Done... Very clever... Congratulations...
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Thank you very much for the good words and I'm really glad you liked the game...
The way the game is setup to allow for the daily challenges it is really hard to make sure there is a definite solution using all the keys... It was hard enough to make a seed based random generator since js does not support it ...
I like your suggestion about the keys... I haven't updated it in a while now, but it will be soon... Hopefully along with a mobile friendly version...
Form Words with the given letters, create your own Constellation maps and capture them...
Game Modes Include a Daily challenge and a Random Game...
Here is a Trailer...
QuarantinE - Y.A.P.C. (Yes, Another Pacman Clone) is a Pacman style game made with GDevelop themed around the quarantine that has taken place in many of our countries due to the current pandemic. You can play it for free here:
Everything in this game is made by me except from the motivational stamps you can see on the beginning and end screens where they were taken from pixabay…
Give it a shot and tell me what you think...

thanks for the comment and I am glad you liked it... I really wanted to have various AI patterns and go the pacman route and give each enemy different character... But for two days I am happy they don't get stuck (not often at least)..
AI programming was actually pretty fun and interesting... So behaviours will have to wait for a future update...
Again thanks for playing...
Like I said on Discord, Mac version works, so have no fear of that...
The game looks sounds and feels really awesome... There is a scientific aspect that you don't get from many games and congrats for that... What lacks however is user agency... There is no end goal or any apparent reason to go through all this, however pleasing it might be... For example you could have an end goal to gather all four of the materials etc...
This could also be an awesome educational game... There is a ton of information on actual findings of real life exhibitions in the nasa web site that is gathered and is free to use...
Anyway I personally really enjoyed it and I really hope you keep working on it...
This is really interesting... The way you send your units has the potential for tactical movement but you really need to time it correctly... I tried a few times to flank an attacking unit and was really impressed... And then it got too hectic and I lost...
If you think that you will keep on developing it (and you should in my opinion) think of presenting the units as a single shape of varying size (depending on the number of ships)... It would make things more clear visually...
After the gun level it got really interesting... You should have more levels for that and I really need a larger mousepad... If you decide to keep developing it, change the earth to different space stations... Story wise, it makes more sense to go from station to station than to keep on returning to the same destination...
I really like the game... There were a few blocks that it wouldn't allow me to move but I guess that was the only bug... And extra points for the mobile consideration...
I played it twice (and will come back to it after I review the others) and I met 3 minigames... Are there more? Eitherway it is a very good concept that you should seriously think of keep on working on it...
The only thing that I didnt like was that on the "Simon says" minigames the background music was too loud and it didn't sound nice with the arrow bleeps.
I like the art.. I like the sounds... I dont like the fact that i had to listen to the "between my teeth" line every time I would lose... And I lost alot... After I got past the teeth I was really hoping for a checkpoint or something but no...
I see you know about the hitbox that is a bit larger than it should be...
All in all it is a fun game, but only for someone who enjoys starting over all the time...
I actually liked it.. I tried all options and i enjoyed the gun the most despite the sacrifice it implies...
Also the movement was very smooth...
The only complaint I have is with the camera... When you move you have to go to the very edge of the camera where you cannot see what is in front of you...
Other than that, good work...
I loved the procedural levels... I know how much work it takes and you did a very good job... Also I really liked the camera in this one... It follows very smoothly the player...
A few notes:
Use a crosshair at mouse position.... Or even better no crosshair and have the gun mirror with the player and use the arrows to move the gun up and down,... That way it will be played smoothly with a dual stick gamepad too...
Have better notes about the keys... I didnt see that the shift button will increase your speed but did it by accident (too much counter strike)...
All in all a very good job and you should really polish and expand it... (a little bummed that you didnt use the hat I made you but the one you did use is much better)...
A good and solid idea with some technical difficulties... I enjoyed it eventhough i am not a big fan of the genre...
Some notes:
The text on each character did not delete and every new text kept going on top of the previous one which made a mess by the end of the intro story...
The cows move way way too fast... I could hardly catch them with the mouse...
Add some more explanatory text ingame... I had to play it 3 times to figure out what i had to do..,\
Keep it up
Always good to see another fellow Gdeveloper here...
Very good idea for the game, I would basically have the stones respawing after a certain time and even at random points (easy to do with gdevelop) so that if you miss with the ones in the level you dont have to wait for the snakes to eat you...
Keep it up and add more levels...
Hello again...
My updates is that the MVP is over for now... It will probably change for now but I am at a point where I like it...
In its current form the character can switch between spaceship and mecha forms and move and shoot...
You can try it out if you like in the following link in the current web format...
The controls are:
Spaceship form: <W> - Thrusters, <A> & <D> - Rotation, <S> - 180 degrees rotation, <Left Mouse Click> - Fire
Mecha form: <W> - Forward, <A> & <D> - Strafe, <S> - Backwards, <Mouse> - Look & Aim, <Left Mouse Click> - Fire
<Space> - Transform
Again, any and all comments are welcome...
Just to be on the safe side... In the extra credits jam I made a space shooter where when I pressed the <back> arrow it would rotate the spaceship in the opposite direction of its movement...That was essentially the only way to break the speed... Is it okay if I impelent it in this jam or is it considered a violation???