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A member registered Sep 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sorry to hear that! We've been trying to switch to a more jam-appropriate engine, like Godot or Unity, so I'm hoping next jam you'll be able to play our games

Oh, then it's probably because I didn't go full screen and the web player didn't fully display the game

Lol, nice one. Really enjoyed the premise and the king)

Voiceover is also a really nice touch! Not many go for it, but in this game it fits especially well. Really adds to the charm

Wow. I didn't expect to like it, but this game is just so good on so many levels.

I had a similar idea going into the jam and I'm glad I didn't go through with it, because you straight up nailed.

One bug that I noticed is I really often got stuck in the wall when pressing two keys at once

Wow, this game just kept surprising me at every turn.

I already suspected the art and the music would be good, but I was not prepared for the narration style and the game design is really great too.

Good dog, 12/10

Couldn't  find a way to go back to submissions list, had to reload page.

Nice idea overall

Quite enjoyable.

I couldn't help hearing "BRUUUH" every time x)

Also, I hit an invisible wall going down. I am assuming thst's level bounds, would be nice to put some trees there

Great execution! Very groovy

Thanks for the feedback!

We planned for AI balancing and customization but only managed to do basic (perfect) AI bot in time

Yeah, I had a hunch, but couldn't find the letter that the bird asked for

Thanks for the feedback!

Do you mean the ball bounces off of your ship instead of flying through? Seems like a bug indeed.

I only managed to reproduce it when catching the ball after the last bounce before switching roles, i.e. I dodge the ball, the roles are switched, I try to catch but it now bounces off. Though that probably wouldn't make it 70% of the time

Dayum, that's one smug escortee!

Short and not really deep, but very enjoyable nonetheless)

Can't say it fits the theme, and the collisions are sometimes buggy, but kinda fun nonetheless.

Super fun! Difficulty spikes caught me off-guard, but I prevailed and it added to the fun even more.

I love this 8-bit violence aesthetic, kind reminds me of Bloody Zombies where you fight zombies with lawnmover and swim on pools of their blood

Also, cute dragon <3

Nice aesthetics, fun character

Ability to remove blocks would be nice. Also to restart without resetting blocks.

Kudos for using Godot!

Thanks for playing!

Yes, improving the AI is also one of the things that fell prey to time shortage(

Nice concept, quite creative, but I disliked the inverted camera

Quite hard, I didn't understand what to do with the items and where to go

Cool art though!

The camera thing really takes a toll on the UX 6_9

Also, it took me about a minute to successfully hit "Start" in the main menu

Excellent game! 10/10

And quite big at that. I'm curious about the size of your team and if you used any asset pack for the game logic/level generation?

I also thought it would make sense to exit camouflage after an attack... but then a hero came at me from behind, stopped there and my attack missed.

I see what you did here)

Cozy game

Nice visuals and idea, but it has its fair share of problems that bog down the game:

  • An in-game tutorial would be nice
  • HP bars only appeared after first game over for me
  • Didn't understand that I can pick up items until I looked at the game page
  • Collisions are large and rigid, taking their toll on the UX
    • First we have a narrow 2-square corridor, forcing the player behind the hero. Cool if that was done on purpose to show that enemies hurt the hero, not cool otherwise, especially with HP bars missing on first playthrough
    • Then we have the items. Because collisions are larger that you initially expect, its hard to handle them properly

Reeealy needs a tutorial. And the cat is kinda small.

Otherwise, nice models for the cat and the mouse

Nice visuals and gameplay, but I don't see how this fits the theme.

Thrown rocks flying through the walls also seem strange.

Came for the cover art, stayed for the plot.

Nice gameplay, nice music, nice visuals. The only frustrating thing was that the spells can only be cast fully within the field.

Also, tile contents display (i.e. which units are standing on the tile, which color are they and if they carry any gold) could use some improvement 

Yeah, the spells can't be placed unless the cast area is completely within the playing field. It was the most frustrating thing!

Nice little game, good presentation!

Two main things I feel missing are more feedback from the game (I couldn't tell if my actions made a difference) and keyboard controls for tile selection.

Excellent submission! The execution is top-notch.

Really wished I had auto-fire when holding a button for spamming homing missile

Quite a confusing game.

Didn't know what to do on the first try, then came back to the comment to find out I can shoot, then played again, but still didn't understand what to do.

Any kind of progress indicator would improve the UX drastically.

I was quite annoyed by the character constantly bouncing off from every wall, until I started to treat the game as a movement shooter (which it is!). Then I was just slightly annoyed)

Didn't finish, but enjoyed thoroughly.

Also, nice camerawork!

And I love the fact that you made the effort to download and play our game <3
Yep, true about the controls. We had quite a few problems (as usual) and didn't manage to make time for the balancing, unfortunately(

Too easy, but the idea is nice and the execution is clean. Nice work!

I was genuinely hooked up on whether I could clear the screen entirely!

Though I made my peace with a lo-score of 1 and called it a day

Very nice game, if a bit too dependent on randomness

So, turns out the actual build does not work at all, RIP
If you are still interested in trying out the game and have a UE4.26+ installed, you may download the project from GitHub:

Yep, seems so. Even the movement is actually broken, because you can pass through figures.
Welp, that's what we get for not testing the actual build before uploading 6_9
Worked fine in the editor, and then we get this in the build

Проблемы с выбором предмета: если тянешь один предмет и перед тобой появляется другой, то фокус переключается на второй.

Там нужно не нажимать, а отодвигать (тянуть с зажатой кнопкой)

Плавная смена времени суток не помешала бы