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A member registered Jul 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hi Qooorti, thanks for the kind comment. Maybe I was a little too ambitious : I wanted to go the isometric route initially, but it was too hard and I lost 3 days. 

About the metal hit sound, the weapon is supposed to be a pan, but you are right. It shouldn't do this kind of sounds against soft things. I will keep this in mind if I end up working on this game again. 
And about the range : there is a core mechanic in this game, which happens to be hidden. Killed enemies drop materials, which can be converted into xp when standing near the campfire. Whenever you gain a level, you get to choose between some augments. One of these augments is range increase. The early game is always melee though.

Thanks, really liked your game too! Congrats to both of you guys

Hi, thanks for taking the time to write this comment. Maybe it's caused by the match statement. An exe version is now available if you want to give it another shot (the game is not really amazing, you're not missing anything)

Thank you for your comment Nature Pixels.

The game was intended to be hard, but not that hard. Bacon too wasn't able to pass the grappling hook level. I should have made this mechanic easier to use because it was definitely unforgiving. Hope you had fun nonetheless!

Hi blankRiot, thank you for leaving a comment, hope you had fun playing my game :)

Hi roboMarchello, sorry for not answering your comment earlier.
First of all thank you for comment and the kind words. I didn't thought of showing player stat like death and timer, because Hospitium© wasn't out yet. I'll make sure to steal some of your ideas in a later jam. The integration of the deadline boss was made in the last 30 minutes of the gamejam. Initially the last room should have been the "start" of the game, with the boss spawning and all after you stole an artifact. It should have been like in 108.6MPa (submarine game last jam) when you steal the artifact. Deadline happened. Good job on completing the game btw, hope it wasn't too frustating!

Hi Jeremy, thank you for your comment. The player art and the menu is made by my brother, I think he made a pretty good job (initially the player looked like an amogus with a backpack & all)

Hi Franco, thank you for your comment and the kind words :) I wish you a great day

Hi MegaFuze, thanks for this big and kind comment!

The Deadline boss is kinda bad, because I implemented it in the last 30 minutes of the jam. The boss had another sprite initially but I replaced with the famous "deadline" text, because I thought it was funnier and more relatable. I didn't replaced the hitbox tho, it's my bad. 

It's a great idea to animated grapple tiles, thanks ! But I think the main concern is that it's very hard to right click on a grapple tile. To check if the player can grapple to a tile, the game cast a ray from the player to the cursor. The cursor doesn't have to be exactly on the tile. Despite that it's still hard, so it may be better to cast 3 ray, 2 of them pointing outward.

Congratulation for completing the game, I hope it wasn't too frustating!

Hi Bacon, thanks for playing my game. I'll make a bacon mode for the next jam, you can count on me!

or should I say mage & muse guy

unsettling game made by an unsettling person. You can be proud of you durk...

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
The game run very smooth. It is quite short (i'm not complaining) yet quite action packed, as the zombie is not leaving you a sec. I really liked the quick recap at the end, it's a nice touch. I had no problem entering vents. The screamer is very low from you guys... jk GG that's an incredible game !

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
The controls are a bit confusing at first but you get used to them pretty quickly. I like the mouse trap and the teleporters but the art is really something. Very clean!

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
Very nice game! I really like:
- The light effects, where symbol are visible only when you are close to them
- The musics, where one is mysterious and the other convey urgency
- The unofficial theme british
- The puzzles
- The overall ambiance, very fitting

And I don't like:
- lack of fish and chips

Good job guys :)

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
I like the idea of being chassed while having to face the monster. While learning how to play I lost a lot. The screamer had little to no effect after a while. Maybe you can trigger the screamer after 50% progression so we don't get used to it? Anyway good job!

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
The levels are very well thought out. There is a great difficulty curve that allow learning the mechanics without being frustrating. It's challenging : I think it's great that there wasn't any checkpoint because the game is short. Good job !

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
“evil roomba” is just misunderstood. He's actually been the ally from the start, waging war against bouncing tires and bouncing red-white borders. Great bouncing soap bar simulator, had a lot of fun (even if it is sometimes frustrating). Good job !

Next jam will be your jam Baturnay. I hope you will have time to make something because this game looked promising. Pas de chance!

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.

I think roboMarchello has done a pretty good job rating your game. I'd like to add that it's not easy to fight the boss when it's in the second room (I was definitely unlucky here, as it happened only one time). That aside, it's a really well polished game with a lot of features, great job !

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
It's a simple little game but it's quite challenging when the score is above 3000. I like how the background color changes when the score increase. I also like that you can jump when you're on top of a pipe. Good job!

