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A member registered Jun 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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If I  want to adjust my scene and re-snap objects, is there a way to do that with your tool. In other words I want to snap assets already in the scene.

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I was just thinking about reversing things. We did, in passing, mention tenet while making it though xD. Hotline Miami and Neon White were also talked about for different parts of the game design. :)

played this while watching star trek for way too long

Fantastic, never had so much fun coding before xD

I liked it, it would be fun to explore the bot world through chathuman

Very cute, fun little game. 

I really liked this one, very cute, creative mechanic, well designed levels. Loved this one, congrats on the great jam game :)

Game jam issues by the looks of it, but it seemed interesting, I'd like to see another version of it

Cute style


Very interesting game, there is a lot of possibilities, which couldn't have been easy to account for. I think there was a few I did that had ??? for. But not a big deal, seriously strong jam game.

Excellent execution on a simple idea. One of the best presented games this jam for sure.

That was way more interesting then I thought it would be. Cool idea for sure.

Interesting idea, you presented it very well, easy to understand. I loved the menu too. Very cool.

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Nice jam game, it has quite a bit of polish on it. Fun idea.

Nah your good, I'm happy you enjoyed it though :)

Oh really, yeah I thought there would have been more games similar to this one, but I'm glad at least one of us ran with it haha.

I like how you jammed two genres together, and very juice. Good game!

Nice game jam idea, I liked it :)

I know a lot of people said this, but the intro was so good!

It was a cute idea, nice small game.

Very good game, so cute. You did a great job making the player feel bad for squashing frogs, it added tension in the gameplay. I thought it was a fantastic game, best frogger twist game I played this jam.

Insanely good art, cutiest game this jam hands down! It was fun too, I could spend a lot of time in this <3

You did well, a lot of interactions here, I think I need to spend a bit more time with it, but very enjoyable.

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Very nice idea, I'd love to change the controls, for example, red is r, b is blue, etc. I enjoyed it :)

That was  fun idea, I'd love to see more of it.

Yo that was fun!! Great jam entry for sure!

That was really fun. Cool design :)

My balls didn't seem to curve like yours. Not sure what I did wrong, but I still had fun with it, I just couldn't knock anyone out. I thought the idea was good,  I think it was my favorite golf game this jam. Solid!

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Hey! I like how you guys had the hero moving onto the next room as you got there. Very well executed. I wish the traps just slowed you down (e.g. you have to spend time getting up, thus increasing your finish time) instead of resetting you, but I didn't mark you down for that. I really loved the game, very nice polish!

Enjoyable, I liked it. The ball's physics felt a bit weird, I couldn't put my finger on it. I think I would like to try the version where it loses energy and I can get it to rest on a surface, but it was still good. Nice concept for a jam game.

Great jam entry, very nice.

Fun idea, level design was really good, solid puzzle, perfect game jam game. :)

That was fun! I made it to the end.

That was great, I like the attack/defence mechanic, and how you only indirectly control you units.

That was funny, I liked the idea, creative. Great jam entry.

I liked the idea, would love to see it developed

This could be an interesting system in a larger game. Like the choices you make in the story effects the boss fight or something. Very cool, great idea for a jam game!