This is so sick! Definitely get the star wars inspiration. Flying felt so good! I really liked this. I never wanted to let go of the boost because it was so exhilarating.
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Bummer!! I never tried a pro controller :/ Unfortunately, I don't think a keyboard would work. It really needs the analog input from sticks in order to work.
You could try it in triggerless mode, so the only objective is to pass through gates and tubes 😉 Check the gameplay options if you're curious. But otherwise, I totally understand and I appreciate your comment nonetheless!
Thanks so much! yeah audio/controller feedback is for sure needed. In my current build, the controller rumbles when you get them and it helps a lot. Thanks so much for playing and for the kind words! I'll give your game another shot to see if I can get my controller working right, or I'll message you on discord
This is so cool. What a neat concept. Unfortunately on my computer the controls were bugged: the left stick always controlled both thrusters and overrode the right stick inputs. I could get turning to work by doing unintuitive combinations of different stick inputs, but it clearly wasn't what the instructions said should happen. Not sure what's going on on my end, but I wish it worked properly because I can absolutely see the vision! I'm impressed with the amount of visual polish you all achieved.
EDIT: I got it working. Maybe it was steam? I made sure it wasn't running this time. Awesome game. It is really really fun. I could see this being expanded.
Super bizarre in a great way. I love how surreal it was. I loved the CEO bathing in soda lmao. The voice acting was so good. I did find it hard to see what was going on sometimes because of the post processing, but it also added to the surreal atmosphere so I'm not sure what I'd suggest. My game also got bugged and reset my progress at some point which was disappointing. In any case, super unique game. People should absolutely try it.
Ah. When the circle indicator appears, it means you're lined up and you just have to time your input, which you can use the circle indicator to do. When it turns red, you can hit the trigger and you're guaranteed a hit, but if you can get it when the circle closes you'll be perfect. I fully recognize that it's not an ideal solution by any means. I need to see if I can figure out something better.
Wow. I love the strong aesthetic style. Gameplay felt pretty freaking polished too. The art is so good, did you use your own assets or off the shelf ones? I'll say that while I enjoyed the posterize (or whatever) shader, it made it hard to see enemies sometimes. Maybe an outline on them would have helped? But damn. This is such an impressive job. Great work!
Ha! I saw this comment right as I finished playing your game :) Can you elaborate on what you mean by a concise indicator for the trigger squares? And for sure, some sort of whammy or "POWER MODE" or something that you could activate for more points would have been cool. I thought about that too. Only so much time in the day unfortunately. Thanks for trying it out!
Loved the aesthetic, the CRT shader really tied things together. I also just love arena shooters so this was right up my alley. I would have liked if there was more feedback when I land a hit on the baddies, since at first I didn't even realize I was doing damage to them. But overall I really enjoyed this! Nice job!
Classic twin stick shooter fun! Very slick and polished. Graphics, gameplay, and music all felt refined. My one complaint was that I didn't realize when I was getting hit sometimes, so maybe some adding some more feedback in that situation would be good. But overall I really liked this. I especially liked how the camera shifted based on where my mouse was.