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A member registered May 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you :)

Tutorial was chaotic and game overs arrives without me knowing

Okay, let's be honest, I didn't play the horror part, I can't stand it (The horror, not your game). But it looked stunning, and I love the transition between the two gameplay. Maybe I could watch a video of it lol.

I'm sad I got stuck on level 14, it was so fun!

So few votes for a so good game, it's sad! Yes it's short, but it's fun and well made!
If there's updates to adds levels after the jam (and maybe add sound design, fixes z-order bugs etc.), I think I'll come play it again!

I don't think the game is too difficult, I'm clearly not the best at those kind of things and I finished it, it was just challenging enough. But the doors bugs, I gets regularly stuck in the door, can't go out and can't moove. In one level (the one with like five falling blocks and two other falling from the sky), the floor under the door got no hitbox in almost all my runs, I was just falling through.
That being said, I realy liked your game :)

Thank you for playing :)
Congrats for being a (maybe dead) hero!

Okay, good to know! Progress is what important, we all make mistakes <3

Good concept, bugs ruins it. May be great with later updates tho!

I got stuck so fast ^^' Having to wait 4 jump to finally try the key jump (with spiky ending) each time, that was too long for me.
That put aside, loved the graphics and concept!

Beautiful but yeah, the game design is slighly off. Can gets really good with some polish!

The game can gets a little frustrating even with its good concept. I was bothered too by the use of Undertale music, I don't think you have rights on it?

I made it to the flashing part and not further -ans it was fun), but isn't that part real dangerous for epileptic people? Maybe put a warning somewhere at least?

Thank you so much <3

One of the respawn point directly leads to death lol


Cute NES game! Can't say I really see the theme in it (and sadly there's no music while playing), but I had a fun time playing!

The game is beautiful, and remembering those fallcies useful, but I can't really see anything ustable in this honestly.

Simple and quite relaxing

Cleary need a leaderboard :)
Well polished game!

Well made! But totally need a leaderboard lol

How can I buy something? Right mouse click doesn't work

Graphics are good! I don't really saw the connexion with the theme and feel like I died twice without knowing why, so maybe I missed a mecanic?
Got potential!

Good result for the ambition and the time given, but cleary thoses ideas would be more suited in a bigger and more polished project

Thank you :)

Really good game! Can get frustrating sometime but nothing is impossible with a little perseverance. Good graphisms and sound design too!

Theme well respected and good concept. The too many soft locks and tricky hitbox prevent me from finishing it, but it got potential.

Missing a leaderboard :)
Fun game, the theme is uniquely interpreted! The audio quikly gets on my nerve, but that put aside, I liked it!

Thank you! Doing graphics is probably my favourite part :)

It's heart-warming to read, thank you so much :3

Thank you for playing! Yeah if it had only one ending it'll be way too short lol

Wow, big compliment since I saw a lot of beautiful games! Thanks <3
(It's probably the low pitch making the screams strange?)

You came to save them from loneliness, everything will be fine now (cauz CLEARLY the main character is someone anyone can count on LOL)

Thank you very much :)!

"OMG my car run out of 1 meter away from the station! Guess I'll have to just die here now" XD

Congrats on your first game! It's pretty decent for a first, but it still need a lot of work to be a really fun game.

I agree with other comments that a tutorial is needed. I would add that the cold "game over" when we succeed really feel like we just loose.
Nice song and graphics tho.

When I finished maxing everything out, and reached level 50, I decided the game was finished, so I'll let myself die in level 51. I didn't manage to die lol
I'm not sure if it's a bug only I got, but I the enemies just deal me a few damage point and then... it goes up again and stay full
I was about to comment the game was maybe too easy, since I long as I was mooving enemies dealt me no damage, but it's maybe just me.
That put aside, good game, really!

Simple but well made! Good job!