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Thank you for the information~

You guys really need to develop this further and make it into a full release. I really had some fun~

Easily one of the best game I ever played on a game jam!!! I really liked everything. The graphic reminds me a lot of undertale, the idea of planting plants to defend yourself is really cool, and my god the music is soooo great. 

Please develop this further and make it more fleshed out, such as adding more plants and quirky effects that they can get. I feel like the more wacky the stuff on the screen will be the more fun I will had. Because to be honest, my enjoyment doesn't come from the strategy to plant it perfectly, but rather just running around enjoying the music and witness various vfx happened on the screen.

I did encounter a technical issue though, on the end of night 2 the frame rate drops to below 10 fps. Maybe I plant too much stuff? Anyway, great job!

Really like the simplicity of the core gameplay loop. It would be nice if we have more things to discover on the "calm" period, maybe foraging and crafting weapons? It can be similar to what Dome Keeper did but more diablo-like and simple. Great job!

I liked the music and the graphic, it was chill. The game design ideas is also great, but I can't seemed to draw cards after certain point and stuck. Also wish that the text on the card is more contrast, currently its kind of hard to read it. Overall great concept!

Hi guys, I just finished uploading and submitting the final build for my game. But I need more time to finish up the description, especially on the "how-to-play" part. Is it okay if I edit the description (and maybe screenshots) during the voting period?

Level 3 is very challenging to complete, but overall fun, great job!

I really like the visuals, this game looks finished! The gameplay is also unique, a puzzle with a very wide flexibility and possibilities, making it more challenging.

The artwork is great! It would be more fun if there were more enemy variations. At the beginning of the game, it also seems that the basic enemy is still difficult to kill. But, overall great job!

The artwork is very good, but I got stuck for quite a while at the beginning of the game because the mechanics are quite difficult, but overall good job!

The artwork is cool and very vibrant! It took me a few games to understand how I could finish level 1, but eventually I got it. Overall good job!

I really like the artwork, especially the colors!

The artwork is great! Playable for kiling time. But I still can't understand the number on the mosquito, does it affect the score?

I'm really impressed that scale really impacts the whole gameplay, great job!

I really enjoyed the game play and the artwork is great! But it's a little weird that we buy things by price, but sell by weight.

I really like the artwork, it looks so funny and stylish. For the gameplay, I wished we were told on the rules for the scoring system.

I really like the artstyle and the colors, there is a feeling of horror and space. In terms of game play, it will be too late and hard to recover if the enemy is already big at the beginning of the game, but nice concept dude!

Very interesting to play, it would be more interesting if you add a scale element: change the size of the cue ball or obstacle. But, overall good job!

The concept is simple and has a lot of potential. But I have to familiarize myself with the scaling rules.

It's so fun to play, I could play it over and over again! I think the combination of Jupiter and Saturnus is very overpowered. As the level goes up, the moon seems less visible, and I tend to create chaos to win, rather than strategize. Handling the cue ball is also a bit clunky at times. But I really enjoyed playing it.

I see, we might need to tweak the gameplay loop a bit and also add a better tutorial or how-to section. Thank you for the feedback~

Thank you for your kind words!

Very nice concept execution! A bit overwhelming at first and I think some enemies are not reachable? Or just a noob here lol. But, overall it’s playful and enjoyable, I especially like the planet's asset, looks nice.

I really like the idea and the artstyle! The gameplay was also fun, but I wish the attack indicator appears 2 turns before the attack went through, that way I think I can strategize better how to dodge or intentionally kills a slime that I don't want in a certain position. It will be also really cool if there is more than one attack pattern.

The visuals are very vivid and lively! I enjoyed playing it, great job! I don't know if its my browser, but the audio seems a bit broken.

It's quite overwhelming at first, but I can get used to it later on. I think this game could be made simpler for young children to play to train their spatial skills. I also like the "Guitar Hero" concept combined with scaling up/down simple shapes. Good job!

Very enjoyable! There are many 'scale' elements that I can play with throughout the game ranging from horizontal and vertical length, speed, even time!

Interesting concept for a game that can help kill time in between activities. It's even more interesting if it's designed for young children, it can really help their motoric skills.

Fun game! Reminded me of Suika. I think adding a visual indicator to easily identifies the size of a ball will be a great~

A simple concept that is fun to play. Quiz game focusing on questions about 'scale', very brainteasing and insightful.

A simple and fun game that I can see fit into the endless list of ___dle games! (games like pokedoku, globle, etc..)

I saw your video being played by Mark live on the first day of his stream, and I fell asleep during it because I was so tired from work. I'm intrigued to play the game myself~

I really like the visuals and the atmosphere! It reminds me of Firewatch. I wish the gameplay can be more noob-friendly though cause i'm having a hard time progressing. I would like it if there is some sort of narrator that will help you through it or sometimes messes with you, like telling you to execute a funny commands. Something like Stanley Parable.

Really love the simple gameplay premise and lo-fi artstyle, reminds me of Downwell but with a relaxing atmosphere~

Yes! you need to take care of the planets~

Thank you! We actually gives a signal to indicate where the asteroids will come from, its the red line that crosses the screen right before the asteroid. Funnily enough, the first question that my friend asked after playing the game was "how to dodge the red laser"?.  So we're definitely need to rework the visuals for the asteroid's indicator, maybe making it flashing instead of tweening forward.

Interesting! My first initial idea was to make the time slowed down or even stopped when players are holding up the orbitals from the shop, but i'm afraid it will interrupt the game flow or making the shop mechanics abusable (player will keep holding the orbitals). But we will try to figure out a way to make the placement better.  Thank you!

The visuals are very pleasing! A little confused at the beginning, but I can get used to it after a few games. It would have helped if I knew earlier about the effects of each weapon, this game could also be more interesting if a back story was added. Overall, good job!

Well noted, will try to make a clear visual guidance on our next iteration. We have a lot of unfinished ideas and improvement that is sadly cannot be finished due to the time constraints. Thank you for the feedback~

Glad you like and notice that stacking moons on top of each other creates a fun and a bit wacky of a game experience. Will try to implement a wave system on our next iteration, thanks!

Thank you for your feedback! Yes, i think giving it a more standard tower-defense game mechanics makes more sense. I should look more into classic tower defense like plants vs zombies or bloons TD for inspiration!