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A member registered Dec 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank  you so much, really appreciate it. 

I started programming in Godot about 1 year ago and you are one of the reasons i got that far! 

I love your videos and streams 🥰 

The fact that we got a comment from an Godot tutorial celebrity makes me feel proud lol 

But tbh, our artist carried this game 🥹

the game was way to easy but the concetp is aweseome, best use of the theme so far imo. 
i allways got the bug where new body parts are about 10 times biger than they should but it was playable :) 

super funny game :) awesome entry good job!!!

i loved the art style but it felt a bit empty... 

the controls where ok after i added a french keyboard layout :D

i like the idea and i can see a big potential... the music and sound was nice :)

well done anyways

i liekd the game a lot, cool entry, enjoied it :) i loved the funny dialogues... sadly i died a lot especially in the beginning and i was missing a skip button or something :) over all, aweseome entry :) 

awesome geme, must feel realyl nice with a controller :O

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thank you for the feedback and the suggestion, I'm already implementing it as I think it would be the most elegant solution 👌 awesome feedback, thank you a lot 😘

it was ok, I liked the fact that you can play it on smartphones 👌 the music was cool

sorry I was not focused  enough when I wrote this comment 😂 what I really enjoyed where the seeking bullets on combination with the walls and enemy movement patterns. It kinda felt like a sort of puzzle game after while where you tried to find the right moment to shoot your bullets.. I would like more impact on the upgrades... they felt a bit useless because they didn't really changed the gameplay... But all in all you guys can be proud :) nice prototype 🥰

funny game, i liked the concept :) the bullets in combination with some fun has a lot of potencial :) simple and funny :) 

great game, great art and great use of the limitation / theme! well done, nice game 

Awesome game. i loved every single bit! i liked the variety of possibilities in this game! really good! navigation was a bit clunky but over all it was a real pleasure to dive into this little domino mazes to get thr right "crystals". Well done!

thank you so much for your feedback :) There is a onepunch mode if you want to see the end of the story

yeah bit more variety on the bosses would've been good for the game :) 

Thanks for the feedback.

Actually there is sound and music for this game, I don't know why it did not work on your side 

aweseome fighting mechanism, i loved the exchange feature! 

the rest was pretty basic... i missed music and sounds :/ 

i think it missed more bosses but i liked the gameloop and the art... well done 

nice retro look and nice muusic :O 

the game was fun but stopped after the second boss :/ so i could not buy the upgrade for 60 crystals :´(

overall it was a bit overwhelming but i liked the concept and style.
i think you did a great job with the boss designs, great work, great entry :)

I loved playing this game; the concept was awesome, and it had potential for a really nice fight system where you can change abilities to get them right before the cooldown ends or something. Maybe such a system was intended, and I think a few UI elements to explain the different abilities would have solved this. It did take some time for me to understand the game fully, but then it was really funny. Great entry.

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thank you so much for your comment... yeah our artist is a machine ❤️

unfortunately we had not enough time to finish a good tutorial. you actually can play the game pretty Long but it takes a lot of time and you need some luck to get a good gooble at the beginning. Basically you earn money through fighting (auto battler Style ) and then spend it at the goobl machine for boosterpacks with a lot of different monsters with different rarity. But as I said, we just did not had enough time to complete the game loop , anyways thanks for playing ❤️

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overall a cool game, i was abit annoyed by the collissionshapes of the rats, maybe it would be better to not have collision with them :) i liked the art, especially the cheesehead :) 

the camera is a bit to close for a top down shooter in my opinion, 

the game had awesome cat vibes :) the controls were a bit unprecise 

well done :)

i enjoyed the strategic part of the game. the game idea was interesting :) i liked it

i liked the intro scene :) 

pretty cool fighting flow, i liked the fast paced gameplay... its nice to see games like tis in a game jam :) 

i enjoyed the controls of the game as well as the cozy cat vibe :) 

well done!

The game had this really adorable element with the mini-baby cats, adding a cute and lovable touch. Their presence definitely brought a positive vibe :) 

and i liked the attack animation :) 

music and soundeffects were a bit to loud 

hope you were able to kill the stork and that you enjoyed the game :) 

Thanks for playing 😁

challenging and funny :) well done 

i get an error after playing for a while... cool idea of using the limitation

i get an error after playing for a while... cool idea of using the limitation

that was funny :) 



cool little puzzle, i loved the animation :D

i enjoyed it, although it was a short, repetitve game, the idea is pretty funny, well done :) 

fun game, sadly, there were a few scaleing problems for ui and upgraded towers, also the game freezed few times 

cool concept, liked the gameflow. sadly i got stucked in wall some times and missed sound ;) 

overall, great entry