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Lorenzo Morini

A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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What are the species of the trees?

Ahaha si, la bio è parecchio incompleta. Complimenti comunque! Sei arrivato primo!

During this jam I used Unreal Engine 4, which is probably a bit overkill considering the limitations, so I figured out that since apparently I was the first one to use it I could share the template, just in case someone wanted to make a game with it:

The license is Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal, that means that you have the permissions for private and commercial use, modification and distribution, and that you don't need to give me credit in any way. Obviously credit is appreciated, but feel free to use it however you want.

If you have any question just post here and I'll answer as soon as I can, and let me know if you make something with it!


The idea of using your health bar this was is really interesting, and the game is really polished, especially considering the lenght. The movement could maybe be a bit faster and smoother, but considering it's more a puzzle game than a platformer I don't think that's really a problem. Good job!

Great job! The only problem I had with this game is that the visual gets too cluttered when you zoom out, so it's a bit difficult to see the hitboxes, but other than that it's really good!

Classic idea, but it needs a lot of work: the visual is too shaky, which can be fine for the trees, as they are moving, but is strange for the main character, which stands still at the center of the screen. There is no acceleration, which makes the game boring really fast, and you can't lose, which also makes the game boring. The camera is also centered on the player, which can be fine in some situations, but is just strange if you only go in one direction, as half of the screen is wasted by the terrain you already passed, and it's really difficuly to see where you are going. It needs some work to be improved, but it's an interesting game for a jam with wuch limitations.

Nice game! As many already said I think that the hitboxes are too unforgiving, and also the level design could be improved a bit, but it's still a funny game, even if a bit frustrating.

It's not bad, but it some problems that can be easily corrected: first of all the difficulty doesn't scale, which makes the game boring as time goes on. Second there is no sound (not sure if it's a problem with my browser or not), which also contributes to make the game boring, and finally the font is a times difficult to read. With these 3 improved I think it would be a lot better, and much funnier than how it actually is.

Also yeah, it doesn't adhere to all the restrictions, but that is Jam related, so it doesn't improve the quality of the game to follow them.

Well, that's because I read the name wrong, and I confused the game the I had just downloaded with yours, so I thought I downloaded your game, when it was another one. I should sleep more.

This is great! I like how you applied the theme, and there is a lot to appreciate, the amount of levels, the design of the puzzles, the sound. It's a really polished experience. Too bad it's Windows only, if it was HTML5 it would have been much more popular.

Oh and the elevators are dope!

Thank you! I'm happy you liked it! I tried many solutions for the visuals, and this was the best I could do. It was really difficult to achieve this effect, and it surely is far from perfect, but I think I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Just tried it! Always happy to see another Italian! It's an interesting take on the mechanic, and I like how polished it is. The only downside I found is that you have to download it, and this will surely affect the number of people that try it, but it's really well done, surely one of the most polished games I've seen in this jam.

Thank you! I actually didn't think at all about movement with arrows, as I never use them. It was actually a thing I could have added very easily, I'll probably do it in my next game, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you! It was difficult with this low resolution to create a sense of depth, I should probably have played some more with shaders and 3d models.

Nice little stealth game, and an original take on the theme. It doesn't really follow the restrictions, as it's not pixel perfect, and I wish there were more levels. That said on the pros side the graphic is nice, and I really like how you didn't implement instant failure once you are detected, but instead decided to create a failure system, like in the best stealth games

One of the most interesting ideas! It needs polishing, but the mechanic is solid, and it follow the theme in an original way. I like it!

I really liked how you decided to implement the 3D, I think it works really well. That said I feel like something is missing from this game, an animation when you shoot and kill enemies and a different sound would be really nice. Also you didn't follow all the restrictions, I think that there was no need to use a different resolution, as the game is already pretty horizontal. Good job anyway, it's nice to see a horror game in a jam with so many limitations!

The implementation of the theme is really good, and you followed all the restrictions, but I feel like it's missing something, maybe even just adding enough variety to the level generation would do the trick. It also needs some bug fixing, you can easily achieve a high score just by exiting the screen with the character and bypassing the entire level. That said I really like the vibe and the idea of an endless runner on a Nokia, good job!

There is a lot of room for improvement here. The game doesn't follow all the restrictions, or follow the theme, and the enemies got stuck in the corners on 2 occasions. The graphic wasn't bad, and the soundtrack was without a doubt more than acceptable. But I mean, Team Fortress 2 is Team Fortress 2, you did the right thing.

Yeah, it is a real problem. The first version had textured walls, but they cluttered everything. I tried to remove all the details I could, And I surely could have improved columns and doors, and also smooth the horse and the trees. It can surely be improved. And thank you! I'm happy you appreciated it!

I'm actually on Chrome. It might a problem with Unity, I tried with Edge and there is audio there. As for the camera, I think that, even if usually a bit of lag on the camera makes the experience way smoother, with this limited resolution a more responsive one would have probably been better. But I'm not really sure, these limitations really affect the way everything works. Good work anyway!

Nice implementation of the mechanic, but I feel like the platforming was a bit useless, and I was definitely expecting a boss fight of some kind with the brother. I think that with some polish and more content it could become much better, I wouldn't mind playing a longer version of this.

Great idea, but I feel like it needs some polish: there is no sound and the visual is too shaky when there is vertical movement involved.

Really well polished, the only thing I would have changed is a sound when you move, but the rest is really well done. It's my personal favorite so far.

I thought about wires, but I had no time to implement them. Maybe a symbol on the pedestal and the door would have been better. and easier to remember. But yeah, I should have definitely added some way to recognize which pedestal opens which door.

Really nice idea and very well polished. As some have pointed out maybe a faster moving character would have been funnier to play, but I think the movement is good enough for a puzzle game.

I finished it in about 20 seconds. I mean, it's a series of jumps, and if I'm not mistaken you have even added coyote time. But it's definitely too short, even for a game jam, I think you should have at least double the amount of platforms.

Great idea! I think it still needs some polish, especially in the movement of the head, but I definitely would like to play a longer version of this.

Nice use of dithering! I think the gameplay might be improved, it gets kinda boring after a while, but still good idea and great execution (and also A LOT more optimized than mine, ahaha, only 39KB is great)

I tried dithering, my original idea was to make a first person horror game, but I had too many problems with the shaders, so I had to scrap it. I think I kind of took inspiration from The Talos Principle for the vibe. Where can I play golf questionmark?

I'm sorry you got stuck, maybe I did something wrong, in theory it should not be possible. Where did it happen?

This is really good! It actually took me a bit to understand what was going on,  I think it would be great to have sounds. Still, it's really good, one of the best games I tried.

Hey, thank you very much! I think I probably spent more time on the shader than on the game, it was a real pain to make it work, but I'm happy that you liked it. I feel like there is a lot of room for improvement, especially for the doors and columns, a less detailed versione would have probably been better.