I think I can get a better time, I did some mistakes :')

yeah, initially we wanted to make the difficulty progressive (introducing one organ every level) and the stomach and brain were supposed to be the hard ones.
But at the end we were running out of time and made one single level with all the organs, so it's like starting a game for the last hardest level 😅
The game is so complete! World generation, different attacks, diferent forms.
Impressive that everything was made by yourself in such a short time, music, art, gameplay...
You're really skilled!
I would also like to learn to make my own music for my games, but honestly even when I go with a team don't have enought time to record normal sounds cuz I spend way too much time on the art XD
A bit confusing with the 45 degrees rotation, I got confused a few times pressing left when trying to go "down" (bottom left). Might would be less confusing if wasn't exactly 45 but 30 degrees instead for example having a clear "up" and "down".
Or maybe using a key formation of diagonals like "Q W A S" so botom-left goes bottom left, that would be great!
Any plans of upgrading the game after Jam ends?
Nice game! I remember one of my team also wanted to do something with the idea of "Poltergeist aliving things", and its cool that you guys came up with a simliar idea.
I got a few physics bugs where the furniture suddenly noclips the ground and falls to the olivion, but I really liked the concept. Simple game, entretaining with several tools (furniture shapes) for the player to use
Sorry for the late reply, wanted to test it on a virtual machine or a booted usb to make sure the linux export was working fine but haven't found time to do it.
(and servers are down right now...)
Hope it works fine 😥
I know that feeling, on my very first Jam when I did StarV3, my team also put a lot of effort but the programmer disappeared at middle jam.
He appeared on last moment, acted quite bad with the rest of the team, published the game lazily unpolished and don't even added us as authors on the Itch.io page.
So the game have, pretty pixel graphics but all bury, handmade interfaces but all buggy and half of the sound library missing.
It was still a great experience since even if the programmer failed us on making during a week a extremely simple game that anyone could do on a day following a tutorial, the rest of the team enjoyed making assets together and I got deeper into GameJams.
Check my creator page, you will see all cool games that I released after that 👌🏼✨
First thing first, since I'm trying a different artistic technique for each game (pixel art, 2D, symbols, etc..) this time I was planning on use Voxels.
When the theme came out we started planning and making a game about a crow that flies around looking for shinny scraps. But after 3 hours of making it, we decided to stop and rethink everything X'D
The openworld idea was too much, and I wasn't feeling comfortable with voxels, my friend was struggling trying to make the flying mechanics. Nah! Terrible idea, next!
So we thought replacing the crow with a robot floating on space and at the end we removed the space for closed rooms. Instead of Voxels I changed to low poly and this time felt way more suitable for the Jam deadline.
And honestly, I'm happy with the results, I don't think the crow idea could be that good and the game we got has also room for improvement.
I enjoyed animating the robot arms so it looks more alive and making it turn and twist on the air so it feels like floating.
A bit annoyed because Godot's tilegrid caused some illumination problems and we could probably do a more nice looking credits screen, but beside that I'm really happy with the results.
Hi! I joined the Jam with a friend and we did TrashyRockets
I was going solo on my last Jams, so I'm happy that I could team up this time, made it more enjoyable ^-^