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A member registered Aug 01, 2022

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Ok, I'll try to test again tomorow :)

Nice little game, the execution is clean, and while it took me some attempts to figure each stuff out, it all did its job well in the end, leaving me wanting more.

Thanks for sharing your work :)

Tested on occulus rift 1060 3g

That was more fun than I expected, loading up and blasting stuff feels good.

I had a slight visual bug when trying to put the gaz (my weapon would rotate all around like it was colliding with it.) but nothing game breaking since it would clip anyways after throwing it.

Good jam :)

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

I think I didn't manage to make the game works.

I could only dammage the first green orb by going melee with the scepter and nothing happend after it died.

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

I really need some project like that so I can learn how to sort my waste!

I also had to see the minus to the money part to understand I had to respect the colors.

Tested on 1060 3g

Nice art! the peacefull music and the eerie vibe make for an amazing mood :)

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

That was a funny one, everyone need to crush some dreams once in a while!

Tested on occulus rift and 1060 3g

(1 edit)

I love thoses tabletop game concept in VR, and this one is well made!

The complexity of the puzzle aspect unveil little by little and works wonder.

I had some troubles reading the texts and had to put them extremely close to my eyes and wait a bit.

Some button to speed up thoses dumb human would also be helpful.

Nice jam!

Tested occulus rift and 1060 3g

Very good idea, the game seems to be well made when understanding the mechanics.

It is a bit overwhelming at first, especialy when not knowing the spell and trying to aim with them.

I'm curious to look at a gameplay of someone who know what he's doing :D

I'm the proud owner of a 3 highscore!

Tested on occulus rift and 1060 3g

Interesting concept, you had one thing to manage and you did it nicely, the physics work well!

I also had fun trying to explore and be rewarded by funny interactions.

Good jam :)

Tested on occulus rift and 1060 3g


I really felt like we were blessed to get such amazing artists on board, it kept hyping us, boring devs, to no end!

(1 edit)

I also agree with the issue you mentionned.

We felt the long area of play was important in early waves so player can get the hang of it, and in latter waves so they have enough time to defeat more monsters.

Still waiting for that first goblin when restarting the game can be frustrating, maybe adding a x2/x5 time speed up button would help solve the issue.

Again, thanks for taking the time to explain further, we, as a team, greatly apreciate it!

(1 edit)

Thanks you so much for your valuable feedback, it goes a long way for us!

For now, with the current amount of ennemies/wave and the way the attack on the sword works, it is indeed the best strategy to hid it around the barrel in order to sort of "glitch" the ennemies into them, earning precious seconds when they reach it.

The game difficulty is mostly centered around player teleport and distance grab, which can be quit hard to learn at first, and very challenging if using neither.

Taking into account your feedback, we may implemente some "no teleport" mode, with a more adapted difficulty in futur update, cheer :)

Here I am, back to report!

I switched to an 1080TI (laptop version) and I had 0 issues with the game, it felt really nice :)

What a weird experience, I'm not sure what happend, but it was cool!

A teleporter feature may have been a good add, especialy when getting back to the start.

Tested on occulus rift, with 1060 3g

This game is really addicting and also well made!

I can easily imagine that along some steam release.

The slow motion when you're close to dying is fun but maybe a bit repetitive and made the game a bit easy.

I enjoyed this a lot, good jam!

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

Everybody like a good god game, had fun :)

Hey sure, I think the best I did was dying around the second gren golem spawn (just before taking the bridge and starting going backward).

Yup abysan was right, we have a really nice concept here, it isn't common to find this kind of project and the art was great.

I took me a bit of time to get into a nice gaming position (and handle the offsets) but was fun after that!

Tested on occulus rift and 1060 3g.

Nice concept, trying to find out all the different type of interactions to annoy that poor bobert was hella fun :D

I had a bit of tearing, but i'm playing on low spec hardware.
I will try to test it again on better spec tomorow.

Thanks for the game!

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

(1 edit)

Hey nice game,

The physics was nice, my strategy was to block all the stuff with a bottle in my hand and use the other one to throw the stuff in.

Good jam!

Tested with occulus rift on 1060 3g

A well made game, the concept was original, with a nice little twist at the end.

The possibility to skip the tutoriel was a god sent!

The area was placed at the limit of my roomscale, so it was a bit hard to play for me (could only use one of my controller because the second one would hit a wall).

I didn't quit understand the use of asking to change bin, maybe I was too bad to fill them?

The only bug I found was some chips getting stuck on the conveyor and falling but nothing annoying.

A good Jam!

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g

Nice experience!

I felt a bit nauseous at first, but I'm really weak to this kind of movment :p

The art story telling is great, lunch tasted good, 100% approved!

Tested on occulus rift with 1060 3g.

Amazing game, the music and fast paced action made me do a few runs.

It was a bit hard at first, until I understood I could litterally empty the shelf besides me and throw book two at a time, really felt good!

I ran into a little bug (not being able to throw the right book if I had picked one on the other hand, maybe it has something to do with still holding the other grab button?) but nothing that hinder the fun.

Great job!

Tested on occulus rift and 1060 3go.

Hello,  I tried to test your game with my old occulus rift, but it didn't work (the eyes tracking was fine), the feet pad didn't adapt to the roomscale and didn't react at all.
I did not really understand reading your gamepage if this game was supposed to work on my device or not, so sorry by advance if its not supposed to.

The few thing I saw were really, nice and I was already starting to dance at the intro scene :D

I see, the idea of the game is to hide/prevent monster approching, the big sword you pulled, and use all the other weapon (the ones with a beam of light above them) to kill them.

Killing them will make weapons drop from the basket at the starting area.
All weapon works slighty differently but I will keep the spoiler short here :)

Once you reach the last wave (the dragon) you will need the big sword from the start to kill him.

The hammer from the start of the game is the only weapon that do not break, finishing the game without using it may make for an harder challenge.

Hello, and thanks for playing our game !
If by first boss you are talking about the dragon, then you have to pierce him with the sword you pulled from the stone at the beggining of the game.

Hello everyone, thanks for enjoying and trying out our game!
This V7 will be the final build for the VR JAM 2022.

We can't wait for your feedback :)