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A member registered Sep 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Very Cool, It's a refreshing twist of, At some point, I couldn't progress any further because my planet was so big the stamina and speed that it provides were very slow, and just only bigger planets spawned nearby.

Well, I don't know how many people work in this one, but I'll assume that was just a single guy.

The idea of multiple characters with unique skills for a puzzle platformer is very nice and I already experimented with this before.

I finished the 3 first levels and played a bit of the other ones and I had some issues with the game:


Oh boy, the controls are something, they're not terrible, but they aren't very good. I feel like you could use the mouse to change the characters instead of TAB,  also, Press F will switch the cube's scale direction even if I'm not controlling it, also also, I think the use the Up and Down Arrow instead of W and S Keys wasn't a good idea, feels clunky every time I needed to use the Cube.

Visuals and UI:

 I'm not against wacky art styles, but this one feels very over the place, lacks consistency between characters, background, VFX, and so on.

The UI in the levels could be better, there's no clear indication of who I am currently controlling at the moment but the sprites got darker, except the blue kid for some reason, which screw everything XD

Level Design & Mechanics:

The puzzles are simple but good, and when I finally stopped to fight against the controls I could solve them very intuitively, but on the other hand I felt complexity spikes between levels, I understand there are just 6 of them, but this in addition with the controls made my experience less enjoyable, also I get stuck in the level that introduces the blue ball, which cannot reach the button(note: while writing this, it came to my mind the probably the kid isn't the only one who can trigger the exit, but then the level per se isn't very intuitive).

Since this game was made within 96 hours, I understand the tutorials being text boxes, but for some reason, neither of them tells the player about the wall jump, which you kinda need to progress in the 2nd level.

I don't know how to feel about the psych meter, it's important for a puzzle to have limitations, but this one doesn't feel well-designed, it's just a limitation that forces you to reset when you run out of energy.

Other Issues:

Speaking of reset, if the kid dies in the middle of the level he just respawns in his origin position, but the other characters don't, so...what's the point? If this happens I would be forced to reset anyway.

This is a minor issue, but if you press W the kid unleashes his Ultra Ego Aura in the same way as the Up/Down Arrows, but nothing happens.


Sorry for the insane long essay, but I think there's a very good and promising game here, just needs a lot of polishing, and rethinking some aspects like the controls and visuals, if this is your first game, don't give up, the beginning is always rough and manage schedules and game dev it's always.

Thank you! ^^

Interesting idea for a tower defense(I guess this one counts as a tower defense)

It's a level with a tiny castle and only a blue crystal? If Yes, then think if the blue crystal it's really for the protagonist ;)

thank soo much for playing my game ^^

About lv 11, are you sure that the protagonist is the only thing who can use the crystals? Think about it :³

Simple, Addictive, Fun!
I loved! This one can easily become a full game. 

Thanks for your feedback

Can you say which level you see the elevador's bug? and what are you doing exatcly? Also I'll be very Glad if you point me the grammar issues. 

thanks for your comment ^^

I really happy about your feedback about the puzzles, I couldn't know if there are too easy or Just because I already know the sollutions

First of all, thank you for playing!

I feel a little embarassing for your commentary, I mean It's great that you liked my game a lot and I put a bunch of passion and love on it, don't gimme wrong I'm happy you enjoy every aspect, but I think my game it's just a little passionate project ^^

Hi! Programmer and game designer here, I've seen your art and I'm interested in teaming up with you, but my project will require some things out of the ordinary for this jam in terms of art

More details on discord if you are interested ( Knux#3949 ).

thank you so much for the reply! I was going to ask if you can elaborate on the story before the jam starts, but I saw that I'm going to have more than 100 days so I think that's enough time.

Hi, I interested in participating, but is visual novel mandatory?  The game I'm thinking about will tell a story (which will be the highlight), but it will not be the only focus and I don't plan on dialogue options, multiple endings, etc.

