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Never Rest Studio

A member registered Jun 16, 2017 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the slow response but I updated all the required forms in the developer console and the app is available again. :)

Gorgeous and great atmosphere and fits the theme really well; the temptation to go max speed to make the time leads to flipping/spinning the vehicle, and losing control through jumps, but if you "don't panic" and keep a sensible speed then it controls nicely and you can make it in plenty of time.

A very clever idea - I honestly don't think I've seen/played anything quite like it - and the presentation was excellent.

I'm definitely going to look at expanding this with a post jam release and comments like yours absolutely make my day. Thank you so much for giving it a play and I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Love the concept and want to see more of this duos misadventures!

I know you've gone with "Silent Disco" but even a simple beat would've personally made a huge difference.

Regardless, the idea is fantastic and well executed and it looks gorgeous. Great work!

Why am I taking a break from coding while being distracted by a cat to play a game about coding while being distracted by a cat... while being distracted by a cat?

It's a really fun concept and presented incredibly well, oozed class from the start. Fantastic work!

Slightly worried about the number of infinite loops you made me type though... haha.

I am... not fantastic at this. Really well presented and plays really nicely. I like that the theme was taken in a less obvious way - it isn't just a difficult way of controlling the player themselves but trying to protect someone who is fully out of your control. Kind of want to see this fleshed out with a focus on the narrative because I love the core concept.

Really glad you liked it, thank you! Self dismemberment is absolutely an intended feature though I feel like I should've made it an achievement as it's some impressive acrobatics required to line it up, haha.

Love the idea! Perhaps for a post jam version, along with all the other things I ran out of time for, haha. Thanks for giving it a play!

Well that's completely made my day, thank you so much!

The execution, especially in the time-frame is exceptional and that concept is just genius. Top marks for me. Seriously well done!

Power cord physics or gameplay? Power cord physics or gameplay? .... Power cord physics! Prioritising isn't my strong suit apparently. Haha, thank you for taking the time to play and the kind words!

Cheers for the kind words, everyone. Sadly, as I had much anticipated, "real" work has sapped up my time recently and I think I'm very unlikely to get any significant progress in before the deadline. Sorry! I'll be watching out for everyone else's work though - good luck to those still entering! :)

I'm not sure if I'm realistically going to have time to finish an entry, but the early Tomb Raider games were what got me started in game development, so I couldn't resist at least trying to work on something! I haven't really decided what direction I'm going to take this in yet (I'm torn between a 2d sidescroller with pixel art, a minimalist low poly more faithful recreation of the original gameplay, or a first person VR game adhering more to the theme than the gameplay), but here are some early mock ups and animation work that I've done this morning.

I've also made a very brief start on some music:

Fingers crossed I'll have some free time before the jam ends to get something more meaningful together!

Haha, well that isn't meant to happen! I believe I've managed to fix that in the current development build. Until then, try not to hit the poor guy so hard! :P Thanks for reporting it! :)

Thank you! :) I'm glad you think so - I really am just aiming for a more casual and accessible take on the fighting genre, and it sounds like that's what you got from it, which is excellent. Cheers for the kind words.

Thanks! :)

Haha, that's awesome! Really glad you liked it and it's so good to watch someone having fun playing it. The fact you thought the AI might've been a real human player is a good sign too. I do intend to do more with this so hopefully you'll like the direction it continues in. Thanks again!

Thanks for sharing and taking the time to put together a video - really appreciated, and super happy that you like it so far. :) 

Not at all! As you mentioned, things change so quickly, and I'm incredibly happy that you liked the game, even in the earlier state, enough to share it. I only mentioned the changes, partly so you were aware in case you wanted to give it another look, but also to point out that the constructive criticism was very welcome and that I do respond to it and make changes based on it. :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to include this in your video as well as for letting me know about it. I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it.

The version in your video isn't the latest and there are a bunch of improvements since that build including reworked AI, more responsive controls, persisted win/loss stats, and a bunch of minor big fixes. One thing you highlighted was around wanting scraps to last longer before the opponent was floored and that is now the case. The damage calculations have been changed significantly for balancing (along with the speed of some attacks) and only a sufficiently damaging attack will floor the opponent now.

I'm on a short break from this to catch up on some other things after the crazy push for the game jam but I'll be back to adding more features and content soon!

I don't mind at all - that's really cool! Thank you! :)

Thanks! I am looking to expand on it and add more variety but I also want to make sure it remains easy to get into without having to learn loads of controls and combos - difficult balance! I'll keep giving it some thought and experiment a bit.

Thanks - always really nice to hear someone liked your creation! :)

That particular element was done in a really basic way: When a player takes a hit, a float value is set to 1. This value is then subtracted from the green and blue channels of the material making it fully red and gradually fading back to full colour as the value is reduced each update. I partly did it just for aesthetic reasons but thought it, combined with animation, really helped to make it clear who had just been hit. The other use I have for the same value is that it represents a brief invulnerability period to prevent getting absolutely hammered with no chance to break out.

Thanks again!

Thank you - very much appreciated. :)

Thanks! I'm really glad you like it and the feedback is appreciated.

I did have concerns about exactly that which I tried to address with changes to the speed of the attack/transition and lowered damage of the quicker attacks. I'll have to give it some more thought. The cooldown may be The best option but I wanted to avoid taking away or adding delays to The response to player input.

