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Lupus In Fabula

A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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We didn’t expect to win, but we’re so happy! Thanks for giving us this opportunity, and a special thank you to everyone who played rated our game!

we’ve reached out to him and we’ll see how it goes. Thanks for the tip :D

sorry about the crash, sadly we were out of time and had to ship with the bug -__-

We already have a fix ready though, and we’ll update the game as soon as the jam ends

thank you :)

you’re welcome for the spook ;)

Egregio 🗿

Thanks! Teamwork helped a lot with that ;)

Thank you :D

will do, glad you liked it :D

Thanks queen :D

T posing racoon go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I quite enjoyed the innovative mechanics, though shooting the shadows did feel a bit tricky at times. And the sound design does get a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit old after a while, but it's not that big a deal. Overall, I quite enjoyed it, it felt a little superhot-esque in a way I can't properly explain

I love it! The instakill bacteria are a bit unforgiving, but not that bad once you get the hang of it, and they contrast well the section where you have to gun down the guards, prompting the player from going in every room guns blazing to turning every corner carefully, although I'm not sure how well it fits with the overall feel of the game. Oh well, I had a nice time regardless. Bravo :)

10/10 would take weed toast with the dog again

I’ll be sure to look into that. Thanks for the video!

By the way, was it just the footage or was the frame rate really that low?

That was awesome! I know  how nintendo is usually towards games like this, but I really hope you get to develop this further. Good luck, I'll keep an eye on this game!

The good bits first: the gun feels POWERFUL! Like, that thing just feels GOOD to shoot. However, it's a little hard to see when enemies are shooting. And also, the random part feels a bit inconsequential from a stratigic standpoint, maybe if you where, say, forced to use all six bullets before reloading or something like that, it might require a little bit more strategy. On the other hand, the game is one hell of a power trip, with enemies exploding and getting zapped repeatedly, so I guess the lack of strategy might not be a bug, just a feature :)

The game has really cool ideas, but they're a little poorly presented. For example, I didn't even imagine I could roll on top of the dice, I just glitched my way through any level with this mechanic. And it's a pity, because after watching the video, it made SO MUCH SENSE what I was supposed to do, and I found it pretty crafty! Maybe consider drawing a little explenatory doodle of the guy rolling on top of the dice? Or maybe put in a level where it's just spikes and you have one dice, so you're forced to learn how to roll? Either way, considering it was made in just 24h, it was a great experience, especially with the nice music, the fancy background and the little power trip at the end, which is always nice :D

I LOVED this! The fact it wasn't random, the fact it had a story, and the general ominousness... it feels like doing Saving Throws against death in DnD, only much more stressful! Easily one of my favorite games in the jam so far.

Great experience! I like how the rng was implemented, although if you could deselect a dice after selecting it instead of just throwing it, that would be much appreciated. I think I might save this one to play this after the jam :D

Damn, this game's JUICY! It would be nice though if the little box didn't display your last dropped dice, but your next one, so you could strategize a bit more. It was a fun, intuitive experience aside from that - bravo :)

It was a very fun experience, the only thing is I didn't understand wether I was locking down rooms or unlocking them, so maybe making it a little bit clearer (using text instead of an icon) might make the game a bit more intuitive. But aside from that, great game, I loved it :D

(1 edit)

It's a solid roguelike, with some impressive variety for a 48h jam! One thing I'll say though, it needs just a tad bit more JUICE. For example, when you get hit, make the screen shake or flash: it wasn't always obvious if something hit me or not, so I often found myself dying without any appaerent reason. But it's a bit of a nitpick, and something I struggled with myself- so overall, you did a great job!

Edit: I just realized by reading the rest of the comments that I basically said the same thing as everyone else- should have read them sooner...

I think you might have gotten stuck in the tutorial. There are icons hovering over objectives to show you where to go, so you know what to do once you find yourself sorrounded by a rain of cheese. I know, it’s not that intuitive, sorry if it blocked your playtrough, but thanks anyway for giving it a chance :)

I liked the idea of fighting Caesar by matching dice rolls with his cape, very clever use of the theme!

So it's a dice floating in space, sassing you with memes and 4th wall breaks? Neat!

I don't think it's working how it's supposed to, I'm shooting at the beans but nothing is happening... Nice truck, though, and good music.

I love the concept, and I was especially mindblown when levels where you had to orient the digits started to appear. I couldn't make it past level 18, but I think that might be on me.

The ammount of content for a 50h game is incredible. Even more so since it's fun, balanced and polished all the way trough. If I had to find a flaw, maybe when you die you could respawn at the beginning of the current floor rather than starting over, but that's about as much as I can say- incredible work, as always :)

10/10 would birb again

Hitting enemies was a little tricky, in contrast I had lots of fun attempting to climb up the towers. Overall, solid experience for a 48 hour jam, especially seeing how polished it was with all the sound effects, the shaking of the game over text etc...

Thanks! I wasn't really sure the visuals were gonna work out, it's great to hear they did :D

Thanks for playing through my game :D ! It's a shame the controls breaking on fullscreen cut it short, I really don't know what that bug is about but it seems to keep popping up, but I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway!

Really solid game, tying the "reveal the truth!" mechanic, which is done to death, to an actual object in the world like a cassette player which comes with the caveat of having to rewind it makes it really stand out, bravo. On the other hand, I feel the player moves a little too slowly when the tape is off. I get it's supposed to feel sluggish when you're not listening to the tape, though, so I won't count it as a fault, it's just a little nitpick of mine :)

Well, the maze was far too long (I didn't even manage to complete it), but even if the monster wasn't real seeing the lamp running out of fuel was pretty stressful, so good job on that front. I think if you had the maze split into screens, og the Legend of Zelda style, it would make it much more manageable.

Overall I really think it has some potential, it just needs a little fine tuning :)

This game is absolutely brilliant! You took a mechanic that was done to death (the "hover over something to see the truth!") and through the one simple twist of "what's invisible isn't real" you made it fresh, new, interesting and honestly quite clever. Bravo! AND you pulled the "it is not real, it's just a game" twist? AND, on top of all of that, you added well placed checkpoints?! Man, this game is an easy 5 stars for me. Amazing work!

Yeah, I can assure you the puzzles were just as confusing for me to design as they were to play. Glad you enjoyed it :D

Yeah, the web build straight up didn't recognize input, so I tried with the downloadable version. But don't worry, it was more of a little annoyance than a real issue, I had fun anyways :)

Man, this wasn't just a trip, this was a whole freaking journey! I loved every bit of this game, from the art to the tongue mechanic, to how the music got wonkier and wonkier the higher you were, to things that could talk to you in phase 4 turning blue! Just brilliant across the board, well done!

(1 edit)

Very well executed! Loved the story, but the controls were a little slippery. Also, I really enjoyed the puzzles, and the art style looks amazing!