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
I managed to run this game using v1.3 by launching the main.py file (the exe version doesn't work). I like how you use the theme 'getting chased' to make something cute. Despite that, it's still a halloween game : the dog is cut in half. I wished the typing patterns were longer (like instead of smashing aeaeae then zrzrzrzr you had to type whole words) but it was still satisfying to play nonetheless ! Great job Franco

(1 edit)

Hi, sorry for not rating your game earlier.
I think a lot as already been discussed here in the comments. I'll just say that despite being quite hard in the beginning, it's immediately more enjoyable once you understand how everything works. Also it's a great idea to put options like "disable shake" in the settings, it's a great touch. I hope the development went smooth with such a big team. 
Gj to all of you guys

Hi! Sorry for not rating your game earlier. 
I really like the game as it fit the theme perfectly. It's unexpected to find "sokoban" kind of puzzles while being chassed but works very well! I must talk about the boss stage, which is very well made with patterns and great balance. It was definitely challenging but still very doable. Good job making all of this in one week, you can be proud of you!

Also pygame snake 🥶

Many thanks! Well played for your first place in polished! Deserved!

Hi roboMarchello, thanks for the kind comment! 

I'm happy that you enjoyed the controls : I had multiple choices when I had to develop them. It wasn't an easy guess but I'm now sure that I choose the best of among them. About the Wall of Flesh : it may be a coincidence  but I have, with my brother, on average 750 hr of playtime on terraria/calamity/thorium! Definitely a coincidence...

Thanks again! And do not hesitate taking a look at the source code, and contact me if you have any question! It should be relatively clean (for a gamejam...)

(2 edits)

Thanks! You should tell us the story then because I think we may have played a different game lol. 

(Et merci mon gars, ça fait plaisir ;) )

Thanks for the kind words (Tank) King! That's true, you can't do much without knowing the maps. It's kinda a die & retry type of game. This artificial kind of difficulty is maybe not the best idea for a gamejam! Thanks for taking the time to learn all of these levels. And I'll let my brother know about your kind words about his art, that'll make him happy 100%.

Forgot to say it on my comment about your game, but the plastic bottle art is fire

Hi EgeEken, thanks for playing our game! Yeah difficulty is the main problem. Disa rightfully said that the developper get accustomed to the game mechanics, thus making everything easier for him. It make for a difficult game, which is not a great idea when you want people to play your game. I'll keep that in mind for the next jams! 

Ty for taking the time to leave a comment, I appreciate it :)

Don't worry bacon, I was here the whole time just to witness your gaming skills. Thanks for taking the time to stream all games!

Thanks PythonZZY! Yeah the game is a bit hard 😅I should have done a difficulty slider! 

Thanks Jakob :)

ty mage & muse guy

(1 edit)

It's really a shame that you didn't have the time to add some levels, or to develop the theme. The music, the graphics, the polish, everything is perfect. 

What software did you used to make the music? At first I thought you were using famistudio or similar, but I think some of the effects you use are impossible to create with it. 

Dans tous les cas, bien joué, c'est du très beau travail!

Love the little pg_chad star, it's a bit like this game version of Polaris. I like how you managed to include a 3D gameplay and a 2D gameplay, and make it not feel forced. I hate asteroids, though : I keep dying because of them. Are they avoidable or it's luck based?  I really had Dimension jumper in the 2D phase! Otherwise well done, it's a good game.

Like in all your games, the design is really clean. I like the gameplay even though it's very simple. The boss is tanky as hell, but I managed to show him who's boss. gg!

The hardest game of the jam, and by far. I did not managed to beat the game, but i'm sure I came close. The boost mechanic was confusing, as it did not move the player along X or Y, but toward where he was heading, making spike gaps hard to cross. I think the air bubbles that the player can collect should be bigger, as they can easily be mistaken with particles.

I really like the game, really refreshing to have some challenge from time to time!

I can't imagine how hard and annoying it was to implement 3D collisions. Just wondering, is the submarine that the player control a sphere, a cube or a point? Or neither of those? Anyway, its one of the most original way to interpret the waterworld theme. No need for music to create this oppressive ambiance.  The only thing I would change was the controls, as the lack of up/down keys was a bit disturbing for a 3d game. Well played guys

The game is great, I love the coin pickup sounds when there is a lot of coin (remind me of something...). It's a bit short but good nonetheless! Well played :)

That's a great little game. At first, I was annoyed by controls, but after a good night of sleep, I realized that what made this game special in his own way. In a lot of games, the game mechanics are inside the computer. In this one I have to change the way I usually play. Bien joué les gars, vous avez assuré!

On another note, there may be a bug with the credits button. When I click on it, a bunch of windows open until I close the game. It does not always happen, but it's not rare. (don't worry, it did not affect your ratings :) )