Thanks for the feedback!
Although more story and gameplay would definitely be nice we haven't discussed that yet :)
Grigorii Pika
Creator of
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Good idea on having to constantly switch between zoning in and fighting enemies, that could create an interesting and intense loop
Here are a few things I missed:
- UI indicator for how many bullets I have left
- UI indicator to direct the player to the crafting table (a simple arrow would be enough)
- I would remove the wrench item since it's useless (and seems to damage the player on attack?). I understand that you wanted to highlight that the player needs to craft bullets. But I am not sure if it's worth it, wrench forced me to go read the game description, to understand what I am supposed to do to play the game :)
Great work, the idea with zones that change monsters and the player is smart, liked it
The sounds are also working very well together
As for suggestions:
- it would be nice to have some invincibility time after being hit
- Very often my projectile went through the enemy as they moved to another zone. A bit wider zones or slower could help
Such a nice game, very cute environment and warm colors, liked it a lot!
The only feedback - if you are planning to expand it (which would be definately a good idea) consider adding some UI for quests or guidance over the island, like a small text on the side of the screen. That way objective would be a lot more transparent
Liked it a lot, it is fun that there are no cooldown on any of the abilities and the art syle is good!
Also fantastic job with the projectiles. The light those bring and the smaller particles on destruction - feels good to shoot
A couple suggestions:
- May be add something to drop from destructable objects, at least the ember. I was hunting them for the first couple of minutes and there was nothing inside :c
- Addition of a smaller boss would be good, something with a lot less hp, just to get the hang of it with a small power-up offered after you beat him