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A member registered Sep 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I assumed something like that, but I probably only tested it against cats.

Great game. I love Decap Attack for Genesis and hoped for some more design explosions like yours


Very hard! I miss a little more feedback for when I get a note wrong. also, it's very hard to appreciate the art, all my focus was on the note rails.

Great game, congrats

In this case, Bone Knife was the BEST.

Now that you said it, it is obviously a knife, my mistake.

(again, great game)

Great game!

Sonzera Adamo.

Grabbing stuff in the air felt like cheating.

Didn't find much of the secondary theme, but the music is awesome.


great music. Didn't know what I was suppose to do most of the time but I manage to escape.

I think there's little chance to react to the "monster" the first time you enter the room on the right, I wish they were a little backed away so I could get scared and run away accordingly hehe

great work


Really hard! I wish the feedback for when I'm in a "breathing area" on the second level were a bit clearer.


The titular knife was, unfortunately, the worse weapon hahaha. Bone was more versatile than wing or anything else.

really great art. congratulations

Hey this was great!

Dracula had the most challenging jump mechanic. Werewolf was the best, breaking blocks and hitting clowns, all the stuff the makes a great haloween.

The boss fight was a delicious surprise. Great work!


Great art! unfortunately, I found myself looking at the minimap most of the time


Didn't find where I could learn some recipes nor memorize them, so it got hard fast. I wish the movement snapped to the grid a little more, some times I ran around the cauldron when I was trying to place ingredients or pick stuff up. Great concept, and cute art. Congratulations

Awesome game. loved the skull throwing mechanic, but didn't get what the blinking skull bonus was. Very punishing, but fun regardless


Audio, unfortunately, is usually the first thing I drop when I recognize I've over scoped the game... But I'm slowly composing something for the full version.

Hey, thank you so much.

I've managed to implement coyote time, jump buffer, "head bump avoidance" and the "megaman jump" (the one that is cut short if you release the button earlier).  I feel that this kind of thing really improves platforming around.

Here's a video for reference, but I suspect you're already familiar with all that:

Aaah! É BR!


Hey, thanks! I'm glad you like it.

I've fixed some of the problems with the map, balance (less crows and a way to heal during the night) and tweaked the tutorial. Hopefully it plays a little better now.

Oh no!

For now, don't jump out of the right side of the tutorial map.

You'll beat the level when you harvest the third plant.


Yeah... leaving the game completely mute was a painful decision, but I'll make something and add them after the jam.

Delicious. I've struggled with some of the torch puzzles, but it was fun all the time

Parabéns pelo jogo incrível.

Esse foi o jogo que fez o melhor uso do tema, na minha opinião, e foi super bem avaliado.

No fim, foi desqualificado porque faltou uma das entregas da jam, mas em relação ao jogo em si, excelente. Arte boa, músca boa, design bom.

Tem um salto de dificuldade bem grande da primeira pra segunda fase, acho que faria sentido uma fase intermediária, com plataforming mais fácil e sem os blocos de vidro pro jogador se acostumar um pouco melhor com os comandos.

É um pouco difícil de entender o que o bloco amarelo e preto fazem, talvez se o bloco mudasse de cor ou opacidade enquanto o jogador estivesse arrastando o personagem, pra ajudar a comunicar que o bloco reage a essa interação especificamente. [eu mudaria por um sprite com contorno pontilhado enquanto o personagem estivesse sendo carregado].

A geléia de encolher não tem tanto impacto no level design quanto eu esperava. Achei que veria corredores pequenos como atalhos, ou coisa do tipo. Mas é uma interação promissora.

Eu sofri muitos momentos que me lembraram de Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy o que eu acho um sinal de que o design cumpriu com a proposta.

Parabéns pelo jogo enfurecedor.

Hey, Thanks!

It's based on one of the aiming systems in Warning Forever, which is an awesome game, btw.

I think this aiming mechanic introduces a lot of interesting choices, you dance a little differently with it. There's a small bug I'll fix after the voting phase, but I don't think it would flip the overall rejection it had so far hahaha. Oh well, I still like it.

Unfortunately, the submitted version has a small bug in the aiming system. I'll upload a fix after the jam it should be snappier