lower any ratings for it, since it's not your fault
  • There was also this weird bug where I exited fullscreen with the escape button and then just couldn't go back into it, although that may have also been either on my end or on itch
  • The game is really chaotic, and often times it's really hard to tell what's going on. The darkness coupled with the enemies blending into the background made it hard to tell what's happening where. This was probably made a little worse because of the lag, but I think the point still stands.
  • The lack of a tutorial made it take a few minutes of playing to actually understand what was happening. A lot of times I would just be confused what was doing what,  or how I just took damage.
  • There was a lack of any stats on the enemies/towers. I would see a lot of -20 damage markers on the enemies, but not having any health on them made it hard to tell when they would die. The towers' also didn't tell me how much damage they did, so I couldn't really tell what was good and what was better.

Overall, while I had a few complaints, I actually really enjoyed the game and all the different ways you could play. The experimenting was very fun, and the parts I didn't like were either minor or on my end. Great job!

Thank you! The movement of the game was probably what I spent the most time just tweaking numbers for and just playtesting, so I'm glad it turned out great.

Great game! I loved the art and the characters, it gave the game so much personality. The game is also a relatively short but challenging rage game, or at least moderately rage, which is a genre I enjoy a pretty good amount. Unfortunately, I did encounter a few problems with the game:

  • Starting with the controls, it was a little finnicky. I understand that in a game where the controls are the difficulty, it's not meant to be easy to control, but the jumping still felt pretty inconsistent. Sometimes I'd go short, far, or in a different direction despite holding down the same button for the same time. 
  • The toasters and water sections also suffered from a lot of this same inconsistency, but were mostly pretty predictable.
  • Unfortunately, the wall jumps were the worst of this, where you really couldn't tell whether or not it would work, because a lot of times it wouldn't.
  • This ones a bit unrelated, but at regular-ish intervals the game would sort of pause for about a second, and I'm not quite sure what was causing it. The rain also seemed to restart from the clouds whenever this happened, so it's not just some visual freezing. It didn't take away from my enjoyement from the game, but I just thought it would be good to mention the bug for the future.

It may have seemed like I had a lot of problems, but the only problem I really had were some of the controls, so I actually really enjoyed this game. Very good job!

(1 edit)

I'm gonna preface this by saying I didn't get to finish the game, so take any feedback with a grain of salt. Very good game! I love how this game looks, and it also sounds very nice, giving it a very dungeon-y atmosphere, which is what I'm assuming you were going for. The game was very polished and I enjoyed the game for as long as I played, but I did have a few problems:

  • Not really a problem per say, but the length of the game was something to keep in mind. Not sure how well the time frame was utilized, but unless there's some coin scaling later on, there seems to be a good amount of grinding necessary to be able to get all the upgrades you want.
  • My main problem with the game, the movement. This has been mentioned by Ilihami, but the moving platforms, "weight", and attack speed of the player all felt a little clunky. Since this has been addressed already, I'm not going to touch on it.
  • While I liked the music, it was also the only real music in the game, and since it was short, the music got very repetitive pretty fast. Again, since I haven't gotten to finish the game, I'm not quite sure if there are more, but as far as I've gotten it started to get pretty tiring. With this being a game jam though, I can understand how time might stop you from being able to expand on this.

Very good and polished game for a game jam. Great job!

Great game! I absolutely love how the game looks and just the whole vibe, but I had some problems with how the game played:

  • My main problem, the death system. The whole point of a metroidvania is to explore. You explore to gain new powers, then explore more to find new areas with them, but with the death system in this game restarts the whole game, punishing you for exploring, as you waste time.
  • Speaking of time, my next problem, the timer. I genuinely think that the timer could have been a really nice addition, it just had a couple of problems. My main problem with it is just how short it is. Even after I figured everything out and where everything was, completing the game still left me with only about 10 seconds, and there's not much you can do about it. The golden utensils are there to help, but the 5 seconds you get simply aren't enough, because almost all of those 5 seconds are used on just killing it.
  • Another problem I had was the movement system. Jumping felt really floaty and unsatisfying, because you didn't have much control over it. It probably comes down to personal preferance, but I don't quite like how the jump will keep moving even after you let go of a button. Sprinting also felt a little weird, because it worked quite nicely on the ground, helping to save some of that essential time, but it for some reason didn't work in the air, which made jumping feel even more unsatisfying. On a somewhat unrelated note, sprinting for some reason seemed to cancel my animations, and I'm not quite sure why. It didn't make me enjoy the game any less, I just wanted to mention the bug just as some general feedback for the future.
  • Another problem I had was the level design. The timer in the game made time an essential resource, but the level design was quite confusing and directionless, making you waste a lot of time just figuring out what to do. What made this a bit worse was how some sections would just outright be a waste of time, as they would just have pointless enemies that you need to kill, but are placed in a way where they would never kill you.
  • My last, and final problem, is the hit invincibility. Whenever you get hit, the invincibility you get was really short, making it so that if you ever get on top of an enemy, or inbetween an enemy and something else, you just die without anything you can do about it, making you restart the game. 

