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A member registered Jul 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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I love a good survivors game, and this is no exception! Really like the unique companions and the mechanic where the companion you don't choose becomes an enemy. Definitely a fresh take on the survivor style game

Really nice game! The thematic upgrade system feels really good to play with

Thank you! Yeah, the gameplay turned out satisfying enough to hold interest for a playthrough or two. I definitely had a good time coming up with a strategy for it

Really nice game. The mechanic of keeping the balance between the sides to generate a higher score is really cool. The gameplay didn't feel super rewarding, and when the game just continued after I beat "The End" without acknowledging the achievement in any way, it didn't really feel like an end or a victory. Also, had an issue with not being able to target with the wolf card, even though other targeting cards seemed to work.

All in all though, really cool concept, and I enjoyed playing it!

Really nice. The shadows are a really cool touch. Biggest complaint was that the music felt really repetitive really quick.

Thank you! We all put a lot of effort into this one. Annikat made the art, and it's always fantastic

Oh, one last idea, after talking with Annikat about it - if you threw in like a fate card maybe that essentially retriggered the last wave or sent some % of the upcoming raid's power, it would give people a reason to keep some defenses on hand at all times, along with a gold upkeep to make gold production more necessary. Obviously, using the last wave instead of the next wave for numbers gives the player a better chance of being able to predict and prepare for the random event, but either option sounds decent

I assure you, I enjoyed  every minute of it! I like a good "numbers go up" game, and boy did the numbers go up! XD

Another couple suggestions, though, would be to make the infrastructure upgrades' expense and the cost of spying to scale up faster, because they're both super powerful features. And also for the bribe feature to be less consistent.

Again, really fun as is, and it's a hard balance to make the beginning not punishingly hard, while keeping the game consistent, engaging, challenging, and fun into an end game.

And Rozvir fell on Day 69 after spending too much money attempting to bribe as many invaders from the 128 quadrillion-strong invading army as they thought they could afford.

I really enjoyed this! After I discovered that investing in healthcare yielded ridiculous returns on the investment (points for realism), I played wondering if numbers would overflow first, or if the "next day" button would float off the screen preventing me from continuing to the next day. On Day 39, my population reach its lowest on record (--8.2 quintillion), and my negative population refused to work, profusely regurgitating food without dying. But there was plenty of money. Then I continued to see if I would fail, or if the enemy army would become negative and what that would do. I did not live to see my negative population starve due to overproduction of food, nor to see a negative army raid my city of negative people. We ran out of money for bribes.

It was a blast

I don't know that I have it in me either, lmao! Impressive!

We're considering trying to add a leaderboard after the jam, and we might preload some of the top scores mentioned in the comments. Would you want to be called "CornishPixels" or something else?

The butterflies ARE hard; they're a bit different since they can move in multiple patterns, and the one you have to jump for is rarer and easy to interpret wrong.

Had multiple 0s and runs below 20 before getting this score, which surprised me when I got it. XD

Got it :P

Dang, really nice! Now I've gotta up my game!

It's really cute! Promising start, and I hope you do continue the project! :)

Neat! I like the random character generator, and it's cool that it has multiplayer

Nice game! Best score I got was 971 with high spam of both AWD and left/up/right at the same time

Fun! I like that all the classes have a different overlapping pool of weapons, in addition to a different starting weapon.

Solid game! The leaderboard is a fun addition. Just wish it didn't count duplicates, cause I feel bad pushing people off trying to get to that final boss kill XD

Cute and funny! A little easy, but I enjoyed it! I like that you incorporated the movement speed into the projectile's trajectory

You don't need FULL speed, but you do need a bit. I found the biggest thing that got me was not waiting long enough (or waiting too long) to jump them. And if you do come back for more rounds, you can get through the game over screen and start your next round just using the space bar. Really helps get those reps in :)

Really amazing game! By far my favorite submission I've played yet! I like the way the difficulty changes between rooms, and the way the enemies are balanced with speed and health. The checkpoint is a nice feature to have. The whole dungeon was really well-designed. The big spiders at room 8 gave me a hard time for a bit, but now room 9 is my struggle. Haven't been past room 10 with the 4 shooters in the courtyard. I'll definitely be back to make more progress though!

