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Dungeon WarpView game page

A puzzle platformer where you move and rotate the world around you to solve puzzles.
Submitted by Placel — 2 hours, 49 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 38 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
I believe it fits pretty well! You move the world around you instead of the player to solve puzzles.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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I think I'm getting stuck after the first rotation room and I don't quite understand why I'm unable to move the level after that.  I'm not sure why you can rotate and move the level at the same time, it feels like an arbitrary restriction.  I like the concept and presentation a lot.


Great game with great puzzles! At first moving the level seemed the same as moving the character, but adding more stuff like rotation proved me wrong.

Some parts were a bit frustrating as the controls weren't 100% clear - I wasn't sure when I'm allowed to rotate, and there was no (much needed) quick restart button. Nonetheless I was able to complete the game and really enjoyed it :) Great interpretation of the jam theme.


Interesting idea, you presented it very well, easy to understand. I loved the menu too. Very cool.


Many have attempted the concept of level control, but this particular one stood out for me due to the restrictions, which resulted in some interesting puzzles. It took me a while to get used to how the game works, but I succeeded in reaching the end! Lots of fun and confusion XD


Love the art style and general concept. I hit a few bugs here and there (the worst being right after the first rotation room - the room got stuck upside down and I kept falling to my death, had to restart) but I'd still love to play again once the bugs are fixed. Nice work!

Developer (1 edit)

That... is not a bug, it is a feature.

Seriously, it is supposed to be like that. You solve it by reattempting the previous room and then coming back with the correct rotation. You can do that by using the button on the top-right.


Very interesting concept! It can be a little bit buggy at times, and perhaps the level hitting the edge of the screen could be communicated to the player a bit better (with a particle effect or something) so that it doesn't seem like an arbitrary stop for no reason. Other than that though, this idea could easily be expanded into a whole game!


Interesting concept! The 1-bit style is also really well done. 

I'll mimic what other people have said about encountering what appear to be bugs and/or soft locks though. I had a few attempts but always managed to get the next room stuck in an awkward rotation.

Still, I could see this being a fun little puzzle game with a bit more time and adjustment!


This was a lot of fun. I like the minimalist art style, and the mechanic is very interesting. I did find it a bit annoying to have to constantly press myself against walls to get the room far enough to one side to move to the next one, but it wasn't a huge deal. Nice work on this.


I liked the game overall, but I feel like it could have been slightly more forgiving on rotations. That said, great game overall, and you should check out my game too :)


I absolutely agree! I planned to have the ability to snap rotations to some common values but wasn't able to add it in time.


This is a good concept! It was unfortunately very frustrating to play at times. It was far too easy to get stuck in the wrong rotation, and you seemingly can't go back more than one room so I had to refresh several times until I got it right. It was also very easy to forget when the room was close to the edge. Maybe adding walls that appear at the edges of the screen when the room gets too close would help with readability. The UI was also staying selected after being clicked on which was very distracting. This can be solved in Godot by changing the focus mode to "None".

Overall, you did well for the time limit and this could definitely be really good if you took the time to improve it once the jam is over. Good job!


Thank you for trying it out!

I am still a bit confused about how you were able to get stuck in the wrong rotation, it should not be possible to get stuck in such a way that you cannot fix it by going back just a single room. Can you send me a recording? or a GIF perhaps?

And thank you for telling me how to fix the UI staying highlighted! I wasn't able to find a solution even after searching for around 10 minutes.


After the first rotation room I was able to get past the next one, but the room after (the locked door one) required me to go to a path that was inaccessible because I was rotated the wrong way. The issue was that the room between them was possible even when you were facing the wrong direction. For reference when I entered the locked door room the locked door was on the left

I was able to figure it out after restarting a couple of times so even just adding a restart game button would work well enough if that's the type of game you're going for (maybe add checkpoints too if you make it longer)

Developer (1 edit)

You, my good sir, just found a way to get soft-locked in a way that wasn't supposed to be possible. In fact, you did something that everyone else, even I, thought was impossible. So props to you for breaking the game.


I'm running into too many problems to finish the game sadly, however, I relly like the idea and the 1bit graphics are beautiful. The problems are the following, since you can only rotate some places you can make it so you jump into an un-rotable room and you can't go back nor forward and you are forced to restart the game, also sometimes I died without knowing how I died, is there fall damage?

Overall I like it a lot, but needs some polishing.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Sorry to hear that! You can indeed go back to the previous room. There is a button to do so on the top-right.

As for the random death after restarting, it is a bug that I am not sure how to fix. Restarting the level fixes the issue so there is no need to worry about it.


Thanks to your reply, I decided to play again and this time found the "go back to the last rotating screen" button, it was at the other side of the screen, I'm glad I got to finish it, don't like leaving the games unfinished. I enjoyed it a lot ^^


Good execution on a good concept. I ran into an issue where occasionally the R or F key would stop working and not let me toggle the rotation mode, not sure why, the only fix was to refresh the page (maybe something on my end, who knows).

Presentation is fantastic, however I at first got confused as to why the player couldn't move, which I had assumed to be a collision bug until I realised it's because the level is hitting the sides! When that realisation struck it made sense and I loved it.

From reading some of the other comments, it seems I'm not the only one regarding that. Maybe a simple shader that makes the side of the level that is hitting the edge glow or something? Explaining the mechanic is good, but it's best to show it because not everyone (like my lazy ass) will read it.

I didn't get to finish it, but the foundation is set for an amazing title. I wouldn't even be surprised if I saw this on steam for 15 moneys.


Thank you for the detailed feedback!

I agree that I should have done a better job explaining the limited movement mechanic in-game but the opportunity to do so passed much more quickly than I had the time to do so. Something to remember for my next game!


Although I have seen similar game to this concept, this is a very well presented and crafted one. Challenging and fun, congrats!


First impression so far I enjoyed it hope u update it or create better versions of this!!


What a great idea! I really enjoyed the game!


Just beat the game. Very nice that the room stops when it hits the edge. Sometimes with a lot of these "you don't move the player, you move the room" type games, it just feels like inversed controls. Also, the rotation staying adds a layer of complexity to your game. Nice work.

couldnt get of the main menu


Sorry to hear that!

I have once again updated the webpage with some more info explaining the game's mechanics including the not-very-intuitive one that is necessary to progress. Hope that helps!


I think its because he never realized that the world couldn't go off-screen. I initially also thought there was a hidden barrier


Enjoyable if a bit confusing. The mechanic of the room hitting the edge and when you can rotate the room definitely need a better introduction. Nice puzzles, you can definitely go further with this idea


It appears I have been struggling to explain those mechanics properly @.@

Anyway, I have once again updated the website with some more info about the mechanics of the game. Thank you for pointing it out!

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