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A member registered Oct 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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Doggo is a very cute doggo, love the concept and as Kelly said, some more risk wouldve made it even more special. Great Job guys

Awesome game guys, i like the style of the game and the implementation of a tutorial. I noticed many of the upgrades would both increase and then also decrease the same stat, other than that i would also maybe add some text above the orbs u pick up maybe stating how they will change how your weapon shoots. Good luck with the jam!

Fun addicting game, understood the game pretty quickly once i stopped rushing into anything that moves XD

Awesome Job, Great take on the clicker genre especially considering the event it takes place in XD. Small exploit kind of where u can mass release basic one day games and get a lot of perks very easily. For future update maybe make different releases give better or smaller perks. Very well polished and makes me wish i could make UI like this lol

My favorite game of the jam so far. This is what should be shown to people for how to make a game jam. Simple. Executed well. 10/10 amazing job

10/10 amazing job. Game is very fun and executed amazingly. Love the detail of walking through the bushes having a sound effect. Ran into one bug where (not sure if this is what caused the bug) i picked up 2 ammo packs in quick succession, picking up the second ammo pack got rid of all my ammo and for the rest of the run i was unable to collide with other ammo packs on the floor (unable to pick them up). Great job making this! especially in such a short time span.

Awesome, has lots of room to build upon and turn into something great. Some feedback would be that the tower falls maybe a little too easily and can completely collapse without even picking up a block but awesome concept that was executed very well.

Very unique XD. Cool visuals and idea of the game. Some feedback would be maybe adding a slight sound effect for picking up coins and that the camera doesnt feel smooth when moving it. Great Job :)

Awesome concept and art design. Ran into a glitch where i got stuck on the victory screen and couldnt move on. Only other change would be im not the biggest fan of the loading screen when entering the battle. But this was very well done in such a short timespan. :)

He says "OI Vaffanculo" which is an italian swearword meaning (and sorry for the crude language XD) "Go Fuck Yourself"

Loved the look of the game, the idea is great and it fits the theme very well. Had a few issues, i couldnt figure out how to actually get any fish, i tried dropping the net and waiting in multiple zones not sure if it is a glitch or if im just being dumb XD. Also encountered 2 glitches where after i had died once and clicked play again my health was at 0/100 and i was immune to damage. Also after reopening the game to fix that glitch i then died to the kraken but instead of actually dying the kraken just set my health to 0 and i was once again immune to damage.

Ran into a glitch at the end when I died where each time I died it would give me the option to move and then say i died again never restarting. Only happened on the first playthrough so unsure what caused it. But the atmosphere and look of the game is great. Maybe would also decrease how much of each resource you lose during the options as the game can end quite quickly sometimes. All in all however great job

Awesome Job! Maybe some atmospheric or background music but the gameplay is fun and really well done

Fun game, maybe add some background music and this may be my headset being too loud but the explosion sound effect was a bit too loud when compared to the other ones. Great game and fun to play. Well Done!

Super Cute and relaxing, the game is simple and does what it aimed to do very well. Only thing i would consider adding is maybe a option to skip the waiting of the gacha ball to fall down the machine. Like maybe if the player clicks a few times the ball falls to the bottom faster. But all in all love the game concept and style, great job!

(1 edit)

Like the idea and theme/style of the game, main issue was the projectiles the player has to dodge move too fast and are too hard to notice, maybe if they were slower or if they gave some form of warning before being shot 

Great idea that only us South Africans could truly understand and love, would prefer if rather than saying "Cannot Braai" it said why you could not braai. For example "Meat Contamination" or smth like that. 

The art is outstanding, the fact this art was all done and implemented this well within 48 hours is really impressive