Ps: Sorry for any mistranslation, I using google tradutor. ^^"

It's insanely difficult ;-; ..... I LOVED IT!!

It really takes a lot of practice, the visuals and music are really good.

My only complaint is that if you reset the stage right after dying and start the car the camera shakes more than it would be nice.

I liked the idea! I just believe that some small things could be fixed, for example, as the game already has its own icon, the mouse arrow could be invisible and when leaving the game in full screen, the game's graphics are stretched.

Cool visuals and music!

Honestly I'm bad at this type of game with purposefully slippery controls XD

First of all, I apologize for the delay in responding to you.

I'm so grateful for your appreciation!

Uso somente sons e musicas livre de royalties em meus jogos por eu não ser musico, posso fazer o mesmo aqui ou devo dar um jeito de fazer minha própria música e efeitos sonoros para o jogo?

I see potential in this game, it certainly deserves more polish overall.

Great job! ^^

Simple and fun! Cool fake 3d effect! 0w0

Very good!

The core gameplay is really fun, I got immersed when trying to beat the levels.

Here are the things that could be better:

1 - I would like more effects to be added, such as camera shake when hitting monsters, enemies leaving pools of blood, in other words gamefeel in general;

2 - At level 25 the scythe left the scene and I lost;

3 - The special powers could be more useful, since most of the time the scythe is just more efficient (obs: the fenix's song is kinda funny XD).

I liked it, but it took me a while to get used to the control scheme, maybe allowing customization or allowing using the mouse to shoot and jump would help.
After learning the commands the game becomes straightforward and without any challenge, but don't give up!
This can be a solid base for an excellent game with more polish, levels, enemies and challenges.

I couldn't say if I liked the game suddenly throwing you into the chaos, but I can't say I didn't like it.

If you wanted to make a chaotic and fun mini game, congratulations you were successful! ^^

Simple, cute, charming and compact. I love it. ^^

The retro style is really well done
Nice job!

It's a solid game! could easily carry a game with a larger scope

It would be nice to highlight the character well before the game starts and correct me if I'm wrong, sometimes the teleport doesn't work, I don't know if it's intentional or a bug.

High score: 37
It's relaxing pop the ballons -w-

Poor chiken kkkkkkk, it's a very cute, fun and simple game
Good job!

thanks for the answer! ^^

Can my game allow the player to finish in less than 20 seconds?

When a game gear's game meets NES's game. XD

Despite the process of defeating enemies this game is surprisingly polished.

I don't know if it's intentional, but the crosses blend in with the background because the color palettes are very similar, so it's hard to react properly to the crosses.

Other than that it's a nice game, good job ;)

I suppose the bat physics is crazy on purpose.

The idea of switching between two states in a platform game is quite interesting

Keep it up man :)

I have the feeling that the entire game is a reference to castlevania. XD

I liked it, it's simple and straightforward.

I really liked this one,

maybe sometimes the difficulty curve goes up a little more than necessary, but it's a good game.

Initially I thought you only clicked on enemies, but then I realized that you can keep it pressed and then the gameplay gave me a Fruit ninja vibe. XD

Cute, charming and polished! I loved it XD

Reminds me Celeste a lot

Straight forward and with good music to set the mood, good jog! ;)

I only have two little things to say, first I don't understand exactly what the book does (doubling the points you get I guess?) and second the font used in the texts is a little difficult to understand

(1 edit)

I assume this is your first game or close to it.

Solving the puzzle itself is pretty easy, the art style has its own charm, to be honest I had more fun with silly things (like figuring out I can flush the toilet or wear pajamas) than the game's objective itself , but don't give up it's developing games that you improve over time.

Sometimes the game is slower, but apart from that I liked it1

It's a good game to spend time.

I liked the art style and music

Regarding the gameplay, the control scheme works well for platforming purposes, but for the combat it was confusing, because aiming at enemies is at least annoying.