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A member registered Jun 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear that the cooldown visualization doesn't suck as much as I feared :)

Thank you for the feedback :)

I share the sentiment with the other comments. I also wanted to report this bug that makes you stuck:

The cat continued pressing its button but couldn't free the toy from the mechanism...

Nice game, I couldn't finish it (there are still many games I need to rate :) ) but it was fun, and definitely felt the Foddian vibes.


Similarly hateable controls as Getting Over It :)

I couldn't finish it, but it felt fun at moments. Looks quite good.

Fun game, Foddian but kinda easy to beat. Looks pretty good, too.

Oh, it didn't occur to me that I could jump that far. Thank you :)

Thank you! After those mushrooms, you can climb your way up using the small bumps on the right column. Maybe I should've made them more noticeable. Thank you for the feedback :)

Thanks, glad you liked it :)

Thank you :)

Very fun Foddian game. Maybe the controls need a little polishing. The art is really good.

I have the WR right now :)

I reached the place in the second screenshot, but then where am I supposed to go?

Very Foddian game with unique controls. It was difficult to understand how to efficiently use the fuel. At the end, my strategy was to do 3 mouse movements in quick succession such that each uses 1/3 of the fuel. It was still difficult, as a Foddian should be :)

Very fun mechanic. It's a bit easy, but I guess it counts as a Foddian.

I couldn't play/rate the game due to the freezing issue with the web build. I came here to thank you for adding screenshots/cover image, specifically due to the mental image the game's name would otherwise cause to pop up.

Interesting concept with the speed limiter spikes. Nice, chill game.

Although I found it too easy to sustain any Foddian elements myself, it does fit the Foddian criteria I believe.

Actually I can now get 50s without much effort :)

(2 edits)

Edit: My prize of choice would be checking out my game :D
First try:To be honest, I probably got lucky if you say 100s isn't easy :)

I liked the creativity with this control scheme. Requires too much effort for my taste, so couldn't finish it, but very nice Foddian submission.

The controls definitely need improvement. When I fail to move somewhere I feel like it's the game's fault and not mine. My fingers hurt from spamming DIR all the time, and my psyche from watching it not work most of the time.

The visuals and music are pretty good though. It is also definitely a Foddian :)

The controls are not very ergonomic but otherwise cool Foddian.

I had some framerate issues with this game so it became a bit nauseous after a while. But otherwise fun Foddian, would likely keep playing if at a decent framerate.

Nice Foddian. I couldn't finish it but it was fun.

(1 edit)

I was about to post the following:

"Sorry, but I don't understand how you control the player. Swing only activates if I'm on the ground, so with little to no momentum, thus doing nothing. Is this an issue with the web build?"

Then I realized you can use A and D to move left and right. I suggest adding that to the description near where the mouse controls are described.
Edit: There's also Space...

(1 edit)

Presses button

“I’m Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me!”

"Mr. Meeseeks, I would like to take 2 seconds off my PB in this game so that I get WR."

"Ooh, yeah! Can do."

2 Hours Later

"Guys, I'll time it right, I'll focus. I'll do whatever you tell me to do, okay?

"Oh, we're well past that, nopxt. We are created to serve a singular purpose for which we will go to any lengths to fulfill. Existence is pain to a Meeseeks, nopxt, and we will do anything to alleviate that pain!"

By the way, the first time I beat the game, my score didn't end up on the leaderboard for some reason. (I don't know if the issue was on my side, because this happened with another game as well.) It worked the second time though.

When I was testing my game, I found that sometimes the score submit request returns an error code, so I implemented a retry mechanism. It still might be an issue with my network of course.

Thank you! Happy to hear that you liked the little messages.

I felt the same about recharge times too, actually considered adjusting them when I was halfway building the map. But it would affect how much distance you could cover with a jump and mess up the difficulty of things I'd already placed. In the final half of the map, the jumps are more difficult and I felt that those small pauses kinda helped with the concentration I needed for the jump :)

The game is on the easier side, but that makes it more fun for me. Certainly a well-executed Foddian, apart from the relatively low levels of frustration :)

Re: red bandana: Ah, I see.

Re: hold left bug: Ok for some reason it only works when rendering the game at more than 60 fps (e.g. on a high refresh rate monitor while not in fullscreen mode). If I limit the browser's refresh rate to 60 or below, the bug doesn't happen.

I'm on a >60hz monitor, so I will be checking all the games I've played here to see whether I played any of them at 2x speed due to delta time stuff. Luckily it appears that this game handled it properly, with the exception of this bug and maybe some minor stuff that I couldn't find.

Interesting idea. In my playthrough, I used the big wheel mostly as a "stomp" tool. I also found that the easiest way to beat is to just use the jump pads - exactly 4 of them in a chain to get to the goal :)

The visuals are really good, great use of shaders. The controls are hard but the game is forgiving, I had very few losses of progress. It was an interesting experience.

By the way, it took me 27 minutes to beat, but for some reason it didn't submit to the leaderboard... Maybe a network issue on my side, no idea.

Thanks for the kind words :)

I can't play/rate it due to the lack of a Web build, but the game looks interesting from the screenshots and the gameplay video posted below.

I hate it, congratulations.

Seriously though, such simple controls yet really difficult and Foddian game :) I gave up after the endless/bottomless fall at what I'm assuming to be the rightmost part of the level. But enjoyed playing :)

Hi, wanted to share some thoughts:

  • This doesn't feel like a Foddian to me...
  • I actually like this type of game. But there are some issues here, mainly the fact that you can get trapped with no chance to react quickly to get to a non-deadend path. There could be more lookahead space.

My feedback would mirror @vivax's. I also want to add one other thing. I managed to get to level 5 and unfortunately the player starts trapped inside a box with a smaller hole than the player, which makes it impossible to continue...

It was kinda fun to play. I guess it is Foddian but you don't lose that much progress / too easy to recover. Issue: The view is too small if you don't fullscreen the game, it's like it's in hard mode by default.

I got the WR btw :) The technique is to be holding (W) and (either A or D) at all times. The rest is point & click :)