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A member registered Oct 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow! amazing work!

Wow, one of the best submitions I've heard so far!

I really love how diversified the album sounds, from "royal"/RPGesque songs (like thew lobster king one, or the village atop a whale) to more fun and dynamic tracks like the cephalopod shuffle one.

Even if I'm more of a movimented OST guy I still really liked the calmer tracks, like the sunken mausoleum (wich at the start reminded me a lot of undertale's "core" track).

Ah ending song it's really hearthwarming! 

Really liked the entry :D

Really loved the soundtrack, one of the best I've heard so far! the main theme is really epic and fun to listen to, the violin solo at the start sounds really great. Same goes for the cat burglar cat, it's really fun to listen to and I love the use of the synth at the start.

The other songs are a bit calmer compared to this 2, but still they all have great sound and really good composition!

Great work :D

I liked the soundtrack overall, but my favourite track was the last one (really sad it didn't last longer) it's a really hearthwarming conclusion to it and I love the use of synths in contrast to the rest of the album.

Great work :D

really nice ambient synth album, even if I'm a fan of more dynamic and rythmic songs I liked the feels of the soundtrack and the synth paches u used sounded really nice, great work :D

Really liked the both track, even if they are a bit rough with the isntruments i really like the vibes of the first one, and some of the ideas you used in the second one, keep up the work :D

Really liked the quality and ambient feel of the track, maybe a bit short (1/2 tracks more could have been cool) but apart from that very cool :D

(1 edit)

really liked the experimental ambience feel of all the album, maybe a little too experimental to be "catchy" like more standard songs but overall really liked it :D

Really liked the darker deeper water theme and its really cool synth sounds! 

ahaha, I'll try adding more reverb to the track to listend how it would have sounded like :D Thanks!


Loved the soundtrack! very fun and playful, amazing rythms and really good sounds :D

If you have Discord this is my username: l3onardo_

Send me a friend request!

Hey, would you like to help me make the soundtrack by making some concept art and cover art?

Really liked the idea, and the presentation is awesome

Could you describe me the bug so i can fix it in the future?

Best game in the jam, good soundtrack ;)