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Panic's Studios

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(1 edit)

Link to Summer Horror Jam 2025:

Have you always wanted to make video games? Do you like horror? 

In this three-month event you will be able to create a demo, a short or even a long game so we can all enjoy them. 

 This year we have talks and tutorials given by our jury that will take place days before the Summer Horror Jam (June 19 and 20 starting at 6:00 p.m. in our Discord community)

 Additionally, we have multiple prizes for everyone who participates. What are you waiting for?


The Jam theme will be chosen minutes before the start of the Jam in our Discord community, through the roulette of death where a couple of elements will be decided that together will make up this year's theme. 21th of June at 19:00 am (GMT+1)

Later, it will also be published on this same page, so that everyone is aware and for those people who have not been able to come to our Discord. 

The theme of this year is...?


-The game must conform to the two elements that will form the main theme of this event. 

-Games already made or in progress will not be admitted.  

-Teams of 3 people MAXIMUM are suggested, but it can be done individually. 

-Games that have participated in previous jams will not be admitted. You can create it for this Jam and participate in following jams.

-All games must have the following title "Created for the summer horror jam 2025" 

-Put in the description of the itch page that the games are for people over 16 years old

-The game must be published to play it on the web. It can also be made for the web and downloadable if desired, but having a web version must be respected. (People will play more on the web than downloadable). 

-No NSFW games content

-VR games are not supported 

-Set minimum PC requirements

-Be friendly and respectful of others 

-¡Have fun!


Can I run the game on any engine?

✅Yes, you can do it. As long as it can be exported to the web 

Can you use third-party assets?

✅Yes, as long as you have their license and it is correctly accredited. 

How are teams created?

You can use the forum of this Summer horror jam to search for members or attend the previous talk that will be at 6:00 p.m., on June 21, 2025 in our Discord community. Teams will also be formed there. 

Is AI content accepted? 


Can I continue working on the project when this event ends? 

✅Yes, of course but during voting week you won't be able to fix anything. It will be a hard week for everyone and we have to rate all the games presented by both the jury and you.


This year we have several talks prepared with our jury days before the start of this Summer Horror Jam and they are described below: 

-Panic's Studios: Flashlight system + 1 puzzle for horror games in rpg maker mv.  


- For first place and each member of the team will take a key to the following authors: Point&pixel Adventures, Merck92 and Croqueta Asesina Studio. Keys could also be distributed for the second place, according to the number of keys and the number of members of the first and second place. The key distribution on the day will be completely random although we will take into account the genre preferences of each participant.

-For the first 5 places they will have a special role in our Discord community "Top 5 teams of summer horror jam 2025" They will also have an interview described below.

-For the first 10 positions, a top 10 video will be made on my YouTube channel and an interview for those who want to do it talking about their experience and development of this Summer Horror Jam. 

-For everyone, we will do a live event throughout the voting week on my YouTube channel where everyone will be able to enjoy your creations live and attract a certain audience at the same time. There will also be a special role "Summer Horror Jam" where you will have access to the entire dev area of our Discord community (previews, team creation, trailers, etc. are shown). Finally, they will also appear on my page and will always be visible.

Here, the link to our Discord community if you want to join and stay up to date with everything about the summer horror jam.

Upon entering, please speak through the general channel that you are participants in the Summer Horror Jam for our special role that will give access to the entire dev area.

I think my next project will take time, I will inform you if you wish 

Thanks you again!

Yeahh I agree with you Biim_Games and sorry for the late answer. 

Finally, this is a path of constant learning and where failure is everyone's daily life.

I will be better prepared for the next Jam and from a different point of view.

Thank you very much for your comment and your encouragement!

Panic's Studios :)

(1 edit)

Summer Horror Jam 2025 

This event will begin in just 5 months, dear friends.
 Are you ready to create your horror game within 3 months? Go ahead and enter this Jam to show the public and friends of your great creation! 
This year we have talks, exhibitions, tutorials and prizes for everyone.

The game was Galacticum and thanks you for your feedback.

Honestly, I don't think I'll participate in any Jam again. The effort is not appreciated in the eyes of your competition apparently and it is better to write nice comments visible to everyone, but behind to put one or two stars hopefully, as long as they win their games.

Or at least, that was my experience unfortunately. It could have happened in this Jam or any other. You have done very well as administrators and I am grateful for the night when I couldn't raise my game because I was preparing it in the best way possible.

Hello everyone who reads this.


I have decided to remove the game from this Jam because I never imagined I would be in such a bad position even though the game had bugs (they are already fixed today).


On the other hand, everything was done 100% by me, which was apparently valued quite negatively. What I understand, what I don't understand is that assets and music were rated with 4-5 stars that most games have not made and have taken from there. No offense intended.


With all this, the game will be hidden until one day I complete it on another engine.


Again, thank you very much and good luck to everyone. I will take my path, which is not that of the Jams.

This game was very striking to me because of the art it has. I'm not much of a card player, but I did play a few games. It took me a little while to create the deck, but it is most likely due to my lack of practice.

My congratulations for this game and especially to its developer and fellow construct!

¡Muchas gracias por responder compañero!

