Haha we are so happy that people are liking it so much. We don't have any concrete plans right now, but I promise I will message you if we do something more with it.
Luke Burnett
Creator of
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I loved this game! I haven't given many games 5/5 on all categories but this one definitely deserves it. It's simple but interesting and deep. I also respect the art style immensely as I've also done a game with a hand-drawn-colored-pencil look at it was a lot of work. Great job!
My only feedback might be that the health bar looks out of place as the only UI that isn't hand drawn.
I'm a big fan of this game. I agree with some of the others that actually playing through it with these controls is a bit tedious but that's something that can be solved with a bit more dev time (and maybe a controller instead of keyboard + mouse lol).
Anyway, good work! It's a really fun little game.
"I wish there was more" is exactly the type of criticism I like to see =)
We actually ended up pivoting halfway through the jam when our original attempt at this idea wasn't coming together. I think we ended up with a much more fun, streamlined game but at the cost of it being a little smaller than we would have liked given we had so little time to explore the final iteration of the idea.
Anyway, thank you for playing it!
I played through this whole thing. Loved it. We also made a game using gravity as a core mechanic and it's really fun to see how other use it.
My main criticism: the game files themselves are very large. You might have accidentally included some extra plugins and/or content (like the starter content).
The VFX is simply amazing. That old-school tv monitor effect is 10/10. My only criticism is that the "scaling up/down" mechanic felt a little tacked-on and unnecessary.
Also, I don't know if this is a bug but I wasn't getting any sound when I was playing.
Overall though, very very fun game and one of my favorite submissions so far!