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A member registered May 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thankyou very much! We really appreciate it!

Thankyou for the review!

(1 edit)

Creative take on the theme. The game is very hard though but perhaps this was intended. Opening the shield is a little weird though, you should either have it be opened while holding the button, or have it be toggled by pressing the right mouse button. Now if the player accidentally holds the right mouse down too long it will open and close instead of just opening. The music and art are very well made, I like it a lot. Overall the game is enjoyable. A solid submission, good job!

(1 edit)

Cool art and fun puzzles. You should look into making it so that when you press space you toggle between characters instead of having to hold down the space button. You should also perhaps color code the keys so that you know which door they correspond to. The enemies look really cool by the way. Overall a fun and good submission! Good job!

It's a very creative concept and you executed it well. I really like the art and music. Very good submission! Good job!

Thankyou for the review!

Thankyou so much! We appreciate the review!

(1 edit)

The art is reallyyy cool, you are very talented. It could really use some sound though, it would make it much more satisfying. But overall it's a very cool experience. Good job!

Very creative concept! It's actually quite fun to play! The art is simple but effective, I like it. Great submission!

The style is amazing! It sets a really good athmosphere for the entirity of the game in combination with the music. Very very well done! The idea is so creative as well, and you executed it perfectly. Good job!

Wow thanks a lot! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Thankyou for the review!

Thankyou so much for the support! I'm glad you liked it. And thanks for reporting the bug, that's indeed what happened. We are planning on fixing some of the bugs and adding a couple more levels.

Very interesting take. I also liked that there was some form of enemy variety, which you don't often see in game jam games. When the UI popped up I found myself sometimes accidentally clicking on an option already without reading it first, because you are constantly clicking to shoot arrows. But overall it was a good play though. Solid submission. Good job!

And you did absolutely fucking amazing!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review! I agree, I wish we could've made it longer.

Makes sense, it's only 48 hours.

Oh also for some reason I think this game would be great on the 3DS.

Wow wow wow! This is a very polished, good looking, good sounding, well playing game! The commentary of the dog at the start of each level is incredibly well written, it really adds a lot to the game. The only bit of criticism is that the controls, especially when sprinting, didn't feel very snappy. But perhaps that was actually intended. It was really fun to play through! Great submission, good job!

The music slaps! The artstyle is also great, it just looks so adorable! I love it! The way the puzzle platforms are indicated with the glowing puzzle piece looks really good and works really well. The fast paced platforming is also just really fun, I love it! Good job!

Thankyou so much!

With the controls being reversed, this can be a tough game. But we do love a tough game now and then. The difficulty isn't really gradual though, for example in my opinion level 3 is pretty easy compared to level 2 which should be the other way around. That's only a minor problem though. The art looks really good and the sfx are satisfying. The most satisfying thing is the slide though, I wish you had to slide more in the game because I love it. Overall a game well made, good job!

This is a really unique concept, very well executed as well! The voice lines crack me up. The audience booing when I make a mistake is a really nice touch. It could probably use a little bit more variety, as it does get repetitive after a while. But overall it's quite enjoyable. Very well done! Good job!

Wow, that's high praise! Thankyou so much! I'm glad you liked it.

Thankyou! I agree, there should've been more levels. I tried to finish all of the features first so that making levels would be easy, but by the time the features were done we had too little time left to make enough levels.

Thankyou very much!

Thanks a lot!

Oh the way the cars fly away when the animal has the invincible effect is really satisfying as well

Wow everything in this game looks incredible. From the menu to the wobble effect the stop sign has when being placed down. The car destroyer is awesome by the way, it's so creative. This game is like an upgraded version of crossy roads. Congrats to the whole team, you guys are fantastic. Good job!

I am not sure this is working as intended. I have therefore not yet rated the game.

Damn this is awesome. The art looks so goooood! How many people worked on the art? Cause it is really impressive! Also the extra points when you dunk an animal is so funny. It gets a little repetitive after a while, so there isn't much replayability value. I mean the satisfaction of yeetin a cute little ragdolling animal is enough to come back though. I really like it, very impressive! Good job!

This is incredibly creative and well made. It is so satisfying if you got good shots and then see them later. The red color scheme and the fighting is so awesome. It gives me ghosts of tsushima vibes. Good job!

It's a cool concept, the coins dropping periodically adds a lot to the gameplay. The art has a nice vibe too. It makes me think of the flash games from back in the day. I think adding some other mechanics could add replayability value though. For example pick ups that the coin can pick up to put an effect on the player. Overall it was well made, good job!

thanks haha

That's a really generous score! Thankyou so much. The bot AI is indeed a lil jank lol.

Thanks a lot! Yeah I've run into that bug myself as well, it's one of all those "I wish I had more time to do/fix this" things.

Controls feel snappy and clean and the AI works well. It is lacking in the art department tho, also having a the objects in the map change place between rounds would have made the gameplay a bit more varied. Some music would have been nice as well. It was fun to play though, which is perhaps the most important factor of them all, good job. 

Thankyou so much! I really try to put effort into rating games, so thanks for noticing. Yeah wish we had more time, we had sfx ready but no more time to implement them. There was actually one more level made, but at the last minute I discovered a bug that broke the entire level system so it had to be scrapped.


The "One more try factor", as I have I heard it be called before, of this game is very high. These are my pointers: sometimes when I click the UI object it doesn't register, a time slowdown feature while placing something would vastly improve the game, and the AI doesn't always work as intended but I'm sure you already knew that. In my game I also used an AI that tries to clear the level and it can be janky too. But the concept is really nice and for a 48hr game jam it is really well executed. But here's the most important thing, I actually really enjoyed this game. Good job.