The kick can be jumped over and the punch can be ducked under (and you can attack from either position) and good timing can get you in between attacks even on the ground, so this may be more of an issue against the current AI as it is OK but not that intelligent about dealing with the player spamming a button yet. If you have a chance to try out local multiplayer, I wonder if you find this problem is reduced?

I hadn't heard of the Universal Fighting Engine before (having initially been utterly flabbergasted by what you'd pulled off in the timeframe) but you've utilised it well, and the end result is very impressive. Sadly, I'm atrocious at it, but I had a lot of fun being taken apart by the AI. The presentation and variety of combat options are excellent.

Haha, I'd completely forgotten about that game - had a lot of fun with it back in the day. Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :)

Turn-based boxing was quite a novel way to go and I kinda like the idea. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I quite understood how the logic worked to know when to choose which attack type etc.

Nice choice of background music, a pretty cool touch to have the character selection, and the inclusion of voices definitely adds something. This may be more my problem than the game's but the control set up felt just a tiny bit awkward - I kept missing the block button as it wasn't next to the other keys. Overall, nice work!

Well that's absolute made my day! Thanks! :D

Thanks so much - I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

Yes, I absolutely do plan to. I didn't at the start of the jam, particularly with this being my first venture into beat-em-ups, but I've fallen in love with the project a bit along the way.

I intend to always keep this more simple and accessible than hardcore fighting games so that people like me can easily pick them up and have fun. For that reason, I'm not keen to venture into overly complex combos etc. However, I'd still like to include the concept of special moves. My initial thoughts on this would be that they are something that take time/good play to recharge and are easy to activate so that the skill would be in picking the right time to use them.

Additionally,  I'd like to add more arenas and start to include destructible/interactable objects. Partly for extra "color" and partly to provide the additional gameplay challenges of avoiding a trap or luring/pushing your opponent into one.

Another thing I would like to get in would be some simple progression so that in singleplayer there is something more to aim for. Even if it does just end up being moving up through the various belts then it is just some added motivation.

For a bit more variation, another goal I have is to add weapons and/or alternate move sets. I don't want these to add complexity to the controls but they may just help to keep things fresh and could also tie into progression - unlocking new weapons/move sets along the way.

Finally, I've been considering additional game modes. If nothing else, a tutorial level would be good, but I'd like to do some more things like perhaps challenges around destroying targets in the quickest time or event a football mode. I'd need more thought as to the options to pursue but, again, it could just help with variety.

Local multiplayer is my own preference, but online multiplayer could also be a future target... 

Cheers for the feedback! I'm inclined to agree and was considering some changes to how easy it is to knock each other down (currently any head contact is guaranteed to). It's been tricky enough getting the game together in about a week and balancing it is going to take longer than the game jam deadline, but I intend to see it through even if that goes beyond the deadline, so all suggestions are very welcome. Thanks again! :)

I love the effort put into the story and the mechanics and use of the theme are excellent. I can't quite put my finger on it, but the controls felt a little bit off - not quite as tight / responsive perhaps? - but nothing enough to detract significantly. As mentioned by X1r0m, the music was a little repetitive, but that's pretty understandable within a game jam. Overall, a really nice entry. :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! If you do have the time (and motivation) I'd love if you could try the final submission as I did sneak in quite a bit of improvement in the final day. The 2nd level was only added in the final release (selectable directly from the main menu or automatically loaded after completing) the first level. It is definitely brief though, yes. In 4 days solo work I'm afraid I simply didn't have time to add any more within the game jam, though I do intend to add more going forward. The music...I wrote a few pieces within those 4 days and wasn't happy that any of them fit the game. I've since composed this piece which I'm a bit more happy with but I won't be updating the game until the jam is completely finished. I don't know how it works in terms of the submission, but I don't want to inadvertently cheat by making changes after the jam finished but whilst the voting is still active.

(P.S. The keyboard controls are listed on the game's page. Again, I'm afraid I simply ran out of time to create graphics for both keyboard and gamepad inputs.)

Third time's a charm! Not a style I'm overly practiced at so good to know it fits. Thanks for taking the time to listen and I'll take all the luck I can get!

I've had another go at a main theme for the game. I've aimed for a period-drama style with just a touch of unease. I'd love to know what you think! :)

eripmav (main theme)

Thanks very much! It's my first real go at pixel art and I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Yep, those 4 days went quick! I spent a few hours writing out a prioritised to-do list and I think that was invaluable to getting the most important parts done in time rather than completely "winging it" or just keeping a track mentally.

Sorry about the controls confusion - if I'd had time I would've got the tutorial messages for keyboard done as well. I'm afraid I suffer from RSI and a gamepad is much more comfortable for me than a keyboard and mouse so that is the control scheme I put initial focus on.

Utterly fiendish (assuming I was completing puzzles in the way you'd intended and wasn't missing easier options) and thoroughly enjoyable. Great work.

Very minor suggestions:

  • Playing with a controller seems to be almost entirely fine, apart from the equivalent of the "E" and "V" keys which would hopefully be a quick win.
  • I was getting some quite bad screen tearing which detracted from an otherwise very attractive game so if a v-sync option could be provided then that would be excellent.