Also, the scaling thing was an issue we had to figure out with our project as well - it depends on the browser's zoom level.  We found we had to go into Project > Project Settings... > General > Display > Window, and under Stretch, changed Mode to viewport. We also changed Aspect to keep. If I remember right, that's all we had to do to fix it.

Yeah, I barely did any of the work on this project. It's very much Annikatt's game. She came up with the idea and made it all from scratch, and did a really amazing job with it. We didn't hear about the game jam until the 30th, and I wasn't able to contribute much. I pretty much just offered feedback, did some bug fixes, made the volume slider work, and made the end screens skippable with the space bar to make the replay process faster

Thanks! The snake definitely does the legwork for the game

Thank you!

Really fun! Great aesthetic! The little guy is great, and I love how the lemonade stand breaks down as it gets damaged. Solid game. Now if only I could make thousands of dollars a day with a real life lemonade stand...

Thank you! We WERE originally going to make it specifically about balancing, but we changed gears to focus more on the speed control and dodging. The balance worked its way into the speed control and the way it affects your hitbox though

The game looks great! Love the music and the atmosphere of it

Really enjoyed this! It was a bit too easy, but I really like the mechanic of using your own life as ammunition, as well as the way it's represented visually as the intensity of light. Very creative and cool

Thank you! The ant line is definitely a bit tricky. The trick for them is to speed up the moment you see the first ant, and jump at the last moment. They give a good amount of points

I actually do really like the sword! Especially in the first round or two when your attack speed is still pretty slow. The primary issues with the sword are that it bugs out a bit at higher attack speeds, you get outranged by the numerous ranged enemies pretty hard, and your character gets bogged down by dead enemies that haven't disappeared yet.

I use the sword until I get too bogged down by projectiles, and until my attack damage is high enough that the bow one-shots. Then from there, ramping attack speed on the bow let me get to the 33 minute mark pretty easily, like I said.

Imo, round 1-3 is sword>magic>bow, maybe 3-7 is bow>sword>magic, then beyond a certain point of attack speed, it's bow>magic>sword

Really fun! 10/10 would use machine gun-shotgun-bow again

Played for 33 minutes, only stopped because of hunger and a duty to play other submissions.

Shame the bow's the only really good option, but it's fun how broken it gets with attack speed boosts

Very well executed

Looks great and is fun to play. Well done. Only criticism is that in the very beginning, when you're teaching controls, the move with arrow keys screen only checks for arrow key presses, but you accept WASD movement. For a couple minutes, I was just running around with WASD, assembling my robot, and not having any enemies to destroy, wondering if the game was incomplete, until I tried the arrow keys and the tutorial advanced.

Really neat idea, with a constant role reversal occurring within your health. Would be nice if there was some kind of visual feedback warning you that your health was about to change, or a short invincibility period the moment it happened.

Really cute game!

A+! Great food! Love the shotgun!

Well-executed and fun to play

The WebGL didn't let me put the sticky notes in the fire or the web browser, but the download did work. Neat idea, well executed. Progression/objectives would've been cool, but it does seem like a tricky thing to score well. Fun to play

Unfortunately, the WebGL build isn't working, but I downloaded it because I was excited to try it out. I had considered the deckbuilder as the deck thing, so was happy to see this! You pulled off the deck mechanic really well I think - I wasn't sure how to approach it.

A couple display bugs, and the hero seemed to be occasionally attacking (and maybe being attacked by as well?) dead enemies. But overall really cool and well done.

Could probably remove used problems from the list so they don't get repeated - sometimes you get a lot of repeats randomly. Nicely done otherwise, and I love the art and sounds.

Difficult, but really interesting to have a punishing farming game. Well done