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A member registered Apr 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Cool! I have subscribed to your channel ;)

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

That's awesome, thanks for sharing! I appreciate the feedback. Would you mind linking the game in the video description, so viewers can find it? Thanks!

Also, I'm curious how you came across this game?

Neat game! I love the idea here, but I was a little confused on how the mechanic worked... perhaps I tutorial would have helped? The music was great and the visuals were very appealing. Some particles during the fighting would have added some oomph but overall nice job!

I agree with everyone below, this game was really fun and the risk - reward play is a nice touch. I wish there were another mechanic (as others have said) but what is here is really good. Great job!

Interesting idea!

As others have mentioned, it wasn't quite clear which objects you could move and which you couldn't. The "layer" mechanic also wasn't necessary to complete the levels. I didn't realize I could change the layers until after I had beaten the game and read the other comments. So some tutorial in the game would help, and I'd recommend some more level design to make the layer mechanic more fleshed out and more necessary to complete the levels. I was able to cheese some of the levels by moving the platform and player at the same time :)

The music was great and created a nice atmosphere!

I like the ideas in this one and definitely see potential as a fun puzzle game. Nice job!

Simple but well done puzzle game! The graphics were simple but effective and the color palette was very pleasant. It wasn't always clear what each 'item' was going to unlock, but it was fun trying them out to see. The sound effects fit the game well and I only wish there were music to go along with it. Great entry!

Great entry!

The movement was unique and well done. Took a little getting used to but I ended up really liking it.

I wish there was a keyboard shortcut to continue to the next level - having to swap from keyboard to mouse was a little frustrating just to continue.

The button sound was quite loud compared to all the other sounds. I had to turn my volume down quite a bit which made the music hard to hear.

The end of the level screen says "DEATS", should it be "DEATHS"?

I had fun playing this one. Good job!

Simple but very effective! There's a quiet elegance to the movement, well done. I think some sound effects / music would have been great here in addition to some particles when you hit the gray parts, etc. Maybe some more variety in the levels (powerups that you can pickup, maybe for bonus points?). Very well done for your first game though! Congrats!

Awesome take on the classic snake! The new mechanics added an interesting challenge while keeping it fresh.  The music and sound effects fit the game really well, nice job!

Great game! The aesthetic was nice and the mechanic was tricky but well executed. I think you technically have 5 colors if you count the shadows? I had a lot of fun with this one and only wish there was more to play :) Nice job!

Fun game! I thought the level design was great and explored the mechanic well. The music was good for your first time, nice job! I the high contrast of the colors was a bit straining on my eyes but besides that well done!

Fun game! Great color palette, visually appealing. As others have mentioned the diagonal beats came in pretty fast without much reaction time. I would have liked to see some particles or shockwave or something when you hit the beat on point to add to the satisfaction of success. That said I had fun with this one!

Great idea! The music and visuals created a nice ambiance. I found the movement controls a little difficult - I felt like I moved faster or jumped higher at some points compared to others which made the movement a little unpredictable. It also would have been nice to have some UI or feedback for the X-RAY ability so I would know when it was ready to use again. Overall nice job!

Thanks! I completely agree, and not having time to create the music was my biggest regret.

Thanks for the playing!

Thanks! There was some inspiration from Mario Odyssey for sure.

You actually can kill them, but I should have made it more obvious. They become vulnerable for a short time after they slam into something.

I agree, music would have gone a long way here. Unfortunately I ran out of time :/

Thank you for your detailed comments and feedback!

I really enjoyed the 3 color limitation and tried to push it as much as I could. I'm pleased with the result.

That's a great point about the hat mechanic - I agree, having adjustable throw distance would have been an improvement.

I had plans to make music for each level, but unfortunately I ran out of time. I will definitely prioritize that higher next time. The problem with only adding some sound effects is that it becomes more noticeable when there isn't any ;)

Glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for playing!

Thanks! :)

Glad you enjoyed the game! I can see how the enemies spawning can get overwhelming given the small size of the level at the end. Definitely something to could have used tweaking. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words! I had plans to add music but unfortunately ran out of time. Thanks for playing!

Excellent use of the resolution! I really enjoyed playing this one. The atmosphere is well done. I like the way you mixed 2d and 3d into the game, and the controls are intuitive. Nicely done!

Great aesthetic and sound effects! The animations are great, and hitting the wolves / rats was very satisfying. The text at the beginning of each level and the timer didn't contrast with the background enough and was hard to read, but regardless great job!

This game is awesome! The visuals are great, the feedback feels excellent, and the sound effects are on point. The player movement felt slow, but given the resolution restraint it's understandable.

Great job! The visuals and music were great. The combat was a creative use of the resolution limitation, although I found it easy to win (didn't get hit once). I also think the jump was a little "floaty", but that's just my two cents. Nicely done!

Thanks! Your score is actually based on the number of bounces and the number of apples you collect, so in order to get a gold star for each level you'll need to use the minimum number of bounces and collect all the apples :)

This one made me laugh. The mechanics were very well introduced and while some of the puzzles felt simple, I found it fun. The animations were also well done!

Great job! Definitely takes me back to the old Doom days. You used the resolution well and the gameplay was as fun as I was hoping. As others have mentioned, I frequently hit "R" to reload and ended up resetting the level when I wasn't intending.