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Nick Pettigrew

A member registered May 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Here's the beta version of my game: Xpressorcist!!! 

Have you ever wanted to be an exorcist working for the devil to give express exorcisms to endless waves of possessed people?! THIS IS THE PERFECT GAME FOR YOU! 

If you have time, please download and give it a whirl!

Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I'm also open to a quid pro quo situation, if anybody has anything they were looking for feedback on, just let me know.

Thank you for your kind attention!

Thank you! 

I'm definitely going to work on difficulty curve and the escape button was just something I slapped on at the last second because I realized there wasn't a way to quit without tabbing out. Also, definitely going to fix that going forward.

Thank you! Yeah, it is definitely somethin I'm going work on going forward. I really want to flesh this out into a full game.

This was a fun experience. I wished there was a little more interactivity in some moments, but I thought you did a great job setting an atmosphere and feeling in the space.

There's some polish stuff that could be looked at,  but for a jam game, it was really successful in setting a spooky horror vibe.

I really enjoyed this! I agree with others that the ambience is great and it does kind of feel like an old scifi film ala Alien or Event Horizon.  If I had any constructive criticism it would be that I wasn't sure what to do at first and then I just ended up scanning all the messages and hitting the launch button. I wasn't sure if there was some other elements I was missing out on. 

But, it was all super polished and really well done. Great job! 

Hey! I love seeing Synty Assets in the wild! It was a good game with a solid concept and execution. I didn't really find an end state to the game after I did the quests and killed all the zombies.

Good job!

Biggest thing I learned was that it is incredibly important to try introduce the player to your game world and how all the systems work before you actually start giving them any sorts of challenges. I never gave people a chance to get their feet under them before I kept knocking them down. Figuratively.

I really enjoyed the opening! I love the atmosphere you were able to set up in the early part of the game. 

Also, I like the in world style UI.

Good job!

This is good. I love games that blend side scrolling with some more puzzle elements. I kept having a little trouble getting the screws off and switches flipped before the monster ate my ass, but I had fun doing it.

I was really happy with how my game turned out! Although, I've quickly realized that I put to much emphasis in building out an exorcism system for my game and not NEARLY enough time explaining how the damned thing works.  In any case, I'm happy and think I have something that would be really fun to build out in the future.

Here's my game if you want to take a look:

I really enjoyed the music and atmosphere you managed to create with this.

I walked back down the first hallway and I somehow ended up under the map. Just an FYI if you were looking at bug fixing. 

Great job!

I totally agree with you! I got too into making the system that I didn't really think about how to convey that to a player. I'm definitely going to work on that in the future. 

Thank you so much for playing it though! I really appreciate it! :)

I love old school point and click and this is so good! The amount of time you must have put into all the art and dialogue is frankly INSANE. Sincerely this is fantastic. If I had any notes,  the game also crashed on me, but that is probably more of an issue with AGS than anything you did. If you wanted to move forward with this, I would consider some kind of autosaving because it was a bummer to lose that progress when the it crashed.  

But I really had fun playing this and you did a great job!

Thank you so much for playing it! I agree with everything you said. I got way too excited about building everything out and didn't think about actually making it player friendly. I love the idea so I'm going to work on introducing things a little slower and either upping the time in the day or cutting the quotas.


I enjoyed the artwork and the general vibe of the game. It was pretty straightforward and worked exactly like you designed it. Definitely something fun that you could build on. 

Great job!

It looks like the game was made for a different Jam based on the file title, but I didn't really get any kind of spooky or horror from the game. I liked the style of the world and layout.

This was a good update on a classic flash game! 

When I hit the wall and pop scare happened, it seemed to get stuck and I couldn't do anything other than close the game. 

Otherwise, good job getting it done!

Hey! I loved the style of artwork and audio that you put into the game!

Next jam, I would maybe include a little instruction on how to play either in the game or on the game page.  Also, you got a lot of the fundamentals into the game (movement, audio, etc.) I would try and expand on some of those mechanics next time.

I had a lot of fun with this! It reminds my of Warioware and those kind of short hit mini games. Also, I really liked the feel of playing the gameboy in the game world. I thought it was a fun framing. 

I did have a little confusion with what was supposed to happen when the monster attacks you and you hit the light.  

Otherwise, I really enjoyed the atmosphere you created with this game!

Hey! This was a fun little platformer with some great graphics. The sliding blocks and moving platforms gave some good variety.  If you wanted to do more with this after the game jam, I would work on tightening up the movement because I noticed a few times when the character wasn't animating when I moved and getting stuck in the jump animation.  

Great job finishing the jam! 

Thank you so much for all the feedback! I really appreciate it. I'm going to work on cleaning up this stuff moving forward. Especially, things like the reset option, bear lunge attacks, and fixing all of the areas you got stuck. I like the idea about the bears having more sound to them, I think maybe a roar when the see you and some grunting or something when they are chasing would add some much needed audio cues.

Sincerely, these are all great notes and it was very kind of you to take the time to give such thoughtful feedback.

Thank you for playing! 

You're right about the axe recharge bar. I'll tweak it when I have a chance so it isn't so annoying.  I really appreciate the feedback! :)