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A member registered May 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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This was a ton of fun to play! I like how the blue blocks start falling faster after a bit of type. The arrow functionality was well executed and this makes for a really cute mini rythm(less lol) game! The only thing, when the I was using the arrow keys, it was also moving my webpage in the respective direction. I think there is a line of code which can prevent the key from doing that when the player is playing the game. Overall, great job!

The main character in your game is SO cute. The combination of the whimsical music and the cute art style make your game visually pleasing and a lot of fun to play! I like your jump functionality a lot, it is very well executed!

Hi! This is a very cute simple game and the sound effects are great! I do wish the game was a little bit faster, but the calmer pace definitely helps me play a lot better! I did have an error where the ball hit my platform then stuck to it instead of bouncing of for a few seconds, but that feels like a random browser error. Great job!

I really enjoyed your game! It is fast-paced and quick and even though I get eaten, it is a really cute game. I like how you made the movement random for all the beetles, it adds a lot of variety to the game. Great job! 

You should be able to switch perspectives using the left ctrl button! This is a very early build so we did not get the chance to implement our UI quite yet hahaha I hope this helps!

try now! :)

This was an incredibly fun little fast-paced game. The speed of the camera movement got to me at first, and I did get used to it and had fun playing the game, but I would definitely try to figure out a way to maybe slow that down a little bit. The colors of the levels are also a little bright and monotonous, making it harder to navigate at times. But enough with the improvements, I think the idea of a first person pacman-esque game was super creative and you implemented your vision well. I love the little enemies and their names, they are absolutely adorable. I think you can build on this game and improve it to be a very really and exciting game to put on the market! I can't wait to see what more you do. 

This is a great small defense game! You implemented the towers functionality really well and the waves of enemies provide a good challenge. The mechanism of using the cash to build the towers is really well done, though it can be a little confusing. I would maybe add some more feedback text for the user. I like the mechanism of placing the towers where the player moves to, so the player has a lot more freedom with the placement. Maybe add some "platforms" to the ground to give the player some structure to the placement. Overall, a great game! I can't wait to see where you go from here. 

I loved your game so much! I love the fact that it has a little story in the beginning to set the tone of the game, that is very creative. I love the player movement and fight mechanics as well! The animations are very well implemented and make the combat feature of the game exciting, especially with the timing between enemy fight animation and player fight animation and who gets the hit first. I would say, when the player is moving backwards or side to side, the player character stays facing front even when moving backwards. Other than that, this is a lovely little game and I can't wait to see how you progress!

This is a great final project I love the feedback text which appears for the player, it is a really helpful way for the player to see what they are doing. I also really like the teleportation mechanism in the second level, it is very unique and interesting. One place for some growth would be in the movement - the player is dragging a little too much I think, makes it harder to move. Can't wait to see what you make next!

I think you did a wonderful job with this game! Aesthetically: I love your level setup. The props and environment are perfectly suited to the theme of your game. Mechanically: your bullet mechanisms is really smooth and well implemented! The movement and controls are smooth and the AI for the enemies is well executed. I love your overall game and can't wait to see what more you make!