Hi, yeah I'll have the version with a save system uploaded in December. And that's really weird about the bug, haven't seen it before. I'm guessing it's something to do with the web export. The character was rendered in 3D but just shows up in the engine as 2D sprites, but a lot of them (the walk cycle is a 20mb image). Maybe browsers don't like loading images that large sometimes? Thanks for letting me know regardless!
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Ah gotcha. Was it because of the 200mb max file thing? We had to be careful about our game size as well. And yeah it's too bad, though I imagine you could message the organizers for an exception if there's a big game breaking bug or something. I'm definitely going to upload a slightly improved version in December for posterity
Thanks! Disco and Spiderverse were definitely brought up as inspirations yeah. The visual novel thing was a band-aid solution given we ran out of time, the writing was done but programming and art were not. Throwing all the remaining story files back to back was the only way to guarantee that game would be 'finished' in time lol. Make the game playable earlier, lesson learned.
Good job on the Jam! I enjoyed the game, the only criticism I might give is that the game's difficulty doesn't seem to ramp up? I got a score of 500 while only losing 1 life and I decided to purposely lose just because it had taken a while to get to that point and I wanted to move on. I feel like it would be very thrilling if the timer's speed increased as the game went on. (if it already does I couldn't tell in the time I played). Still, fun little addictive loop!
Would love any feedback, cheers!
Great job on the jam! Don't see a lot of narrative focused games here, so it was a nice change of pace :) Small suggestion/criticism: if you're going to make premade assets, try to make sure they blend well together. Specifically, the characters and world is pixel art, but the background for conversations are high res, and the font doesn't match with either. Just a thought. Good job again, cheers!
Great job on submitting something for the Jam! I had an issue though, I wasn't able to progress very far :( On the desk there seems to be some things to interact with, and some menu buttons up at the top left, but I couldn't click on them. The door also seemed to be locked and I couldn't get out of the room.
For sure! And yeah that's something I had to design around. The first cutscene happens right after you fall into a large pit, so I knew the player would be respawned right at the checkpoint, always the same position. And the last one forces you through a small gap, so that everyone would have to trigger it right then. A more elegant solution would be to calculate the path to the cutscene 'start' and have the player character move there before triggering the rest of the scene. Or something!
Thanks for the kind words! The cutscenes were made using the AnimationPlayer in Godot. I set up some methods on the player script to disable input, force jumps, and force movement. Then made text generators for the MC that are triggered with areas. The AnimationPlayer would call all of these in the order I set. Probably a pretty jank/bad way to do it but it ended working well enough for the jam!
Hey nice job on the game. For some criticism, since you asked in the description, I found some of the jumps a little difficult and a little repetitive. Look into how to add linear acceleration/deceleration/CoyoteTime and things of the sort to your platformer mechanics to help make the core movement feel better. Cheers!
Great concept, great execution. Drawing little paths for things to follow feels good. Very polished visuals as well. Though I felt some of the later levels were a little difficult. In the sense that I didn't understand how or why some of these ship captains got their license's given how terribly they followed my perfectly clear directions at the mere hint of light breeze. Great job for real though. Cheers