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Oliver Philbrick

A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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Color pallet is cool but frankly brutal on my eyes. I think you should use the blues as highlights rather than the full page

I did it!  I beat Balck! Even with simple graphics you fit a nice amount of personality in here. I like how the eyes point where you're moving

I did it!  I beat Balck! Even with simple graphics you fit a nice amount of personality in here. I like how the eyes point where you're moving

Cool aesthetic with simple but engaging game play loop. I think you chose an interesting interpretation of scale

Fun! I like the push-your-luck style of play.  I also like the cute "partners in life" personification of the game components. Well done

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I'm glad you liked it! One of our programmers George was determined to get the block breaking effect working and I had my doubts, but now it's one of my favorite mechanics

Very cool. Fascinating level design. Must've been very meticulous to develop. Nice work

(1 edit)

7925 was my high score! Very nicely done. I wish I had a little more room to breath, but style is great, and gameplay is addicting and super cool

Wanted to add too that I got jump scared HARD by the first enemy. Like full on yelped. I love how the tight window forces you to make the game really tense

Very cool aesthetic. Solid foundation. I like the character designs, and I like the scaling mechanic for dodging bullets

Very cool aesthetic. Solid foundation. I like the character designs, and I like the scaling mechanic for dodging bullets

Very cool aesthetic. Solid foundation

Love this idea. When it clicked for me it was such a beautiful aha moment. So cool. I'll echo that the movement feels kind of strange, and I did run into the bug you described

Very neat, and networking is super impressive on such a small timeframe. I'm definitely checking out that github framework

Very neat, and networking is super impressive on such a small timeframe. I'm definitely checking out that github framework

Hell yea. The core mechanic is both very novel and is expertly built upon by the following mechanics (the bullets bouncing and the enemies are awesome). I did find that it controlled kind of clumsy. I feel like being able to control the window with my keyboard might've been nice.  Wonderful work, and cool aesthetic too

Love the visuals and theme. So much fun

(1 edit)

123 was the best I could do! You were right it's pretty hard. Impressive first project. Nice clean presentation

Hell yea, very cool concept. I love the mixed gameplay

Couldn't get past the class selection screen for some reason. Liked the are and colors.

Neat! The characters were fun

(2 edits)

I think this mechanic is actually really engaging. Make the goal a bit more explicit (i.e. win/loss conditions) and I think this could be a really thinky puzzle

Neat! now I just have to find someone to play with

Strikingly strong presentation and execution. I did find the mechanics a little too punishing, and I would've loved to see the ability to Fast forward moves because after I died twice I just did not have the patience to wait through the whole first level again. Which is a shame, because I really liked the power-ups and I could see myself having fun as the game went on. Anyway, good work man!

Environemnt and UI is super nice. Well done

Pretty enjoyable prototype! I feel like this with some extra movement abilities could be really fun!

Simply epic

How do I run .pac files?

The shooting feels sharp and responsive. That's pretty sick!

Bummer man, That stinks. Don't let it get you down too much. Be sure to upload it once it's done!

fun concept, solid execution. Honestly, I feel it could've been slowed down a bit to make play a littl more methodical and less spammy, but overall, I really enjoyed it! Felt very snappy

Clever, fun, nice loooking. Good shit guys! I'd love to see this with some slightly more polished movement and more levels!

Clever, fun, nice loooking. Good shit guys! I'd love to see this with some slightly more polished movement and more levels!

I got stuck on the one with the shield and bungee. Good game! I'd love to see this with some more refined movement controls

nothing's uploaded to the itch page :(

Fun game, and nice art! I ran into a bug where if I'd detach and reattach the head seemed to get offset from it's collider and everything got really weird. All in all, I had a really good time with it though!

Fun game, and nice art! I ran into a bug where if I'd detach and reattach the head seemed to get offset from it's collider and everything got really weird. All in all, I had a really good time with it though!

Instantly fun. Good shit.

been said before, but transitions are baller

been said before, but transitions are baller