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Monster Finger Games

A member registered Nov 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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hiya, this is just my kind of game, but tilting my phone to steer just doesn't work for me, any chance of an alternative steering option?

From the small amount i played the handling was nice, but the controls on android really let it down for me, i didnt enjoy the tilt to steer.

Hi, no I use Clickteam Fusion 2.5 :)

Thanks for the kind words. I use Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Thanks, I am looking forward to your feedback when the next update releases.

such an impressive game, dripping with style, the only thing i felt it needed was some sort of consequence for hitting a car or the side. I needs a nice chunky explosion in my opinion.

Thanks so much! Can't wait for you to play it as it evolves.

Great game! Really impressed with how close it is to the looks of the original

thanks for giving it a try, what did you find difficult about the controls?

awesome! Maybe an option for controlling the game with the keyboard too, personally I don't like mouse controls on shooters.

But ultimately it's your vision so don't forget that.

thanks so much, once I've finished Alien Scumbags I am going to add more content.

Yeah it's hard to feature everything in a gamejam, I know I forgot to add a pause button in mine lol. 

Yeah power ups in it would be really cool, are you looking to keep building on it?

(3 edits)

Really enjoyed the cutscene, gameplay was simple and easy to pick up.

Looks like a lot of work went into theming the levels of Hell.

The movement felt a little off to me, not sure why, maybe it was the fact that I am not used to movements with the mouse.

I couldn't see any power ups which for a Shmup is a real must.

Would have been nice to have the ability to skip the cutscene for when you are having multiple playthroughs.

The game is really funny! I enjoyed it so much I played it again to complete the level.

I couldn't work out what the hamster was to start with, but just clicked all over and got there soon enough. I how your desk sets on fire as you play and the error messages the days of Windows XP.

This was mad! Loved how much was going on!

It had a ton of game feel and some great particle effects too.

Sound was just like an old arcade machine so it certainly fit this type of game.

(1 edit)

I wanted to like this but controls felt a little too fiddly for me, love the idea of skipping from block to block just needed more time before blocks break, I don't usually play with a mouse and keyboard though so maybe take the above comment with a pitch of salt.

I found a glitch really early on which meant I couldn't jump to the flag.

The sound and graphics are pretty, but would have been much better with music added in and some textures on the blocks.

Love the look and feel of this. The music is great.

The only two things I would change is add is a little more variety and make it a little easier as the difficulty feels brutal as soon as you start.

Thanks, will make an update with that, by the way did you try the update with the wall slide? Just added it tonight

Thanks, I have been meaning to buy Celeste for a while now, so you feel the main issue is that you don't slide down the wall slower?

thanks very much for your feedback, I'm not sure how to improve the controls, this is my first time implementing wall jumps.

Would love some more help as want to bring a more fully featured version to Steam

thanks, would love to hear how I could improve the wall jumping, wanna chat?

Thanks very much, I want to make some more levels for it.

This game is great! My One plus phone doesn't run it initially, but it was fine when I changed the controls from the pie wedge ones.

also turned down the amount of skidmarks.

I really hope you make more content for it at some point, maybe cars that slide too.

oops my bad lol.

Did you have any feedback for my game Alien Scumbags? Not sure if you have rated it yet.

Thanks! I have continued working on it since but it's too far along to update it before the gamejam has finished.

I now have green lighting that emits when an enemy is near as well as a beeper depending on how close they are.

Fixed the issue with falling through the platforms on level 3 (I will remember to set background objects to obstacles next time haha)

Zoomed the screen out by two resolutions from 112x63 to 144x81 making the character a little smaller.

Lol I know that feeling too.

Sounds good to me! Maybe create a LORE for the game in a similar vain to No Man's Sky with different races and a history to uncover.

Yeah I would do that too as the 2nd one far surpasses the first, maybe do other ones based on other classic games like pacman, spaceinvaders,,snake etc.

By the way do you have any feedback about my game Alien Scumbags? Not sure if you have rated it yet but can't see any comments.

Great looking game, really enjoyed the music.

I didn't like the first mini game at all, but the 2nd one was cool and I could really see this turning into something pretty special if you keep working on it.

Interesting game, I feel like it could turn into someone really cool. The movement felt a little forced for me, but I did like how you could upgrade that (oddly it didn't feel like I kept my upgrade when I went to another planet)

I would try and work on tiles for the desert level too as they tend to blur as you run, maybe make the tiles larger and spread the pattern out a little bit or just less intricate patterns maybe.

Great start just needs more polish and a gun please, I really wanted to shoot something lol.

I have been having a think about what you could do to urge the player to explore, maybe add a little bit of information about each planet, for example so a planet was made up mostly of magma so you would buy rocks/coal from them at a super cheap price due to the planet being saturated with it, then go across to a cold planet to sell the goods that they themselves can't produce. You could have lots of planet with different specialisations and stats for other things.

Music wise again this could either be set to each style of planet to keep up the atmosphere or you could go down the Sim City route and have lift style lounge music in the background. Just a few thoughts.

Interesting idea but certainly not a game for me, try and make your art all of the same type, at the moment it looks like a mish mash of different artwork, also if you are using images that are not created in Fusion try and go around the edges a little neater as that really makes a difference.

Music would really help this in my opinion also I found the game needed more hand holding, as not everyone is used to that type of game.

Hi SZ thanks for the feedback, I will certainly be adding a sound when enemies are closer and will be zooming out the action a tiny bit.

No problem, I hope you continue with it as the idea could be really awesome, just think you need to lead the player through the experience more clearly.

Really nice graphics, gameplay was solid although Erik got stuck on the door that you open with the red leaver lol. I was hoping it was going to be a classic style platformer but still liked what you did with it.

I wasn't a fan of this, couldn't find a pause button, you had Vector graphics mixed with pixelart graphics and found the how 2 very long.

Improvements I would recommend are: Keep the art style the same throughout the game, either choose clean vector style images or choose pixelart, make a tutorial instead or as well as a how 2.

Check over your grammar, placement of full stops, capital letters etc.

I will keep playing and edit my review if a have further/changed thoughts.

Awesome looking game! Gave me a Megaman feel. Are you looking to build on this after the jam? Pixelart and music are great too.

Loved the non copyright infringement logo! Game presentation was excellent, feel the gameplay should be slowed down a little and naughty naughty using midi's of the Star Wars music.

I liked the concept of this, graphics was cool as was the music but I found the controls tough to get along with. Nice entry and would be interesting to see how it would turn out if you continued with it after the Jam.