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A jam submission

Disabled FrogView game page

A hard platformer inspired by getting over it
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Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I am confusion but one of the better looking ones this jam


I give you the award of the best character design.

I honest to god couldn't get past the first platforms, and i'm guessing it's because i need to get good, but the fact that you can't control how much momentum you gain while you swing + no air mobility makes it absurdly hard for me.

Also you nailed the general aesthetic of the gameplay


We wanted to nail the Getting over It feel of having to be precise with your motions and speed but based on the comments on the game I can see we went a little to far lol, we'll tune it a fair bit after the rating period ends. We would haved loved to see more people finish it. Regarding the air momentum, we tried adding some measures to help with that during the jam, but allowing the player to move even the slightest bit on air made it possible to very easily break the game. We're still thinking about ideas to help with that and will keep it in mind!

Thanks a lot for the compliment on our art, we really appreciate it! We wanted to have a frog as the main character without jumping being an important mechanic and we loved the idea of justifying it through it's design, it means a lot that people are liking it


I enjoyed playing it although I am exceptionally bad at it, The grappling hook was really well done, maybe the player can use some in air control but that might just be me being bad, Really well done tho, The music is great and the art is really pretty to look at. Very annoying yet very fun, Great job!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! Yeah it's definitely hard to get good at the controls, we went against air control since with it you could just propel yourself upwards against a wall, press right and just get over it (pun intended), so for the mechanics to work you need to rely more on the tongue. Definitely will feel a lot better when we work more on the physics and get a better curve of learning early on


I like the overall theme and the frog is quite adorable, especially with the large fall animation. Its rewarding figuring out the right position to swing and the precise run speed to land on the target area. Also great inclusion of the progress bar in the side!

I didn't have much trouble with the controls except some parts when swinging. It felt a little tough when the anchors point changes during the building of the swing momentum. Overall ribbeting good job!

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

thanks! i was π’½π‘œπ“…𝓅𝒾𝓃𝑔 youd like it


Played for about 15 minutes (reached the part where there is a chair with an X), than noticed I forgot to turn on the sound, and played again for more 10 minutes.

I enjoyed the gameplay and the idea of separating the grappling hook in two! The aesthetics and overall theme was also really cute (I just noticed now the screenshot of the game telling the background story), and I loved the little animation of the frog getting up after a failed jump.

I had two nitpicks as a player on the game:

- Balancing on the grappling hook with the right mouse button was a bit difficult when you get close to the edge of a platform, since it  shortens it's length when it touches the edge. Didn't felt intuitive to me and a lot of times I fell because the grappling hook suddenly shortened, the frog touched the platform and I fell without any momentum. This would be less troublesome if I could control the frog's momentum while I was balancing with the grappling hook, but I felt that after I started balancing, there was no way to get lesser momentum so I don't touch the platform with the tongue (e.g. I felt that when I pressed left when I was swinging right to "break" the momentum, it just kept going)
- I actually didn't know the "right" path once I reached the chair with an "X" hahah. I explored a bit there, tried some movements but couldn't reach even close to the edge of one of the upper platforms. I understand if it's a very difficult movement that I had to do, but I think a simple solution like an arrow pointing upwards to where I should go next would at least give me a light on what I had to try.

I noticed on the game's description that this is a PoC and you're planning to expand from it, and I think that's great, this game has a lot of potential for some amazing platforming action. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the game!


Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, we are thinking about doing more with the game after the jam, and in that case we will remake the whole physics system and the level too, we had a busy couple of weeks and werent happy specially with how the level ended up, needs to be more intuitive, less punishing early on, and teaching better the mechanics as well. 
The brown background was intended to be a bit of a guide of where to go and how, but obviously that didnt work out hahah, thanks for giving it a good try tho, im figuring out that you gotta be really good to explain things more naturally and not too literally, but ill defend myself saying im just starting making games hahaha. Also we decided the movement was gonna be only using the tongue after you leave the ground, since if you can control in the air you can move just too freely and lets you just throw yourself up to a wall and just press right to get over the ledge, and that ruins a couple of the mechanics.

Sorry for writing all over the place, and thanks again for liking it!


No need to apologize, and if you are just starting making games, that makes it even more amazing! I'm used to make "lengthy" feedback posts because I think that's the least people deserve after spending so much energy on a game jam, and being honest about my experience in the game is hopefully useful and encouraging, but at the end of the day you're the one making the calls if my feedback is valuable for your vision of the game or not.

I really did enjoyed it, so I'm curious on how the level is going to turn out after the remake you're planning!


I think your lengthy feeback is absolutely the best, easiest way to improve is to get a feel of what the players think while playing. kudosx100 for doing it and taking the time again and again.


I love this game!! The tongue mechanic felt very unique and rewarding while also frustrating me after I kept falling. Art was nice too, although once it looked like the background kind of mixed in with the obstacles which was a bit confusing. Overall, the game felt very polished, you should be super proud of yourselves!


thanks! so glad you liked it! deffinetly we gotta work on the background pallet to be less confusing

Submitted (1 edit)

I was about to post the following:

"Sorry, but I don't understand how you control the player. Swing only activates if I'm on the ground, so with little to no momentum, thus doing nothing. Is this an issue with the web build?"

Then I realized you can use A and D to move left and right. I suggest adding that to the description near where the mouse controls are described.
Edit: There's also Space...


thanks for the feedback! clarified the controls a bit better, hopefully that will help!


I really liked the art style and the music, I think if you made an exploration game with friendly controls it would turn out great. Nice foddian game too! Couldn't figure out where to go at some point, but the controls feel nice and movement is fun!


thank you very much!  i think we will work on it more after the jam, redo the whole leveldessign and physics and see if we can get it to a cleaner place


I really loved the concept, i'm a fan of the jump animation.

It's a shame there is no timer


There's a timer on the top left and global leaderboards once you beat it, it's a little bugged (seconds don't reset after 30 lol) but it still works on tracking who's the fastest under the hood

We submitted with like 30 seconds left lol we'll definitely update both the physics, map and features once the rating period ends