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A member registered May 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Not bad! Some of the shots for the wheels were a bit tight considering the need for direct hits.

Love it! Very funny, love the sounds and the idea. Just wants combos or something.

Cheers, as per usual I probably spent more time than I should polishing relatively minor elements until I was happy with them, but it was a busy week anyway so I'm not all that disappointed.

Cute! Love the mech designs. Minor point I found a touch jarring; you can change the shadow distance in Unity's project settings so that they don't fade in when you get closer to the walls/cylinders. Can't imagine it'll hit the performance too hard here.

Just wish I'd finished the HManga stand, with its slowing effect...

Cute! Lego props? FPS drops in the main area for some reason, if you're not using the foliage tool for things like trees and rocks then that might help. Also if this isn't a shipping build then those come out a bit smaller and sometimes run smoother too, but obviously disregard that advice if it is.

Great stuff! Just wants some more feedback/polish type stuff, especially to show when major characters have responded to what you're saying.

Character physics a bit rough, the jump is incredibly fast. Moving platform physics took some getting used to. Interesting stuff anyway!

Love it! Could do with arrows or something showing the right direction in places, and a few segments (the first lava encounter) were a bit unforgiving, but very solid and fun to play!

I'm a changed man after this. Thank you, sincerely.

I like the banner image!

I like the banner image!

I even had music picked out! I just didn't find time for a sound pass. Many thanks :)

Excellent! Worked well enough in the web renderer for me. Could do with visual feedback on damage taken, it wasn't always clear where I was being shot from. Feels great to play, anyway!

To some extent going for lower angles to get boxes out of the way faster helps, but I'm sure it's way overbalanced in favor of chaos at the moment. I did experience stuck boxes when I was testing, but they tended to find their way out eventually so I put it on the backburner. I'll revisit again, possibly I just need to add a minimum velocity to bounces. There are bronze/silver/gold targets for each level; the bottom right tracker is meant to update as you pass them but it did bug out fairly often when I was testing, especially when the level was changed. I think I've got a slightly better idea for how to display those targets anyway now. Generally the bronze is ~50-80%, silver is ~100%, and gold is the amount of score you actually get for 100% of the boxes with the streak bonus(es).

Dang, think I can guess what's happening. I changed how the level end was detected ~2 hours before the deadline because it was triggering too early sometimes. If the motivation keeps up I'll refactor that logic properly and do a post release.

The VN part's fun at least!

Very cute!
Loved the intro, great stuff!

Missing a .dll so couldn't launch. Dug through the files, the midi is excellent :D

Really nicely executed!