Same here
Manav Ghai
Creator of
Recent community posts
Really cool game JDH. I have played it for 4-5 hrs but still not beaten the game yet ;)
but here is a very common issue which needs to be fixed:
I loss a battle and then have to move back with armies form other area and fight again then santa comes back and lunches a attack on the region with I just got back and I loose that region again because the the units are in shambles and then I have to go back again this happens way-way too often and you loose the steam and can never get to santa.
You should make it so santa can't attack where unit are not enough to hold back at all or allow attacks only every other day or so.
Get hammed every day is not fun, but really good game just needs some changes. Overall great gameplay and fantastic art and music.
Edit: With 5hrs of game play I have beaten the game!
Good game I like the gameplay slowly building a civilization and extracting resources for the enviroment. How did you learn all this art it put all of us to shame. The game was lagging a bit and made my computer heat up too much so I cut it sort and didn't finish the game, but other than that good game.
Thank you for playing and giving feedback. when the enemies hit you I slow the game down to 10% by setting Time.timeScale to 0.1f because I though it looks cool but everyone is saying it look bad and jarring. You getting smaller or larger when you spawn allies because I through it will add depth to the game and prevent the player form spamming space (the cooldown is I think 5 seconds).
Thank you of playing and giving feedback. When the player collides with the enemy I slow down the game and add screen shake because I though it look cool and to make it clear that the play got hit.
Where were you play the game in chrome, Firefox, Windows or Linux, Because I did add the Title Screen there is even a Screen shot of that on my game page.
In my first draft the spawned skeletons (I intended them to be skeletons and in code they are even called Skeletons, but they don't look like skeletons) had different color accents but that look ugly so I changed that their hats were different but that is not noticeable enough so I will change that in a post Jam version.
Thank you again :)
The art and audio are very good! The gameplay has a lot of depth to it even though it's very simple. Though it is very reliant on luck and randomness of the part types. I did have fun playing the game. The cursor sprite being the hand of the witch was a cheeky way of implementing necromancy. I was not able to beat the game (due to randomness) and when I got fire level and then another fire level or a water level then after water level made it impossible to finish the game. So I would say to not let I have a fire level and then another fire.
overall, Good work.
Thank you for your feedback, by hitting space you can be necromancy yourself (not spawn enemies) they will fight the enemies for you. I was going to add a cut scene / tutorial and add juice (which I have done in other games of mine) but I didn't find time for it trying to polish the core gameplay.
The lag is just me reducing the Time.timeScale to 0.1f with screen shake. I though it looked cool, but it might look a but jarring (also when ever you hit enemies there is a little screen shake).
Thank you :D
The visuals were cute and the hand drawn issac like sprites look good. You are missing sound effects and animations but I not tell you that. I didn't understand why did I die and the I always took 2 or 3 damage each time. When I enter the room the enemies start hitting me instantly, make it so that the enemies spawn a after some time.
But other than that fun game.
The game has a cool concept. The great art style along with the fun finding the items has made the game a must play in the submissions. The hidden tutorial was cool.
If there were sounds it would have made the game more fun but, I understand that there is not enough time the add sound, but if there would make it very satisfying to burst the little humans.
Cool game I had lots of fun playing it. You could turn this game into a full steam game. if you make it into a larger game something link a point and click adventure or a text adventure, you should fix the dominant strategy of dieing a bunch and spinning to get a lot of overpowered gear and killing death in link 5 shorts, did manage to beat him in a normal way of play, but got very lucky in that run. I also think the game would benefit form synergies like if you have the regen effect on the player then the health position would give 10% more health or after the fire attack a light attack would do more damage because the fire wound would be aggravated.
I really liked the game it is the best game I played so far.