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A member registered Jun 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed playing through this! The difficulty especially felt perfectly tuned - never being too hard but also always feeling like if you messed up too much it'd all go wrong.

This is an incredibly creative concept that was executed with really gorgeous artwork, well done!

Aa this is a really cool idea!! The gameplay and art is all very clean - my only note is that possibly a bit more guidance nd clarity on what things mean (like how many dice you can add to the field, i thought it had to be one-to-one with the opponent for a bit, and that you're getting dice at the end of each round) would be useful but like otherwise it's a really enjoyable experience and i understood what was going on really quickly so it's not a huge deal

But ye this was a cool concept that had an interesting take on the theme (haven't seen too many games that didn't use conventional numbered dice) and worked well in practice, nicely done!

Thank you for playing and your kind words!

And yeah, I get that, we were hoping to have a more natural way of progression: originally it was higher notoriety meaning you got harder cards that were more likely to award notoriety, or just weighting questline cards to appear more often to allow more chances to get through them and get the notoriety at the end but sadly ran out of time due to the constraints of the jam.

If we're to update it further after ratings end (which we currently plan to) we're going to try and incorporate some more stuff like that to allow a proper feeling of progression. Thanks for the feedback!

Already commented on the main page for the game but wanted to comment here as well - this game is incredibly fun, addictive and well-made, probably the most polished game I've played in the jam so far and definitely the one I've played the longest (I'm a sucker for a good puzzle game and working out the most strategically best placements for squares was really fun) just yeah all in all really good and a really creative use of the prompt

(1 edit)

I may have spent a little too long playing it and beat my high score - props to you this is incredibly fun and addictive lol

I suddenly realise i did all of this without realising you could either erase or rotate lol

Well I managed to tie the high score - if it weren't for that one dumb placement of a 5 on the bottom row I might have been able to beat it but alas I was an idiot.

All in all though, this is a really interesting and impressive puzzle game - I've really enjoyed playing it!

omg that's really flattering to hear aaa, thanks!

the art you did for the game is genuinely so good and really full of character and the fact you managed to do so many character designs + drawings within the 48 hours is really impressive (I did the 2D art for our game so like vaguely get the struggle of arting under time pressure lol)

God I love the concept and writing for this game so much. All of the dialogue and different narratives when you save or lose someone on each day are incredibly charming and interesting and just the overall creativity of the idea is something I'd love to see expanded into a full game.

Whilst the character art was very good, the UI did feel quite janky but that's fully understandable given the time constraints of a game jam, would improve the overall feel though if in the completed version the UI and font were updated to something more unique.

Overall though it was such a joy to play, probably one of my favourites I've played so far. Genuinely in awe of your ability to make a group of characters so likeable in such a short period of time.

aa thanks for the compliment on the art :D, I'm curious what you found the issue to be with working out what to do? (just so we can improve upon it when we patch after gamejam ranking is done) If you mean the overall win condition, it was to get 5 notoriety but I can see that that's only mentioned once in the initial conversation with Death so is probably pretty easy to miss.

Aaaa this is so incredibly cool and such a creative idea!!! Genuinely it's such a cool way to utilise the concept of rolling dice outside of things that would be conventionally presumed by the prompt. The gameplay was also engaging and the right level of difficulty where it was something you had to think through to win whilst not being frustrating or impossible to beat.

Only thing I'd say is it'd be nice to have some feedback on like defeating enemies (maybe a "enemy defeated" text pop-up or just something that wasn't immediately switching to the next enemy) but like I genuinely really loved it.

I'd love to see this expanded into something larger maybe in future but even at the size it is, it's a great experience!

God this is so good - such a creative usage of the gameplay style of Papers, Please alongside the Gamejam theme, and it's incredibly charmingly presented on top of that!! Seriously good job!

Aaa thank you - Glad you like it!! :D