All in all, despite my problems and how much I seemed to be hating on the game, I actually quite enjoyed. Great job on making this game!

Thank you! Not sure what happened with the sword, maybe I have some stray lines in the wrong place. Will check that out if I come back to this game for a full release.

Thank you! Yeah, I had to tweak the summoners a lot to make it so that they summoned enough enemies to be a threat but didn't summon too many that they were overwhelming, but I guess I might need to tweak some numbers a bit more.

Thank you! I made sure to make the game as simple to understand as possible, because when there's no tutorial, confusing mechanics can ruin a game. I really loved the graphics and music too, I found some really good assets.

Thank you! I had a few more ideas for upgrades and some new levels, but I ended up having to scrap them for time issues. Definitely considering coming back to finish the game and add some polish for a full release.

Thank you! I never thought about how the darkness might be bad for people with eye issues, adding a brightness slider might make it better. For the stab move, it's an issue with the enemies getting under the stab hitbox, and so when it pulls back, it goes towards you, but I didn't end up having time to figure out how to fix it. The sword activating the ladder was actually a bug turned into a design choice. At first it was a bug, but it was pretty useful being able to have that extra  reach, so I just left it in. Lastly, for the coins, I never thought about how you might miss any coins that you didn't pick up. Had a lot of fun making this, so I'll definitely consider making a full release. Thank you for all the feedback!

Thank you! I'm gonna be honest about the dash, I completely forgot about it after I added it, so I never ended up trying to fix it to be better. Maybe just making it more of a small short dash instead of a long roll might make it better.

Nice game! I liked the pixel art and the whole split screen thing. My main complaint is that it got a bit repetitive after a bit, as there' only 1 real thing you can do. The the X's and speed debuffs helped make it more engaging, but that got a little old too. Good job though!

(1 edit)

Fun game! Very original, and I liked the way it played. My main complaints are that the enemies seemed to keep shooting after they died, and that the movement upgrades felt more like a downgrade, as they were too hard to control. Nice job!

Fun game! It was very simple but it did it's job. Good job!

Fun game! Loved the pixel art, although I'm not quite sure what happened with the bird. Relatively short, but it definitely works with this game. Music and sfx were good too. Nice job!

Loved this game! The art is good, the music is nice, and there's so much depth. Very nice job!

Fun game! Loved the art style, and how much depth there is in the game. Very good job!

Thank you! I loved the music too, I found some very good ones :D. I noticed the repetitiveness too and wanted to add a boss fight every 10 floors, but unfortunately I had a bit more of a busy week than planned, so I wasn't able to finish that up.

Thank you! The tutorial and controls were pretty last minute additions, so I'm glad that it's gone so well with people

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Nice job! For 10 hours, there was definitely a lot done. I especially love the style, it looks great! Only problem is that, if I'm being honest, I have absolutely no idea what just happened. Pretty fun just running around, though, which I'm assuming was the goal. Good game!

Nice job! The movement in this game was very fun to mess around with. I also liked the art style, very nice in my opinion. My only real complaints were that the jump was a bit too floaty, and that restarting at level 1 got pretty a bit annoying. Good game!

Nice job! Like many other people mentioned, the destructible terrain is very nice, but not being able to hold down the mouse is something that could be better. Other than that, making the destructible terrain be more useful would be nice, as would more maps, but I understand time constraints. Very good game.

Nice job! The puzzles were pretty difficult to solve, it took me a while to get through them all. Very impressive for 3-4 days. Good game!

Thank you! The settings and tutorial were last minute additions so I’m glad that everyone’s been liking it

Thank you! I actually had the bodies be destroyable before room clear as a design choice, because it made you think a bit more. Not sure how well that went

Thank you! Like I’ve mentioned a couple of times in previous replies, I had a button where you can slash in the direction you’re facing, but forgot to add it into the controls menu. Definitely regret that