this is so cute, using it for a little project of mine!
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I really liked it since while the waves where going on you had something to do, not like some tower games where you just wait. I just whish , after buying a new turret or so you would get a little more time to set it up and it was quite hard to do the scaling up since often you placed the turrets wrong. With some adjusting this could be really great!
The Cover Art is amazing, and also all the cards look so good! I whish the background would be less saturated , since it is such a bright color it is hard to focus on the enemies in my opinion!
I liked the attack of the bird ones even though it was quite a challnage, but the movement pattern with them first flying away and than speeding up to you is really fun!
Biggest Issue I had was when I was leveling I always died , since the game did not pause :)