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A member registered Jul 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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You have to kill enemies and take their bullets you have a max ammo of 20 not a 20 round mag

I tried to run it and my chromebook froze and crashed completely );

I like it very creative in an annoying way

link to your onlyButtons account when???

this game is bonkers. bravo good sir

what did you think it would do?

NOOO my browser is not compatible with godot how am I going to die of scurvy now?!

this game is really fun, I love the way the boat handles its the best vehicle system ive found on a web game before.

I played it on the web, even though i was running it on an ancient chrome book it still should have run fine. you must have a massive resource hog somewhere cause in my games i can fit like 32 active rag dolls and still have run fine on chrome.

I would love to play this game but for whatever reason godot doesn't run on my chromebook in the browser. 

I really like it because i am an active ragdoll fanatic, enjoyed  the extreme color palette and setting but also it is very poorly optimized. there is only one active ragdoll spawned in yet im only getting 3 fps what's up with that? those are rookie numbers.

the music is a vibe

Man imagine walking up to a  bakery, deciding you dont want to buy anything and then as you walk away you get absolutely clobbered in the back of the head with a baguette.

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there was bread to be made I just didnt get around to making a tutorial working on it now

sorry about that but i did warn you

Hell Yeah!

I cannot belive that you actually did it 

might I suggest parenting the  camera to gorkin? 

there are two ways to play this game 

lamwnmowing sim

and goat space program

you should make a sequel about flying to different planets via goat magic and depleting the intergalactic grass supply

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The camera keeps shaking  extremely violently on the z axis (most likely because of the below average frame rate ) so i wasn't able to get very far. might come back and try again later but i thought you should know about the shaking. the shaking doesn't make it unplayable, but it comes close.feels like my character is utterly shit faced. try multiplying the shake intensity by the delta time.

what do you mean i didnt pass the dring test?!

sorry if that came off mean spirited i still think your game will benefit from the amount of weapons, just not as much as the amount of time and detail you put into it would warrant. I respect the grind and wish you the best. 

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this amount of weapons is super impressive and the detail put into each one is pretty insane my only question is , why? borderlands and games with a similar amount of weapons have the amount of weapons that they do because they are first person. the guns take up a lot of the screen and you can see all of the details that make that gun unique , but this game is top down their is no emphasis put on the guns by the perspective and you can barely see them. and their is not much difference between each gun, like why go to the trouble of making 107 guns if there are only like 5 that feel radically different ,another thing instead of making half of the weapons the same gun with different attachments why not make an attachment system? but at the end of the day despite all of the criticism i do not think this was entirely a mistake I dont think this will ruin the game i just think in this situation you should have spent your time and energy working on something like the AI , level design or making the destructible enviroment non-kinematic before the force of the bullets is applied so that it makes a proper hole instead of just making the wall shake and crumble on the first shot. 

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how many asset packs did you use?

very creative good job . I really like your take on the theme, and i think that this is a pretty enjoyable game. also  did you know your game already has a thriving fan art  community? just look up inflation art.

maybe a dream depending on how much you like meat

thanks for the feedback

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I dindnt intend for it to be scary but i can see how darkness and suprise meat monsters would be scary, thanks!

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to quote urban dictionary : the arbyss 

A plane of existence worse than hell itself. In the Arbyss every sense is dominated by arbys.

also thanks It really makes me happy to know people enjoy my games

when you lose all of your health you get launched into the sky until your health regenerates, there is no real goal to the game other than exploration.

fixed it!

also i belive the enemys in this version of the game are a tad broken, currently building the fixed version

sorry if its a bit disorienting its the best game over i could come up with at short notice

if you die you get shot into the sky and fall back down when your health goes above 0

thanks for your input! this might come off as sarcastic but i never thought to do that. all of my games start really abruptly and confusingly.

does this game have controller support?

does this game have controller support?

does it have aim assist?

does this game have controller support?

as someone who is autistic after playing this I noticed it does not touch on one of the few upsides of being autistic is that they usually are pretty talented in some way or another

this might be the best web game on its like playing super hot on full speed with the mentality of the doom slayer