Te acabo de escribir por twitter creo, aunque no lo utilizo mucho creo que lo  he enviado bien.

Estamos en contacto y de nuevo, ole por tu creación. La jugaré próximamente! :))

This game, as mentioned below, is like a paper, please. I love it although sometimes I had it difficult like with the alien, one day I will probably learn their language hehe.

I liked the art of the game in general and the calm music that makes you feel no pressure at any time.

I also found the mechanics to be very good, your morality and happiness decrease if you make mistakes.

Congratulations on your creation!

I liked the fantastic tone of this game, but I didn't understand what I had to do when I defeated the first two enemies.

The art and music are very good, congratulations and also for creating this game within 10 days!

Que grandee! Pues se agradece gente como tú que enseñas a los demás cosas difíciles como es el desarrollo de videojuegos.  A mi la verdad que me mola mucho tu contenido y me parto el culo (malamente hablando) jajaja

Tema discord puedo echarte un cable en lo que necesites, la cuenta te la haces en un momento y al menos estamos en contacto. Que se agradece gente española haciendo juegos, cada vez que veo a alguien es como encontrar un tesoro tio!

Nada, a ti siempre por haber creado el juego compañero. 

La verdad que es bastante innovador, no recuerdo si llegué a ponerte 5 estrellas Michelin en ese aspecto :))

No nos dan apenas tiempo para crear algo más o menos, siempre quedan detalles en el aire que uno se da cuenta más tarde, pero de todas formas mi enhorabuena ya lo sabes Iván!

Quite interesting game where you kill certain creatures for time.

 I haven't been able to reach the end of time and I don't know if there is a special ending or more levels. I'm sorry to say that I don't know where the issue of hard decision lies, I imagine it's knowing which enemy to shoot.

 Congratulations on the game and the effort !

A game that requires observation and memory.

I played it several times until I got it and I used a lot of the second thing mentioned above.

I liked the art of stones, simple and to the point. Very effective.

Congratulations on the effort and dedication it takes to make this creation.

I was watching video tutorials in youtube (spanish language)

Resume: You should to export to the web in the option of construct and after that compress all files in zip

no worries, i am learning developing since 2023 and we learn everyday! ^^

Yeah I like that idea haha. Well done playflashgames.

If I am honest, i prefer the first part than the second of the serie :O

It reminded me a little of Pokémon with the main melody.

Graphics theme, I also liked it a lot. Pixel art is difficult.

I loved Mechanics, I have passed the first level and I will play more levels soon.

Overall, congratulations on this creation!

Nothing, thanks to you for creating these works of art.

We know that video game development is difficult and involves many areas, time, patience and practice in the end.

I am just another developer, I don't do great things today but who knows in the future. Anything here you have me, you can add me and we will keep in touch.

A big hug for both of you.

Me ha encantado el juego y mas ser pobre en menos de 3 jugadas que le metí a tu creación.

La música también acompaña bastante bien a la tensión del juego haciendo que cada vez te sea más difícil decidir por un botón u otro.

Tema paleta de color, bajo mi poco conocimiento sobre ellas, me ha gustado también el tema pastelosos. Quizá yo hubiese metido colores más "eléctricos" pero acompañan muy bien al fondo blanco como tal.

Las mecánicas me ha resultado algo difícil de pillar porque no sabía cuánto ganaba o perdía cada vez que presionaba un botón, pero pueden ser cosas mías (no te digo yo que no).

Igualmente... Mi enhorabuena por completar el juego, tiene mérito en tan pocos días haber realizado más que una demo, a pesar que siempre hay cosas que limar ya sea por bugs tontos o por mero perfeccionismo.

¡Un abrazo y suerte compañero!

No me creo que seas LaEspiralOscura!

Gracias a tus tutoriales he aprendido cosas con este motor y he podido participar en esta Construct Jam 2025. Eres un genio compañero.

Ahora mismo juego a tu participación y te comento cosas.

Un abrazo muy grande y a ver si estamos en contacto para charlas sobre desarrollo. Te paso mi usuario de Discord por aquí si te parece bien. galaxis1999

Buenas Guillem

Qué tal? Acabo de seguirte en itch y en youtube, el juego me parece fantástico y aún no lo he probado, pero soy amante de las aventuras gráficas desde pequeño.

Me gustaría invitarte a mi comunidad de Disc donde otros desarrolladores y amigos nos encontramos en estos momentos. Tengo pendiente algunas entrevistas con varios de ellos como Point&pixel adventures, The Flying Cortijo y Croqueta Asesinas Studios. 

Te comento todo esto por si te gustaría formar parte y poder entrevistarte de manera amigable, nada serio y hablar sobre proyectos, yo también desarrollo videojuegos.

¡Un abrazote y por aquí estaré!

Ha sido un placer haber contado con vosotros!

El año que viene, más y mejor!!

Eiii Virtualmini

It looks like your game, thanks you fr participacing in the summer horror jam.

I will make live at 19:00 spanish time for everybody!! ^^


Thanks you for participating in summer horror jam. I will play your game in two hours in live, i live the monsters! ^^

Tremendo, tiene una pinta increíble. Esta tarde a probarlo para la Summer Horror.

Muchas gracias por haber participado gente ^^