Stress inducing but once the valve comes in then all tension is relieved. Very fun once you get the hang of it
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Thank you for playing and the feedback! Yea I wasn't aware until after the voting started that we weren't allowed to update during said voting period so lead to that hiccup. As for the jumping and diving through most things, I came across this as well and realized this would need to be fixed in the polish!
Great art and sound! Story was interesting and the VO was nice since not a bunch of people do it. All I have to suggest isn't new here: Didn't feel much reason to use other abilities, in which a variety of enemies or scaling the rate of fire for the main ability could solve that.
Otherwise, great game!
Major Bugs Patched
- FPS no longer hits rock bottom when in the "Main Stage"
- First time using Unity's 2D lighting system and apparently the shadow casting script doesn't play well w/ tile maps, and there seems to be no way to bake these lights.
- Reduced number of shadows casted drastically
- Locked doors no longer open and make you fall into limbo
Your comment was not harsh at all. I agree with all your points! The game was lacking within many elements such as visual feedback and information (and more) and all the controls were displayed in the desc., but I knew it wouldn't do too much. I thank you for giving and honest review and trying it despite running into major bugs!
Thank you! Yea the movement was in FixedUpdate() and I misremembered how the FPS affected each Update method so I moved it. As for the enemies, there was an enemy in the works that did a better job of introducing combat that was cut, including a ranged enemy as well. I appreciate the feedback and hope to see you back after the voting period for the next update!