this was fun! the swaying camera is causing me a bit of motion sickness though =( Love the sound effects!
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A nice relaxing game, feels a bit like a round of mastermind! Really digged the art style!
What are your thoughts on adding speech/dialogue to the customers when you set a food they don’t want? eg getting a soda and going “i’d prefer something more refined”. Doesn’t even have to mention the food type.
I liked how the water resource is the impetus to keep moving forward, and the platforming was very precise! Your answer to SabrinaP answered my question on whether there’s a fourth level :D Did you forget to turn off compression and set filter mode to point on the character sprite import settings (unity editor)? they seem a bit fuzzy. Grats on completing the jam!
I love the use of the sound effects, really makes for a creepy atmosphere! The screen effect when the camera gets closer and starts to cloud over makes me feel like i’m the one chasing the character :D
I do like the 2nd and 3rd chance when you run out, just that bit of extra ‘health’ got me over the line to the house.
The overall feel does remind me of a fever dream of being chased which really fits!
It’s got a really nice creepy aesthetic going, the tunnel mazes were really very disorienting as they should be, and it’s easy to get lost in them for a good while. I kept running out of one of the tunnels and falling to my doom :D
Managed to find the first rune, and the dash was quite nicely implemented and transitions quite well!
It’s really impressive how much you’ve created in 2 days!
I really liked the platforming, just wish I knew about being able to shoot the enemies sooner! (found out after reading the comments here). The controls were really responsive and its impressive how much platforming mechanics you were able to implement in 2 days! (bouncy platforms, horizontal and vertical moving platforms, moving enemies)
The color palette and music somehow fit well together! Really liked the difficulty after getting used to the controls, it’s got that just one more go feel to it. As Greenbeengizmo mentioned though, might want to start off a bit slow but it’s pretty cool to see a game with music, parallax scrolling and working mechanics!
The animation of the drunk player character was very believable, I loved that!
I could not get the hang of the controls even after trying out different settings however and the constant wobbling of the camera (i know it’s part of the aesthetic you’re going for ) gave me motion sickness after playing it for a bit, so having a setting to turn that off would be much appreciated!