Thank you :)
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I don't think the game is too difficult, I'm clearly not the best at those kind of things and I finished it, it was just challenging enough. But the doors bugs, I gets regularly stuck in the door, can't go out and can't moove. In one level (the one with like five falling blocks and two other falling from the sky), the floor under the door got no hitbox in almost all my runs, I was just falling through.
That being said, I realy liked your game :)
When I finished maxing everything out, and reached level 50, I decided the game was finished, so I'll let myself die in level 51. I didn't manage to die lol
I'm not sure if it's a bug only I got, but I the enemies just deal me a few damage point and then... it goes up again and stay full
I was about to comment the game was maybe too easy, since I long as I was mooving enemies dealt me no damage, but it's maybe just me.
That put aside, good game, really!